You’ll never get it. We don’t support Trump because we think He’s a great guy in real life. We support Trump because The only thing his potential opponents offer is economy crippling Socialism. Our economy can survive great recessions. However it would never survive the Socialism that Warren and Sanders wish to unleash.
They wish to double an already bloated, grossly inefficient government. And once you give Government more money and more power, they never give it up and always look for more.
He's the worst possible guy in real life and I'll never vote for him ( I have that luxury living in WA...ha ha ). But what his detractors continually never get is that despite his endless bull shit, he's never committed a strategic blunder of anything on the scale which the bi-partisan "establishment" did with (1) opening our markets to China and (2) wasting hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars on nation building for camel herders. That's why his supporters don't care if he breaks some rules along the way.
Daily attacks on Trump voters only highlights how shitty the Democrats are
Hope this helps. Not really. Go fuck yourself
This...add to that if Libs are so worried about Trump betraying his Conservative base why again are they falling over themselves trying to tell us he's evil and needs to be impeached?
Yella nailed it for voting in this state - only dem votes count. The only reason I like the trumpster is he pisses off everyone in the so-called establishment.
And many of that so-called establishment used to go out of their way to be seen with the trumpster.
You’ll never get it. We don’t support Trump because we think He’s a great guy in real life. We support Trump because The only thing his potential opponents offer is economy crippling Socialism. Our economy can survive great recessions. However it would never survive the Socialism that Warren and Sanders wish to unleash.
They wish to double an already bloated, grossly inefficient government. And once you give Government more money and more power, they never give it up and always look for more.
Universal healthcare wouldn't cripple the economy. Also based on your posts your vote for Trump was definitely not just economics.
And many of that so-called establishment used to go out of their way to be seen with the trumpster.
They're kinda m'eh when it comes to hotness.
Much prefer the joobs.