I blame the Trump tax cuts and the deregulation. What is the dem answer? Tax the rich, feed the poor until there are no rich no more. https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/10/income-gap-growth-obama-trump-administations-economy-politics/ The latest Census Bureau Current Population Survey data now show that middle-class incomes, after adjusting for inflation, have surged by $5,003 since Donald Trump became president in January 2017. Median household income has now reached $65,976 – an all-time high and up more than 8 percent in 2019 dollars under the Trump presidency. The 8.2 percent hike in middle-class wages during Trump’s roughly two-and-a-half years in the White House leaves his predecessors gasping in the dust. As Moore wrote in the September 29 Wall Street Journal, during “7½ years under President Obama — starting from the end of the recession in June 2009 through January 2017 — the median household income rose by only about $1,000.” That precise figure is $1,043, or a mere 1.7 percent. This metric’s performance was downright self-humiliating under uber-RINO G. W. Bush. Across all eight years of his “compassionate conservatism,” median households saw their winnings creep up a paltry $401, or 0.7 percent. “This means that in the 16 years before the Trump presidency, incomes rose by about $1,500 while in less than three years, middle incomes have risen three times faster,” Moore writes. Indeed, in a bit more than half of his term, Trump’s $5,003 mountain of growth in median household income is 346 percent higher than Bush-Obama’s $1,444 molehill of marginal middle-class earnings.