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Dead Baghdadi released by Obummer

SledogSledog Member Posts: 31,640
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Obunghole released this asshole. Returned him to kill more people. I used the Gateway Pundit link just to trigger The Bros.

I sure would like a copy of the phone call from Obingo concerning the trade deal for the deserter and the Iran money scam. If Trump has to supply all of his Obunhole admin can pony up as well.


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    WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 14,374
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    Just like Clinton failed to take out OBL. Throw in that barry was dragged kicking and screaming to approve Operation Tough Call to take out OBL. Barry and his administration dicked around in 2015 and failed to rescue Mueller. And that is how you get Trump. If you recall that the Washington Post headline said that Baghdadi was an “austere religious scholar”.
    The family of slain aid worker and ISIS prisoner Kayla Mueller on Sunday praised President Trump and the commandos who pulled off the daring raid that killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi -- but also delivered a stinging rebuke regarding President Obama's handling of Mueller's capture.
    Mueller, 26, was a humanitarian worker from Prescott, Ariz., who was captured while leaving a hospital in Aleppo, Syria, during that nation's bloody civil war in 2013. She is believed to have been tortured and raped by al-Baghdadi himself until her death 18 months later.
    The mission that killed al-Baghdadi in his Idlib hideout this weekend was named after Mueller, National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien said Sunday morning on "Meet The Press."
    “One of the things that Gen. [Mark] Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, did was named the operation that took down al-Baghdadi after Kayla Mueller, after what she had suffered,” O'Brien said. "And that was something that people should know. But justice was brought to those Americans who were so brutally killed, as were others, as the president pointed out."
    Marsha Mueller, the woman's mother, praised President Trump and the Special Operations commandos who raided the compound and told the Arizona Republic that she believes if “Obama had been as decisive as Trump” her daughter may still be alive.
    Kayla Mueller's parents said on Sunday that they hope the ISIS leader's death will reveal more answers about what happened to their daughter. Even though they confirmed her death through pictures sent by militants, their daughter's body was never recovered.
    "She was held in many prisons," Carl Mueller, her father, told the Republic on Sunday.  "She was held in solitary confinement. She was tortured.  She was intimidated. She was ultimately raped by al-Baghdadi himself.”
    "She was held in solitary confinement. She was tortured.  She was intimidated. She was ultimately raped by al-Baghdadi himself."
    — Carl Mueller, Kayla's father
    The Obama administration was criticized over a reported 2015 rescue mission that targeted four prisoners held at a makeshift ISIS prison.
    By the time U.S. commandos stormed the compound, the hostages were already gone. Some relatives and people who worked on the raid blamed the White House for not acting swiftly enough on giving the mission a green light.
    Specific intelligence had emerged in late May providing officials with the hostages' likely location -- including a building, sources told Fox News at the time. The intelligence was described as being '"strong," "specific" and "perishable," but the White House did not sign off on the rescue mission until much later, and it ultimately was launched July 4.
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    RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 102,567
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    Swaye's Wigwam
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    SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,922
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    Quid pro quo?

    There was definitely a quid pro quo with Bergdahl.
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    WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 14,374
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    Well it was in our national interest to release Taliban killers for a US traitor. Trying to find out about admitted US corruption in the Ukraine and the 2016 election is just shameful self-interest.
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    SledogSledog Member Posts: 31,640
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    SFGbob said:

    Quid pro quo?

    There was definitely a quid pro quo with Bergdahl.
    Illegal. We don't negotiate with terrorists. Send Berry forgot to consult the big woods in the house and Senate as well. Why do they scream now?
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