If Eason's dick was an inch longer we would have done it
You should try the Cal avatar again. Didn't you have to use it in 2016?
UW looked the best it ever has in 2016 when I had the script Cal avatar. I changed it after we nuked Cal from orbit to fulfill my year long self imposed penalty.
Im the reason we lost to USC and Bama. The Anton avatar is cursed.
If Eason's dick was an inch longer we would have done it
You should try the Cal avatar again. Didn't you have to use it in 2016?
UW looked the best it ever has in 2016 when I had the script Cal avatar. I changed it after we nuked Cal from orbit to fulfill my year long self imposed penalty.
Im the reason we lost to USC and Bama. The Anton avatar is cursed.
If Eason's dick was an inch longer we would have done it
You should try the Cal avatar again. Didn't you have to use it in 2016?
Only a massive, massive faggot uses an avatar of another team.
Where have you been?? I thought you blew your brains out at some empty lot
For better or for worse....i post to this cesspool every day. What the fuck are you talking about
He's alive! How the hell did you miss at that short range?
Shaky hands. The white claw is a fickle mistress
Have you ever gotten shit faced on just white claw? I did last year at a cabin at Mt Rainier.
Worst hangover of my life but only lasts for 2-3 hours. Like rum but even less water in your body. Somehow I still made it up Eagle Peak - cool view, man
If Eason's dick was an inch longer we would have done it
You should try the Cal avatar again. Didn't you have to use it in 2016?
Only a massive, massive faggot uses an avatar of another team.
Where have you been?? I thought you blew your brains out at some empty lot
For better or for worse....i post to this cesspool every day. What the fuck are you talking about
He's alive! How the hell did you miss at that short range?
Shaky hands. The white claw is a fickle mistress
Have you ever gotten shit faced on just white claw? I did last year at a cabin at Mt Rainier.
Worst hangover of my life but only lasts for 2-3 hours. Like rum but even less water in your body. Somehow I still made it up Eagle Peak - cool view, man
Nope. Also never gotten “shit faced” on coors light.
Turns out I said 10-3
"Loss to Furd, one stupid loss in a game we should win, one really stupid loss where we just shit the bed."
Loss to Furd, check.
One stupid loss in a game we should win (Oregon), check.
One really stupid loss where we just shit the bed (Colorado), check.
Also in the Cal gamethread noted that we were going to lose after the lightning restart although my pregame prediction was a UW win. https://hardcorehusky.com/discussion/62583/official-washington-cal-game-thread/p27
So maybe preseason I missed the Utah game. You didn't even predict on the embarrass yourself thread. Fuck you
Revisionist history maybe but I am HURT to be included with the doogs
You can't get this kind of chinside info anywhere else folks!
Im the reason we lost to USC and Bama. The Anton avatar is cursed.
Worst hangover of my life but only lasts for 2-3 hours. Like rum but even less water in your body. Somehow I still made it up Eagle Peak - cool view, man
I remember my wine cooler phase.