I can't verify everything in this piece but if it is all true, and you idiots try to maintain that no one can cross examine him even though everyone already knows who he is? You libs and your lying leaders are going down in flames. The Republicans will pick you apart because this is clearly a scam and this information about this asshat will be your undoing.
Everyone already knows this idiot is the whistleblower so when you deny cross examination even the middle of the road rats will see the light.
Like the Russia lie, you libs have fucked this lie up too. Great job!
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/10/must-read-the-complete-list-of-dnc-whistleblower-eric-ciaramellas-conflicts-of-interests-will-shock-you/* Ciaramella coordinated and took guidance from Adam Schiff’s staff and Schiff lied about it.
** Schiff’s staff recommended attorneys for the so called “whistleblower.”
** Ciaramella was kicked out of the White House for leaking negative stories about Donald Trump in 2017.
** Trump-hater Ciaramella was behind the fake story that Putin told Trump to fire Comey — a COMPLETE FAKE NEWS STORY from 2017!
** Ciaramella’s attorneys worked for James Clapper, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, and donated to Joe Biden.
** The attorneys for Ciaramella is a member of the #Resistance.
** Ciaramella worked with Joe Biden in the executive branch when he was Vice President.
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** Ciaramella traveled with Joe Biden to the Ukraine.
** Ciaramella worked with DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa in the creation of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.
** A former associate of James Clapper, Charles McCullough, assisted Ciaramella with his complaint against Trump.
* And Adam Schiff’s aides, Abigail Grace and Sean Misko worked with Ciaramella in the White House.
Abigail Grace, who worked at the NSC until 2018, was hired by Schiff in February.
Sean Misko, an NSC aide until 2017, joined Schiff’s committee staff in August, the same month the whistleblower submitted his complaint.
And Schiff kept this a secret from Republicans while he was working with Eric Ciaramella before he filed his complaint in August.
The same conservative groups who came together to file an ethics complaint against Nancy Pelosi should do one against the two former NSA staffers who are now working for Rep. Adam Schiff in his office on the sham impeachment hearings.
Abigail Grace and Sean Misko are alleged to have coordinated with Eric Ciamarella to manipulate the rules on here-say and help create the fraudulent whistleblower complaint.
Eric Ciamarella is also alleged to be the conduit to leak the phone call information from whistleblower Number 2 Alexander Vindman who testified in the secret basement star chamber on Tuesday.
So you really think teachers across the country are primarily liberal? You do realize that their demographic is probably pretty close to the same as the general population, right?
So you really think teachers across the country are primarily liberal? You do realize that their demographic is probably pretty close to the same as the general population, right?