Cop was just trying to avoid an obvious lynch mob brewing there.
I was raised NEVER to hit a woman under ANY circumstances btw, but I’m not taking chances in Florida while surrounded by thousands of white latinos. Gotta stand your ground.
Male, female, race, whatever, there was a severe imbalance of power there. We're talking four or five security guards and one drunk woman. She flailed, barely touched someone, and got knocked out cold in response. The five of them couldn't have restrained her?
Five grown adults walking out of a jungle gym with a five year old kid struggling to get away. Five year old kid flails and hits one of the adults in the face. Adult cold-cocks the kid and knocks him unconscious. I hope that adult does time. Where do you draw the line?
I take nicks and bruises all the time in my job, and I manage to not knock anybody out in response. I recently even got a mild case of carpal tunnel from Minesweeper! It's what I'm paid to do, so I don't complain. Cops and security jobs are paid to deal with that shit. Stop being a pussy, be professional, take a little abuse, and do your job. The legal system would have sorted that drunk woman out appropriately. Not saying she was in the right, but two wrongs don't make a...
I got full-blown punched straight in the dick twice in the same day by my son a month or two ago, yet he's still never been knocked unconscious. Because I'm not a pussy. Fuckin' do your job, take a few weak-ass slaps if you have to in the process, and escort drunk people safely to the cops for processing and sentencing. It's what security like that are paid to do. I've never in my life been mad enough that I've felt compelled to assault somebody dramatically weaker than me (small women, children younger than 10, and quadriplegics).
Cop was just trying to avoid an obvious lynch mob brewing there.
I was raised NEVER to hit a woman under ANY circumstances btw, but I’m not taking chances in Florida while surrounded by thousands of white latinos. Gotta stand your ground.
Cop was just trying to avoid an obvious lynch mob brewing there.
I was raised NEVER to hit a woman under ANY circumstances btw, but I’m not taking chances in Florida while surrounded by thousands of white latinos. Gotta stand your ground.
Cop was just trying to avoid an obvious lynch mob brewing there.
I was raised NEVER to hit a woman under ANY circumstances btw, but I’m not taking chances in Florida while surrounded by thousands of white latinos. Gotta stand your ground.
Cop was just trying to avoid an obvious lynch mob brewing there.
I was raised NEVER to hit a woman under ANY circumstances btw, but I’m not taking chances in Florida while surrounded by thousands of white latinos. Gotta stand your ground.
Male, female, race, whatever, there was a severe imbalance of power there. We're talking four or five security guards and one drunk woman. She flailed, barely touched someone, and got knocked out cold in response. The five of them couldn't have restrained her?
Five grown adults walking out of a jungle gym with a five year old kid struggling to get away. Five year old kid flails and hits one of the adults in the face. Adult cold-cocks the kid and knocks him unconscious. I hope that adult does time. Where do you draw the line?
I take nicks and bruises all the time in my job, and I manage to not knock anybody out in response. I recently even got a mild case of carpal tunnel from Minesweeper! It's what I'm paid to do, so I don't complain. Cops and security jobs are paid to deal with that shit. Stop being a pussy, be professional, take a little abuse, and do your job. The legal system would have sorted that drunk woman out appropriately. Not saying she was in the right, but two wrongs don't make a...
I got full-blown punched straight in the dick twice in the same day by my son a month or two ago, yet he's still never been knocked unconscious. Because I'm not a pussy. Fuckin' do your job, take a few weak-ass slaps if you have to in the process, and escort drunk people safely to the cops for processing and sentencing. It's what security like that are paid to do. I've never in my life been mad enough that I've felt compelled to assault somebody dramatically weaker than me (small women, children younger than 10, and quadriplegics).
It was fucked up. Totally unnecessary. A lot of cops are punks.
Male, female, race, whatever, there was a severe imbalance of power there. We're talking four or five security guards and one drunk woman. She flailed, barely touched someone, and got knocked out cold in response. The five of them couldn't have restrained her?
Five grown adults walking out of a jungle gym with a five year old kid struggling to get away. Five year old kid flails and hits one of the adults in the face. Adult cold-cocks the kid and knocks him unconscious. I hope that adult does time. Where do you draw the line?
I take nicks and bruises all the time in my job, and I manage to not knock anybody out in response. I recently even got a mild case of carpal tunnel from Minesweeper! It's what I'm paid to do, so I don't complain. Cops and security jobs are paid to deal with that shit. Stop being a pussy, be professional, take a little abuse, and do your job. The legal system would have sorted that drunk woman out appropriately. Not saying she was in the right, but two wrongs don't make a...
I got full-blown punched straight in the dick twice in the same day by my son a month or two ago, yet he's still never been knocked unconscious. Because I'm not a pussy. Fuckin' do your job, take a few weak-ass slaps if you have to in the process, and escort drunk people safely to the cops for processing and sentencing. It's what security like that are paid to do. I've never in my life been mad enough that I've felt compelled to assault somebody dramatically weaker than me (small women, children younger than 10, and quadriplegics).
It was fucked up. Totally unnecessary. A lot of cops are punks.
What bothers me is the need for some to say, "Fuck her, I'd have hit her too!" thinking that makes them look tough. Newsflash: Take on somebody when you're smaller and outnumbered, and you look tough. Knock a severely weaker person unconscious after a provocation you should have been tough enough to shrug off and when you outnumber them four to one and have zero fear for your safety, and you're an insecure bitch. It has nothing to do with gender.
Cop was just trying to avoid an obvious lynch mob brewing there.
I was raised NEVER to hit a woman under ANY circumstances btw, but I’m not taking chances in Florida while surrounded by thousands of white latinos. Gotta stand your ground.
Because of my life choices in a former life my run in’s with the Johny law were never enjoyable and created a slight dislike, one could even say I sided with NWA.
With that said you all know my stance on fat women so the bacon gets my vote.
Man, I bet that felt good.
Yes, I know I should probably take it to the tug... fucko.
Male, female, race, whatever, there was a severe imbalance of power there. We're talking four or five security guards and one drunk woman. She flailed, barely touched someone, and got knocked out cold in response. The five of them couldn't have restrained her?
Five grown adults walking out of a jungle gym with a five year old kid struggling to get away. Five year old kid flails and hits one of the adults in the face. Adult cold-cocks the kid and knocks him unconscious. I hope that adult does time. Where do you draw the line?
I take nicks and bruises all the time in my job, and I manage to not knock anybody out in response. I recently even got a mild case of carpal tunnel from Minesweeper! It's what I'm paid to do, so I don't complain. Cops and security jobs are paid to deal with that shit. Stop being a pussy, be professional, take a little abuse, and do your job. The legal system would have sorted that drunk woman out appropriately. Not saying she was in the right, but two wrongs don't make a...
I got full-blown punched straight in the dick twice in the same day by my son a month or two ago, yet he's still never been knocked unconscious. Because I'm not a pussy. Fuckin' do your job, take a few weak-ass slaps if you have to in the process, and escort drunk people safely to the cops for processing and sentencing. It's what security like that are paid to do. I've never in my life been mad enough that I've felt compelled to assault somebody dramatically weaker than me (small women, children younger than 10, and quadriplegics).
I hope this is a whoosh.
If not, ... my view is if you hit a cop and you're over 4 ft. tall you get a swat back. I'm not known here as a blind supporter of the police, but a cop in Miami is dealing with shit routinely that probably exceeds your nicks and bruises.
Can't take no shit. When the bitch get an attitude, you drop it like it's hot. You drop it likes it hot.
Male, female, race, whatever, there was a severe imbalance of power there. We're talking four or five security guards and one drunk woman. She flailed, barely touched someone, and got knocked out cold in response. The five of them couldn't have restrained her?
Five grown adults walking out of a jungle gym with a five year old kid struggling to get away. Five year old kid flails and hits one of the adults in the face. Adult cold-cocks the kid and knocks him unconscious. I hope that adult does time. Where do you draw the line?
I take nicks and bruises all the time in my job, and I manage to not knock anybody out in response. I recently even got a mild case of carpal tunnel from Minesweeper! It's what I'm paid to do, so I don't complain. Cops and security jobs are paid to deal with that shit. Stop being a pussy, be professional, take a little abuse, and do your job. The legal system would have sorted that drunk woman out appropriately. Not saying she was in the right, but two wrongs don't make a...
I got full-blown punched straight in the dick twice in the same day by my son a month or two ago, yet he's still never been knocked unconscious. Because I'm not a pussy. Fuckin' do your job, take a few weak-ass slaps if you have to in the process, and escort drunk people safely to the cops for processing and sentencing. It's what security like that are paid to do. I've never in my life been mad enough that I've felt compelled to assault somebody dramatically weaker than me (small women, children younger than 10, and quadriplegics).
It was fucked up. Totally unnecessary. A lot of cops are punks.
Such fag,
...charges against her dropped Monday — on the condition that she write a letter of apology to the officer who punched her.
Five grown adults walking out of a jungle gym with a five year old kid struggling to get away. Five year old kid flails and hits one of the adults in the face. Adult cold-cocks the kid and knocks him unconscious. I hope that adult does time. Where do you draw the line?
I take nicks and bruises all the time in my job, and I manage to not knock anybody out in response. I recently even got a mild case of carpal tunnel from Minesweeper! It's what I'm paid to do, so I don't complain. Cops and security jobs are paid to deal with that shit. Stop being a pussy, be professional, take a little abuse, and do your job. The legal system would have sorted that drunk woman out appropriately. Not saying she was in the right, but two wrongs don't make a...
I got full-blown punched straight in the dick twice in the same day by my son a month or two ago, yet he's still never been knocked unconscious. Because I'm not a pussy. Fuckin' do your job, take a few weak-ass slaps if you have to in the process, and escort drunk people safely to the cops for processing and sentencing. It's what security like that are paid to do. I've never in my life been mad enough that I've felt compelled to assault somebody dramatically weaker than me (small women, children younger than 10, and quadriplegics).
It's a message board
I do know if a bitch punched @SpiritHorse it would be on.
With that said you all know my stance on fat women so the bacon gets my vote.
Man, I bet that felt good.
Yes, I know I should probably take it to the tug... fucko.
If not, ... my view is if you hit a cop and you're over 4 ft. tall you get a swat back. I'm not known here as a blind supporter of the police, but a cop in Miami is dealing with shit routinely that probably exceeds your nicks and bruises.
Can't take no shit. When the bitch get an attitude, you drop it like it's hot. You drop it likes it hot.
Pretty soon, you and me gonna be homies.