Pretty amazing the difference between rat candidates and Trump or any Republican. The NYT sat on the evidence that Fauxcohauntus lied about her teaching career. Of course the lying rag had to come out with it once the Washington Free Beacon printed the truth.
You libs and your media. There isn't an honest one among you.
As for Fauxcohauntus, another day, another lie. You libs want to be victims so bad you make shit up and then ignore it when you are exposed as the liars you are. New York Times Reporter Sat On Public Records Challenging Warren’s Pregnancy-Discrimination Claim
A reporter who now works for the New York Times failed to report on public records, which he obtained in April, that cut against Senator Elizabeth Warren’s (D., Mass.) claim that she was fired from a teaching position in 1971 due to pregnancy discrimination.
Earlier this month, the Washington Free Beacon obtained the aforementioned school-board minutes showing that the Riverdale Board of Education had approved a second-year teaching contract for a young Elizabeth Warren in April 1971. Rather than accepting the board’s offer of continued employment, Warren chose to tender her resignation, which was “accepted with regret,” according to minutes from a school-board meeting held two months after the offer was extended.
And she cares about me
Fascism? You need a good dictionary, Atl.
But right now lets talk about how similar our fascist media is to Nazi propaganda. Only one perspective and that is whatever the fascist side (rats) wants it to be. Your side is literally acting just like fascists.
For a lawyer such as yourself to sit back and admire the corruption of your own legislators, well that's pretty fascists too.