Did you notice there is no one making George W. Bush "defend" sitting next to Ellen DeGeneres?
She didn't order a stupid invasion of Iraq that led to ISIS and a mass of dead and crippled Americans.
Also, you think anybody that isn't a far right lunatic fringe working class high school educated only white guy who loves an idiotic president with no ethics a leftist. It's a spectrum, you know. Most Americans are moderates in the center.
Did you notice there is no one making George W. Bush "defend" sitting next to Ellen DeGeneres?
She didn't order a stupid invasion of Iraq that led to ISIS and a mass of dead and crippled Americans.
Also, you think anybody that isn't a far right lunatic fringe working class high school educated only white guy who loves an idiotic president with no ethics a leftist. It's a spectrum, you know. Most Americans are moderates in the center.
Did you notice there is no one making George W. Bush "defend" sitting next to Ellen DeGeneres?
She didn't order a stupid invasion of Iraq that led to ISIS and a mass of dead and crippled Americans.
Also, you think anybody that isn't a far right lunatic fringe working class high school educated only white guy who loves an idiotic president with no ethics a leftist. It's a spectrum, you know. Most Americans are moderates in the center.
Did you notice there is no one making George W. Bush "defend" sitting next to Ellen DeGeneres?
She didn't order a stupid invasion of Iraq that led to ISIS and a mass of dead and crippled Americans.
Also, you think anybody that isn't a far right lunatic fringe working class high school educated only white guy who loves an idiotic president with no ethics a leftist. It's a spectrum, you know. Most Americans are moderates in the center.
Adam Schiff says "HI!". And he'll get right on the investigation right away.
Did you notice there is no one making George W. Bush "defend" sitting next to Ellen DeGeneres?
She didn't order a stupid invasion of Iraq that led to ISIS and a mass of dead and crippled Americans.
Also, you think anybody that isn't a far right lunatic fringe working class high school educated only white guy who loves an idiotic president with no ethics a leftist. It's a spectrum, you know. Most Americans are moderates in the center.
You supported the Iraq war that killed who the fuck knows how many and was the first domino to fall in the creation of ISIS and now you support the withdrawal of US troops that will kill scores more and could reenergize ISIS... so at least you’re consistent.
High five, brotha!
And virtually everyone you voted for over the last 25 years supported war as well. They also claimed that Iraq had WMD's.
Did you notice there is no one making George W. Bush "defend" sitting next to Ellen DeGeneres?
She didn't order a stupid invasion of Iraq that led to ISIS and a mass of dead and crippled Americans.
Also, you think anybody that isn't a far right lunatic fringe working class high school educated only white guy who loves an idiotic president with no ethics a leftist. It's a spectrum, you know. Most Americans are moderates in the center.
I didn't know Bush was into that whole man love thing. Impeach him!
I'm beginning to suspect that you don't really believe the shit that you poast
Also, you think anybody that isn't a far right lunatic fringe working class high school educated only white guy who loves an idiotic president with no ethics a leftist. It's a spectrum, you know. Most Americans are moderates in the center.
The group think is strong on the left
You're obviously interested in the truth.
History is not your friend.