Imagine worshipping any politician the way you knuckleheads worship Trump.
Imagine thinking I worship trump or any politician.
Of course you worship Trump, just like everyone here supported Trump when he tweeted about Red Flag laws. Hondo is such a fucking lightweight he has to come up with this bullshit just to give himself something to say.
Why is she advocating that Facebook fact check political Ads? And you liberal idiots support that? Do you even consider how ripe that would be for abuse?
I can't believe that anyone can watch that and conclude that AOC comes off looking good. She comes off a screechy bitch who is demanding that a private company police the accuracy of political Ads. It's not Facebook's job to declare a political Ad true or false, that's the job of the political opposition not a business.
I thought that was rather embarrassing.
Imagine worshiping her
Come see APAG struggle in every thread.
Who am I to judge one’s fetishes?!?
A sad day for an open and free society.