what the fuck kind of playcall is that? Stupid idiots. Just line up the jumbo and run it up the gut if you're going to play pleasant. why expose your QB to hits like that?
this is actually what i thought we'd have based on the end of last season. i have been disappointed Ulofoshio didn't put in beyond special teams before today.
I’m assuming he Has terrible hands and looks somewhat retarded in coverage. That’s the only explanation. We know he can run and hit. That’s an upgrade over at least Manu and Sirmon. They don’t do either of those things.
p.s. games not over but im doogin
Panic calling the speed option is worse than wildcat without gaskin/newton
What the fuck is wrong with these coaches?
Only healthy RB is Pleasant, and Bush straight up panicked and went full retard instead of just letting Eason rip it for the 1st.