No. This has always been mostly sizzle. Get good players. Don’t play Baccallia and Manu. We had more than enough talent to win those games and blaming the players is stupid. We need Pete to be a different kind of coach.
I agree. Pete needs to change his ways. Too bad he won't. Never has and never will. I wish he would. But odds are he will not. UW will never win a Natty under Petersen.
There’s truth in having diversity on the roster ... but that diversity isn’t what most talk about
The diversity is in the form of different backgrounds and aspirations, guys that are strong alphas, guys that bring people into the fight.
One of my biggest complaint when I look at the program right now is who on the roster right now is a vocal leader holding people accountable? Who is getting in someone’s face demanding better? Who hates losing more than they like winning?
That’s the kind of diversity that is missing in this program
There’s truth in having diversity on the roster ... but that diversity isn’t what most talk about
The diversity is in the form of different backgrounds and aspirations, guys that are strong alphas, guys that bring people into the fight.
One of my biggest complaint when I look at the program right now is who on the roster right now is a vocal leader holding people accountable? Who is getting in someone’s face demanding better? Who hates losing more than they like winning?
That’s the kind of diversity that is missing in this program
my fear is we have them but they're not allowed to be.
There’s truth in having diversity on the roster ... but that diversity isn’t what most talk about
The diversity is in the form of different backgrounds and aspirations, guys that are strong alphas, guys that bring people into the fight.
One of my biggest complaint when I look at the program right now is who on the roster right now is a vocal leader holding people accountable? Who is getting in someone’s face demanding better? Who hates losing more than they like winning?
That’s the kind of diversity that is missing in this program
Pete don’t like that kind of diversity. He prefers the docile lil fuckers that do not have the ballz to challenge pete to be a better coach.
There’s truth in having diversity on the roster ... but that diversity isn’t what most talk about
The diversity is in the form of different backgrounds and aspirations, guys that are strong alphas, guys that bring people into the fight.
One of my biggest complaint when I look at the program right now is who on the roster right now is a vocal leader holding people accountable? Who is getting in someone’s face demanding better? Who hates losing more than they like winning?
That’s the kind of diversity that is missing in this program
my fear is we have them but they're not allowed to be.
War Daddies are War Daddies. Nobody "let's" them do anything. They fucking do it. Lawyer Malloy would have been Lawyer Malloy playing for Pete. You don't have to be a complete fucking derelict to be a War Daddy. You just need to do on the field.
The leader stuff is only said because we lose. Nick Harris on offense. Myles Bryant on defense.
We don’t have a Tebow or Tui, but most programs don’t have a “vocal leader” that fans could come up with off the top of their head.
I liked Trey calling Eason out for being a pussy until halftime at Arizona.
Petersen doesn't seem to kill the passion in kids, he might be guilty of not targeting them in general, but this year I think we can definitively conclude he kills morale with his intractable seniority fetish.
The leader stuff is only said because we lose. Nick Harris on offense. Myles Bryant on defense.
We don’t have a Tebow or Tui, but most programs don’t have a “vocal leader” that fans could come up with off the top of their head.
I liked Trey calling Eason out for being a pussy until halftime at Arizona.
Petersen doesn't seem to kill the passion in kids, he might be guilty of not targeting them in general, but this year I think we can definitively conclude he kills morale with his intractable seniority fetish.
Yeah, I think he equates brash and loud guys to not being a fit. I don’t really care tho. Pete has only himself to blame for the losses this year. Coaching decisions played a huge role in two of the losses. We have a lot more talent than Stanford too. Stanford sucks.
The leader stuff is only said because we lose. Nick Harris on offense. Myles Bryant on defense.
We don’t have a Tebow or Tui, but most programs don’t have a “vocal leader” that fans could come up with off the top of their head.
I liked Trey calling Eason out for being a pussy until halftime at Arizona.
Petersen doesn't seem to kill the passion in kids, he might be guilty of not targeting them in general, but this year I think we can definitively conclude he kills morale with his intractable seniority fetish.
Yeah, I think he equates brash and loud guys to not being a fit. I don’t really care tho. Pete has only himself to blame for the losses this year. Coaching decisions played a huge role in two of the losses. We have a lot more talent than Stanford too. Stanford sucks.
This team could use a Gee Jr. This team did not recruit Gee Jr.
Uncle Race happened to sneak into the practice, we talking about practice, where Stan Emptermann picked up a bench by one end and slammed it into the ground and cussed out the team and told them to get their heads out of their ass
Any coach will tell you that is so much more effective than a coach doing it
Uncle Race happened to sneak into the practice, we talking about practice, where Stan Emptermann picked up a bench by one end and slammed it into the ground and cussed out the team and told them to get their heads out of their ass
Any coach will tell you that is so much more effective than a coach doing it
And also far more effective if your best players are doing that
That was my point with Harris and Bryant ... good players but athletically limited
Uncle Race happened to sneak into the practice, we talking about practice, where Stan Emptermann picked up a bench by one end and slammed it into the ground and cussed out the team and told them to get their heads out of their ass
Any coach will tell you that is so much more effective than a coach doing it
And also far more effective if your best players are doing that
That was my point with Harris and Bryant ... good players but athletically limited
Bryant is the best player on defense. Levi is the only one even close. Maybe Molden too, but Bryant is better.
Every loss this year is on Petersen. And every loss the year before. And before that. Sark was so shitty the team was fucked before the season started. The worst thing about Pete is that we do everything right except what actually matters. It’s like finally getting in bed with a hot chick and then putting your boner into the wall.
The leader stuff is only said because we lose. Nick Harris on offense. Myles Bryant on defense.
We don’t have a Tebow or Tui, but most programs don’t have a “vocal leader” that fans could come up with off the top of their head.
If Nick Harris and Myles Bryant are your leaders, then you aren’t going to be good enough
Not their fault Manu starts at ILB and we have nobody else. Not their fault Baccallia played almost every snap for most the season. Not their fault for the FS coaching decisions. They’ve done their part. Both are all conference players.
The leader of Death Row was probably Bierria. He was far from being the most talented guy on those defenses and probably was in the lower half.
The diversity is in the form of different backgrounds and aspirations, guys that are strong alphas, guys that bring people into the fight.
One of my biggest complaint when I look at the program right now is who on the roster right now is a vocal leader holding people accountable? Who is getting in someone’s face demanding better? Who hates losing more than they like winning?
That’s the kind of diversity that is missing in this program
Fuckers are so flat
We don’t have a Tebow or Tui, but most programs don’t have a “vocal leader” that fans could come up with off the top of their head.
Petersen doesn't seem to kill the passion in kids, he might be guilty of not targeting them in general, but this year I think we can definitively conclude he kills morale with his intractable seniority fetish.
Any coach will tell you that is so much more effective than a coach doing it
That was my point with Harris and Bryant ... good players but athletically limited
The leader of Death Row was probably Bierria. He was far from being the most talented guy on those defenses and probably was in the lower half.
Remember when we were pissed in 2017 and 2018? Same shit as 2019.