spent three hours listening to Sanders, AOC, Tiffany Caban, and other Democratic Party politicians. There was no lack of progressive demands: Medicare for All, the cancellation of student debt, or higher taxes on the rich. Sanders has evolved since 2016, and made clear that wealth inequality does not affect everyone equally: Black and Brown workers are far more exploited than white workers are.
However, in three hours there was not a single word about a movement of working people fighting for their own interests. Just to make sure, the rally’s organizers had prohibited all but the official signs from being taken inside. Socialists who wanted to organize around the Sanders campaign were forced to stand outside. People cheered at certain demands, but since there was nothing more for us to do, thousands of people left before the end.
Every once in a while, my ears perked up. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said: “We need a mass mobilization of working-class people.” But then she quickly added: “… at the ballot box!” And this kept happening! “We need a working-class revolution … at the polls!” These “democratic socialists” of the Democratic Party want to sound radical, but in the end, the only thing they encouraged these 20,000 New Yorkers to do was vote for a capitalist party.
It is such an exciting time to be a socialist. But this rally appeared to take place in a parallel universe where there are no politics outside of voting for progressives. There was no mention of the ongoing strikes at GM or in Chicago. There was no mention of the mass mobilizations that forced the government to retreat in Ecuador. No mention of the mass protests shaking Chile that very minute. Speakers did mention Trump’s racist and colonial treatment of Puerto Rico—but they avoided talk of the 12 days of protests that toppled a corrupt governor.
Look, I'm a reasonable guy. She provided the cover for team hondo to rush in and say IT WAS AT THE BALLOT BOX. Much to the chagrin of the REAL socialists I might add.
Ok fine, she is dumb enough to think a working class revolution doesn't require violence and blood shed on a massive scale just like everyone there has ever been ever. But the socialists know it isn't done at the ballot box it is done at the point of a gun
I just figured that since all the panties were in a bunch over civil war nonsense I would hold the hero of team hondo to the same standard
Every definition of civil war doesn't mean its 1861 all over again either.
So there you go