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Leftard tears

WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,001 Standard Supporter
Yeah, our leftard commie symps really care about letting down US allies. When you keep rooting for the away team, you have no street cred left for your crocodile tears.
The uproar over President Trump’s plan to drawdown our forces in northeast Syria certainly takes me back — to Vietnam. The howls of protest from Democratic politicians and the liberal foghorns in the press over how terrible it would be to leave brave American allies in the lurch, it’s almost like a time machine, complete with assertions that the evil Mr. Trump is ruining America’s hard-earned reputation for loyalty and trustworthiness.
Flash back to the mid-1970s and these, or their parents, were the same people cheering as we abandoned Southeast Asia’s millions of wonderful people to a generations-long nightmare of life under communism. Recall the suave assurances from, say, the Times, that “disengagement from a civil war in which the United States should never have become engaged need not shake this country’s position in the world.”
To hell with them, I say. As a veteran of the Vietnam War and the so-called secret war in Laos, I don’t get upset thinking about how we lost the war. That’s because we didn’t lose it. We won it. It was lost — thrown away — by liberal politicians besotted with hubris over from their success in forcing Nixon from office. It was they who threw away our victory.
The same people tut-tutting about the Kurds had no problem whatsoever stabbing our friends in Saigon in the back by defunding American commitments for military assistance to enforce the Paris Peace Accords. And they were fully content to see North Vietnamese forces crush our former allies and send millions of formerly free South Vietnamese to concentration camps and forced exile.
Take Joe Biden. Where was he back in 1975? It turns out that the future vice president was then a freshman in the senate. He argued that America had no legal or moral obligation to help refugees fleeing the communist conquest of Vietnam. “I will vote for any amount for getting the Americans out,” Mr. Biden said as the enemy was closing in on Saigon. “I don’t want it mixed with getting the Vietnamese out.”
Mr. Biden’s statements at the time were recalled in July by the Washington Times. The Republican administration in 1975, led by President Ford and Secretary Kissinger, had a different view. As, later on, did President Carter. So the United States was able to give refuge to thousands of boat people who have become as hard-working, productive and loyal Americans as anyone could find. No thanks to Joe.
As the liberals and Democrats go into high dudgeon about Mr. Trump, I find myself thinking also of Cambodia. In 1975, the pro-American government, installed by a CIA-backed coup in 1970, was facing its own dire fate. As Communist Khmer Rouge forces closed in on the capital of Phnom Penh, our ambassador, John Gunther Dean, offered asylum to a former prime minister, Prince Sirik Matak.
Matak knew he was number one on a communist death list. Yet, in a famous letter, he declined the offer to flee, “I cannot, alas, leave in such a cowardly fashion,” he wrote to our envoy. “As for you and in particular for your great country, I never believed for a moment that you would have this sentiment of abandoning a people which has chosen liberty. You have refused us your protection and we can do nothing about it.”
He ended the letter with the words: “I have only committed the mistake of believing in you, the Americans.” When the Khmer Rouge, Maoist monsters, seized Phnom Penh, they shot Matak in the stomach. Unattended, he took three days to die. During the Khmer Rouge’s four-year reign of terror, some 1.5 million people perished from execution in the killing fields, starvation, and forced labor.
The way our country turned its back on our allies in the 1970s is one of the blackest hours in our history. It told every small country fighting for freedom against communism or other tyranny that America could be a fair-weather friend. A new administration or a liberal Congress could mean the sudden nullification of solemn promises. America had no permanent friends or even permanent interests. Just permanent politics.
Mr. Trump insists he will stand with the Kurds. He has already done more for them than President George H.W. Bush, who let Saddam Hussein slaughter them, or President Clinton, who sent Turkey arms to kill their Kurds, or President George W. Bush, who let Turkey bomb the Iraqi Kurds, or President Obama, who pressured Arab states not to arm the Syrian Kurds for the fight against ISIS.
I hope the President will keep his word. My instinct is that he’s a better bet to do so than his detractors. My guess is that there are hundreds of thousands of proud veterans of Vietnam who would make the same bet. It’s that the same liberal and Democratic politicians wringing their hands about the noble Kurds — and they are noble — will be the first to sell them out when Mr. Trump leaves office. History proves it.


  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,353
    edited October 2019
    Sorry I let everyone down in 1975. I was in high school, but that's no excuse.

    You'd only been in the nursing home for about ten years by then, right Gasbag?
  • ThomasFremontThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325
    Boomers strike again.

    Worst foreign policy record in our history.

  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,067 Standard Supporter
    Same communist dems then and now. But look how far they have come. Forward comrades!
  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,001 Standard Supporter
    Was your last 3 dem presidents in high school? Biden and PIPS?
  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,353

    Was your last 3 dem presidents in high school? Biden and PIPS?

    Which President got rolled on a phone call and abandoned our allies within minutes? I forget.
  • BendintheriverBendintheriver Member Posts: 5,836 Standard Supporter
    HHusky said:

    Was your last 3 dem presidents in high school? Biden and PIPS?

    Which President got rolled on a phone call and abandoned our allies within minutes? I forget.
    Oh you must mean BO.
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,441 Founders Club

    Boomers strike again.

    Worst foreign policy record in our history.

    Vietnam was a GG production
  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,067 Standard Supporter
    HHusky said:

    Was your last 3 dem presidents in high school? Biden and PIPS?

    Which President got rolled on a phone call and abandoned our allies within minutes? I forget.
  • ThomasFremontThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325

    Boomers strike again.

    Worst foreign policy record in our history.

    Vietnam was a GG production
    Clearly they had raised a bunch of losers.
  • DJDuckDJDuck Member Posts: 5,970
    edited October 2019

    Boomers strike again.

    Worst foreign policy record in our history.

    LBJ wasn’t a boomer Einstein.

    The oldest Boomers were right out of High School when the Vietnam War started.

  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,441 Founders Club
    Clinton was the first boomer

    W started the first boomer wars

  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,441 Founders Club

    Boomers strike again.

    Worst foreign policy record in our history.

    Vietnam was a GG production
    Clearly they had raised a bunch of losers.
    The soldiers were unbeaten

    The coaches sucked
  • ThomasFremontThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325

    Boomers strike again.

    Worst foreign policy record in our history.

    Vietnam was a GG production
    Clearly they had raised a bunch of losers.
    The soldiers were unbeaten

    The coaches sucked
    The soldiers put up a lot of yards.

    They did not secure the win.

    Fat and entitled much?

  • ApostleofGriefApostleofGrief Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah, our leftard commie symps really care about letting down US allies. When you keep rooting for the away team, you have no street cred left for your crocodile tears.
    The uproar over President Trump’s plan to drawdown our forces in northeast Syria certainly takes me back — to Vietnam. The howls of protest from Democratic politicians and the liberal foghorns in the press over how terrible it would be to leave brave American allies in the lurch, it’s almost like a time machine, complete with assertions that the evil Mr. Trump is ruining America’s hard-earned reputation for loyalty and trustworthiness.
    Flash back to the mid-1970s and these, or their parents, were the same people cheering as we abandoned Southeast Asia’s millions of wonderful people to a generations-long nightmare of life under communism. Recall the suave assurances from, say, the Times, that “disengagement from a civil war in which the United States should never have become engaged need not shake this country’s position in the world.”
    To hell with them, I say. As a veteran of the Vietnam War and the so-called secret war in Laos, I don’t get upset thinking about how we lost the war. That’s because we didn’t lose it. We won it. It was lost — thrown away — by liberal politicians besotted with hubris over from their success in forcing Nixon from office. It was they who threw away our victory.
    The same people tut-tutting about the Kurds had no problem whatsoever stabbing our friends in Saigon in the back by defunding American commitments for military assistance to enforce the Paris Peace Accords. And they were fully content to see North Vietnamese forces crush our former allies and send millions of formerly free South Vietnamese to concentration camps and forced exile.
    Take Joe Biden. Where was he back in 1975? It turns out that the future vice president was then a freshman in the senate. He argued that America had no legal or moral obligation to help refugees fleeing the communist conquest of Vietnam. “I will vote for any amount for getting the Americans out,” Mr. Biden said as the enemy was closing in on Saigon. “I don’t want it mixed with getting the Vietnamese out.”
    Mr. Biden’s statements at the time were recalled in July by the Washington Times. The Republican administration in 1975, led by President Ford and Secretary Kissinger, had a different view. As, later on, did President Carter. So the United States was able to give refuge to thousands of boat people who have become as hard-working, productive and loyal Americans as anyone could find. No thanks to Joe.
    As the liberals and Democrats go into high dudgeon about Mr. Trump, I find myself thinking also of Cambodia. In 1975, the pro-American government, installed by a CIA-backed coup in 1970, was facing its own dire fate. As Communist Khmer Rouge forces closed in on the capital of Phnom Penh, our ambassador, John Gunther Dean, offered asylum to a former prime minister, Prince Sirik Matak.
    Matak knew he was number one on a communist death list. Yet, in a famous letter, he declined the offer to flee, “I cannot, alas, leave in such a cowardly fashion,” he wrote to our envoy. “As for you and in particular for your great country, I never believed for a moment that you would have this sentiment of abandoning a people which has chosen liberty. You have refused us your protection and we can do nothing about it.”
    He ended the letter with the words: “I have only committed the mistake of believing in you, the Americans.” When the Khmer Rouge, Maoist monsters, seized Phnom Penh, they shot Matak in the stomach. Unattended, he took three days to die. During the Khmer Rouge’s four-year reign of terror, some 1.5 million people perished from execution in the killing fields, starvation, and forced labor.
    The way our country turned its back on our allies in the 1970s is one of the blackest hours in our history. It told every small country fighting for freedom against communism or other tyranny that America could be a fair-weather friend. A new administration or a liberal Congress could mean the sudden nullification of solemn promises. America had no permanent friends or even permanent interests. Just permanent politics.
    Mr. Trump insists he will stand with the Kurds. He has already done more for them than President George H.W. Bush, who let Saddam Hussein slaughter them, or President Clinton, who sent Turkey arms to kill their Kurds, or President George W. Bush, who let Turkey bomb the Iraqi Kurds, or President Obama, who pressured Arab states not to arm the Syrian Kurds for the fight against ISIS.
    I hope the President will keep his word. My instinct is that he’s a better bet to do so than his detractors. My guess is that there are hundreds of thousands of proud veterans of Vietnam who would make the same bet. It’s that the same liberal and Democratic politicians wringing their hands about the noble Kurds — and they are noble — will be the first to sell them out when Mr. Trump leaves office. History proves it.

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