The Intelligence Community Inspector General deemed the whistleblower complaint urgent and credible.
Meanwhile, trumptards wait breathlessly for the DOJ IG report on “deep state spying” because that’s going to blow the lid on “spygate.”
Trumptards are the dumbest people on the planet and it’s not even close.
You need to catch up...SchifforBrains is now preaching how they have moved on to other things and the whistleblower isn't important and doesn't even need to testify because...well...the actual transcript contradicts his claims.
Keep lying to yourself CirrhosisoftheBrain...
So Schiff is moving forward on an investigation and inquiry that started with an urgent and credible IG report. Just own it.
Apparently, ChirrosisofBrain, ShifforBrains and @CD's prize heifer are a throuple.
How else can you explain all of the Chubby Chaser's inside knowledge?
The Intelligence Community Inspector General deemed the whistleblower complaint urgent and credible.
Meanwhile, trumptards wait breathlessly for the DOJ IG report on “deep state spying” because that’s going to blow the lid on “spygate.”
Trumptards are the dumbest people on the planet and it’s not even close.
You need to catch up...SchifforBrains is now preaching how they have moved on to other things and the whistleblower isn't important and doesn't even need to testify because...well...the actual transcript contradicts his claims.
Keep lying to yourself CirrhosisoftheBrain...
So Schiff is moving forward on an investigation and inquiry that started with an urgent and credible IG report. Just own it.
Not urgent, not credible.
The IC IG said it was. Are you excited about the DOJ IG report? Is Comey going to gitmo? Any day now?
The HondoFSBros forget that the IC IG didn’t investigate any of it and changed their rules just to find a reason to forward it on to the DOJ...who actually did investigate it and found it to be worthless.
They are dumb like that...but they do have a bug-eyed SchifforBrains as an idol so you have to give them some slack.
The Intelligence Community Inspector General deemed the whistleblower complaint urgent and credible.
Meanwhile, trumptards wait breathlessly for the DOJ IG report on “deep state spying” because that’s going to blow the lid on “spygate.”
Trumptards are the dumbest people on the planet and it’s not even close.
You need to catch up...SchifforBrains is now preaching how they have moved on to other things and the whistleblower isn't important and doesn't even need to testify because...well...the actual transcript contradicts his claims.
Keep lying to yourself CirrhosisoftheBrain...
So Schiff is moving forward on an investigation and inquiry that started with an urgent and credible IG report. Just own it.
Not urgent, not credible.
The IC IG said it was. Are you excited about the DOJ IG report? Is Comey going to gitmo? Any day now?
The HondoFSBros forget that the IC IG didn’t investigate any of it and changed their rules just to find a reason to forward it on to the DOJ...who actually did investigate it and found it to be worthless.
They are dumb like that...but they do have a bug-eyed SchifforBrains as an idol so you have to give them some slack.
The IG didn’t investigate any of it but reported it to Congress as urgent and credible after following statutory requirements? Sounds legit. Can’t wait for the DOJ IG report! I’m hearing Comey is going to gitmo when that happens.
The Intelligence Community Inspector General deemed the whistleblower complaint urgent and credible.
Meanwhile, trumptards wait breathlessly for the DOJ IG report on “deep state spying” because that’s going to blow the lid on “spygate.”
Trumptards are the dumbest people on the planet and it’s not even close.
You need to catch up...SchifforBrains is now preaching how they have moved on to other things and the whistleblower isn't important and doesn't even need to testify because...well...the actual transcript contradicts his claims.
Keep lying to yourself CirrhosisoftheBrain...
So Schiff is moving forward on an investigation and inquiry that started with an urgent and credible IG report. Just own it.
Not urgent, not credible.
The IC IG said it was. Are you excited about the DOJ IG report? Is Comey going to gitmo? Any day now?
The HondoFSBros forget that the IC IG didn’t investigate any of it and changed their rules just to find a reason to forward it on to the DOJ...who actually did investigate it and found it to be worthless.
They are dumb like that...but they do have a bug-eyed SchifforBrains as an idol so you have to give them some slack.
The IG didn’t investigate any of it but reported it to Congress as urgent and credible after following statutory requirements? Sounds legit. Can’t wait for the DOJ IG report! I’m hearing Comey is going to gitmo when that happens.
The IC IG broke its rules to forward it on to the DOJ, who investigated it and found it worthless. Congress only heard about it because Schiff helped write it (remember...the whistleblower lied about who he contacted when he filed it). The IC IG didn’t tell Congress, and the DOJ didn’t because they found it worthless.
It’s very entertaining watching Trumptards wallow in the ether of conspiracy, inaccuracy and illogic in a failing effort to impugn the impeachment of trump that they say they support, while they wait for the deep state to send Comey and Brennan to gitmo.
It’s very entertaining watching Trumptards wallow in the ether of conspiracy, inaccuracy and illogic in a failing effort to impugn the impeachment of trump that they say they support, while they wait for the deep state to send Comey and Brennan to gitmo.
Enjoy trump’s impeachment!
It's really much more fun to watch you 'tards latch on to every single sham like a pit bull only to find out you're gay poodles.
It’s very entertaining watching Trumptards wallow in the ether of conspiracy, inaccuracy and illogic in a failing effort to impugn the impeachment of trump that they say they support, while they wait for the deep state to send Comey and Brennan to gitmo.
How else can you explain all of the Chubby Chaser's inside knowledge?
They are dumb like that...but they do have a bug-eyed SchifforBrains as an idol so you have to give them some slack.
Keep lying.
The Democrats really suck at this
Kind of puts into perspective the kind of morons who make government a career
Enjoy trump’s impeachment!