Hondo either didn't read what he linked or doesn't understand it. Even Slate concedes the report will likely be highly critical of the actions taken by FBI. As I recall, both you and IC claimed the entire FISA court claim was a conspiracy theory and a hoax.
Hondo with the lame attempt to get out in front of bad news
Obama and Hillary are going to jail any day now. That's what I've been told and what I'm expecting. I'm just telling you what you already know.
Seriously, Hondo needs a boot right to his Kunt. Hondo what happened to your claim that the entire FISA court abuse charge was a conspiracy theory.
Hillary and Obama are going to jail.
the fisa courts have been very obviously and egregiously abused and it should be extremely disturbing to all americans you are correct that no one will ever face any repercussions and we will simply live in a worse country for the rest of time congratulations on your victory
More real than idiots talking about daddy confessing
you are correct that no one will ever face any repercussions and we will simply live in a worse country for the rest of time
congratulations on your victory