I never boo the kids, its always the coaches fault unless they turn in a piss fuckall effort like Fuller did on the pick 6
But, I hope they do take the fucktards like Dennis a bit personally though and use it to motivate themselves...
The dead sideline, emotionless play, only works for a very tiny percentage of college players... I would feel a lot better if one of the players got caught suplexing Dennis into his own wheelchair behind a 7-11, would atleast show they cared.
Giving a shit about what people are saying about your performance or effort when you lose and then bitching about how people don’t know is a leading indicator to being a Charmin Soft Snowflake ... studies show that to be an 81% truth
Giving a shit about what people are saying about your performance or effort when you lose and then bitching about how people don’t know is a leading indicator to being a Charmin Soft Snowflake ... studies show that to be an 81% truth
Kevin Durant has a gaping sandy vagina and is afuckingmazeballs at basketball.
Giving a shit about what people are saying about your performance or effort when you lose and then bitching about how people don’t know is a leading indicator to being a Charmin Soft Snowflake ... studies show that to be an 81% truth
Kevin Durant has a gaping sandy vagina and is afuckingmazeballs at basketball.
He also traded in a remainder of his career of winning to team up with a known problem child when it comes to championship caliber teams in Kyrie
I never boo the kids, its always the coaches fault unless they turn in a piss fuckall effort like Fuller did on the pick 6
But, I hope they do take the fucktards like Dennis a bit personally though and use it to motivate themselves...
The dead sideline, emotionless play, only works for a very tiny percentage of college players... I would feel a lot better if one of the players got caught suplexing Dennis into his own wheelchair behind a 7-11, would atleast show they cared.
I'm 3 beers and a weed soda in. Create a Twitter account and follow all the players, coaches, and super doogs. Don't forget to follow @daWg78448629
......imagine tweeting at high school kids.
Based on how he mispelled your I suspect that guy posts here