I'm off of Pete's wagon until I see some type of change in the offense. This shit is ridiculous. We don't even have a clock control offense to excuse the low point totals. We just have a shitty offense PERIOD. Willie Tags FS Gulf Coast Offense puts up more points than this shit. Take a moment to appreciate that.
I'm off of Pete's wagon until I see some type of change in the offense. This shit is ridiculous. We don't even have a clock control offense to excuse the low point totals. We just have a shitty offense PERIOD. Willie Tags FS Gulf Coast Offense puts up more points than this shit. Take a moment to appreciate that.
Come join the dark side
As I've stated, Pete would have to not only have the wheels come off but burn the fucking wagon to get fired at UW at this point. Calling for his firing is just going to have people tune you out.
@FireBush has a really good chin to downvote ratio at this point though and is picking up steam. Even the doogs are beginning to realize the offense is doogshit.
I'm off of Pete's wagon until I see some type of change in the offense. This shit is ridiculous. We don't even have a clock control offense to excuse the low point totals. We just have a shitty offense PERIOD. Willie Tags FS Gulf Coast Offense puts up more points than this shit. Take a moment to appreciate that.
Come join the dark side
I can't go to the Dark Side yet. But it's ASU 2015 right now and my expectations are not being met. It's PROVE IT BITCH or GTFO mode now. My old man who is as big of a doog as Papa @UW_Doog_Bot thinks Pete is smart and will figure it out. I expressed skepticism and said he's as stubborn as a mule. We shall see.
This doogiest of doogs is pretty apathetic about the rest of the season. I recorded the game Saturday and spent the entire day out without checking scores because I knew it was an easy win. Then I watch it at 1am by myself and just watch a complete fucking debacle. The same inexplicable shit I’ve seen year after year.
I’m not on the @FirePete bandwagon yet. He is still likely the best coach UW can get. There are still so many elite things he does that I wouldn’t want to trade. Coaches like Sark are far more up and down, and being a slow strategy white man, I enjoy consistency and 9-11 win seasons.
That said, it is clear his game management is not one of his elite skills. In fact, it fucking sucks. I believe in him and his ability to change, because he always has, it just takes too fucking long and I’d appreciate it if he sped it the fuck up.
It’s not that he lost 2 games this season. It’s the way they were lost. The teams just failed to show up. No emotion. No effort. No “wtf are we doing out here, let’s pull our dicks out and fuck these guys”. To a Cal team that can’t score, and to a Stanford team that is decimated by injury and has been blown out by everyone good.
Like my fellow slow strategy white @YellowSnow, my faith in Pete is shaken. This happens every year. And if your shtick is that you’re detailed oriented and even keeled, then how the fuck do you have these ridiculous lows.
There are some major holes on this roster and they are being exploited. There is better talent coming up, but you’re fucking failing now. Be the elite coach you are supposed to be.
Figure it the fuck out.
I'd give him a pass on the Cal game. The 2 hour weather delay sucked away any home field advantage the Huskies had, and it also gave Cal time to adjust their game plan. Let's also remember, they actually had a competent QB at the time.
The Stanford game was a kick in the nuts dumpster fire. There was no reason Stanford should have scored more than 14 let alone 23 points. Also, the complete removal of the running game was inexplicable. UW played right into Stanford's hands. They chose to throw the football which created short drives, while Stanford was Stanford, and had 6-7 minute positions. The defense got completely worn out. Oregon had enough talent to beat Stanford at their own game, and UW should have done the same thing. The Ducks basically gave UW the schematic blueprint and Pete decided against it.
Fucking hell
I agree with every word of this
Wait. Does this mean, by implication, that you think Mario > than Peterman?
I'm off of Pete's wagon until I see some type of change in the offense. This shit is ridiculous. We don't even have a clock control offense to excuse the low point totals. We just have a shitty offense PERIOD. Willie Tags FS Gulf Coast Offense puts up more points than this shit. Take a moment to appreciate that.
Come join the dark side
As I've stated, Pete would have to not only have the wheels come off but burn the fucking wagon to get fired at UW at this point. Calling for his firing is just going to have people tune you out.
@FireBush has a really good chin to downvote ratio at this point though and is picking up steam. Even the doogs are beginning to realize the offense is doogshit.
And candidly it would be the dumbest thing Jen has ever done.
It is very hard to hire the right coach. It's an odds game and the numbers are stacked against you getting it even remotely right. As we're seeing now, even coaches who've summited Olympus often fail miserably or are mediocre at the next gig.
Just based on the maff, if UW were to fire Pete I'd bet half my retirement that the next guy would be a complete bust and everyone would be crying to get him back.
I was willing to give him 8 seasons no questions asked. But something is seriously fucked right now with the squad. I supposed most coaches not named Saban or Urban will have some down years and lose the squad. Hell, even Carroll was dropping a few league games a year towards the end of his tenure. If 2019 is a lost cause and we go 9-3 or 8-4 then so fucking be it. My faith is severely shaken right now and 2020 better be a good fucking season or I'm @FirePete .
Imagine relying on an offense lead by Jacob Sirmon and a WR corps lead by Mr. Chincredible still running Petes offense and thinking you will get a good season.
I'm off of Pete's wagon until I see some type of change in the offense. This shit is ridiculous. We don't even have a clock control offense to excuse the low point totals. We just have a shitty offense PERIOD. Willie Tags FS Gulf Coast Offense puts up more points than this shit. Take a moment to appreciate that.
Come join the dark side
As I've stated, Pete would have to not only have the wheels come off but burn the fucking wagon to get fired at UW at this point. Calling for his firing is just going to have people tune you out.
@FireBush has a really good chin to downvote ratio at this point though and is picking up steam. Even the doogs are beginning to realize the offense is doogshit.
And candidly it would be the dumbest thing Jen has ever done.
It is very hard to hire the right coach. It's an odds game and the numbers are stacked against you getting it even remotely right. As we're seeing now, even coaches who've summited Olympus often fail miserably or are mediocre at the next gig.
Just based on the maff, if UW were to fire Pete I'd bet half my retirement that the next guy would be a complete bust and everyone would be crying to get him back.
I'm off of Pete's wagon until I see some type of change in the offense. This shit is ridiculous. We don't even have a clock control offense to excuse the low point totals. We just have a shitty offense PERIOD. Willie Tags FS Gulf Coast Offense puts up more points than this shit. Take a moment to appreciate that.
Come join the dark side
I can't go to the Dark Side yet. But it's ASU 2015 right now and my expectations are not being met. It's PROVE IT BITCH or GTFO mode now. My old man who is as big of a doog as Papa @UW_Doog_Bot thinks Pete is smart and will figure it out. I expressed skepticism and said he's as stubborn as a mule. We shall see.
When I was a senior at UW, the Huskies went 8-4 and 5-3 in conference. Granted, the conference was more respectable then than it is now, but people were still grumbling and saying Don James was too stuck in his ways and yadda yadda. Don James was way fucking smarter than those assholes, though, and figured out how to tweak that team into the 1990 team that rolled into Husky stadium on November 10th ranked #2 in the country................and then proceeded to completely shit the bed and lose to that pathetic UCLA team - on a blustery November day, in Husky Stadium. I remember walking out of there gutted because I knew we just watched the window slam closed on a national championship. Nobody said shit on the drive home.
I felt a similar feeling when we lost Saturday night. It made no sense. The team came out flat, played like shit, didn't seem interested - all things that are the responsibility of the coaching staff to NOT let happen. Then to watch the players drop passes, miss assignments, whiff on tackles and walk.............motherfucker, you'd better start running..............was making me crazy.
I've left the river early to catch the games twice this year. I don't see that happening again until I see a team take the field ready to kick ass and believing they will, instead of being a bunch of shrivel dicks that get pushed around by inferior talent. Fuck that. Get the talent on the field and tell them to either push people around or sit the fuck down. There's no room on a football field for anyone happy after a loss, either. I used to want to take our team bus and run over fuckers who were laughing and clowning around after a loss. Shit made me insane - I fucking hate losing and frankly can't understand how anyone can lose and take it lightly. How do you get motivated to win when losing doesn't bother you?
I've already been out over my skis once this season, so I'm not going to pretend to know the best way to fix this shit. I just want it fixed.
I'm off of Pete's wagon until I see some type of change in the offense. This shit is ridiculous. We don't even have a clock control offense to excuse the low point totals. We just have a shitty offense PERIOD. Willie Tags FS Gulf Coast Offense puts up more points than this shit. Take a moment to appreciate that.
Come join the dark side
I can't go to the Dark Side yet. But it's ASU 2015 right now and my expectations are not being met. It's PROVE IT BITCH or GTFO mode now. My old man who is as big of a doog as Papa @UW_Doog_Bot thinks Pete is smart and will figure it out. I expressed skepticism and said he's as stubborn as a mule. We shall see.
When I was a senior at UW, the Huskies went 8-4 and 5-3 in conference. Granted, the conference was more respectable then than it is now, but people were still grumbling and saying Don James was too stuck in his ways and yadda yadda. Don James was way fucking smarter than those assholes, though, and figured out how to tweak that team into the 1990 team that rolled into Husky stadium on November 10th ranked #2 in the country................and then proceeded to completely shit the bed and lose to that pathetic UCLA team - on a blustery November day, in Husky Stadium. I remember walking out of there gutted because I knew we just watched the window slam closed on a national championship. Nobody said shit on the drive home.
I felt a similar feeling when we lost Saturday night. It made no sense. The team came out flat, played like shit, didn't seem interested - all things that are the responsibility of the coaching staff to NOT let happen. Then to watch the players drop passes, miss assignments, whiff on tackles and walk.............motherfucker, you'd better start running..............was making me crazy.
I've left the river early to catch the games twice this year. I don't see that happening again until I see a team take the field ready to kick ass and believing they will, instead of being a bunch of shrivel dicks that get pushed around by inferior talent. Fuck that. Get the talent on the field and tell them to either push people around or sit the fuck down. There's no room on a football field for anyone happy after a loss, either. I used to want to take our team bus and run over fuckers who were laughing and clowning around after a loss. Shit made me insane - I fucking hate losing and frankly can't understand how anyone can lose and take it lightly. How do you get motivated to win when losing doesn't bother you?
I've already been out over my skis once this season, so I'm not going to pretend to know the best way to fix this shit. I just want it fixed.
That's Confucius-level shit.
Two of my three kids were/are athletes, and they are both miserable losers. The society in which they've been raised really wants to beat that out of them. The younger one had a club coach who was a giant bitch. Kind of person who sprinkles broken glass into her cereal in the morning. Knew her shit and absolutely hated to lose, and was impossible to be around when it happened. I'll never forget her pulling me aside once and telling me: "Don't ever let anyone try and change ____________. She hates to lose, which is more important to me than having her be in love with winning." That team won more than any team any of my kids have ever been associated with.
Losing should make you miserable up until the next chance you get to write it off the books.
I'm off of Pete's wagon until I see some type of change in the offense. This shit is ridiculous. We don't even have a clock control offense to excuse the low point totals. We just have a shitty offense PERIOD. Willie Tags FS Gulf Coast Offense puts up more points than this shit. Take a moment to appreciate that.
Come join the dark side
As I've stated, Pete would have to not only have the wheels come off but burn the fucking wagon to get fired at UW at this point. Calling for his firing is just going to have people tune you out.
@FireBush has a really good chin to downvote ratio at this point though and is picking up steam. Even the doogs are beginning to realize the offense is doogshit.
And candidly it would be the dumbest thing Jen has ever done.
It is very hard to hire the right coach. It's an odds game and the numbers are stacked against you getting it even remotely right. As we're seeing now, even coaches who've summited Olympus often fail miserably or are mediocre at the next gig.
Just based on the maff, if UW were to fire Pete I'd bet half my retirement that the next guy would be a complete bust and everyone would be crying to get him back.
I'm off of Pete's wagon until I see some type of change in the offense. This shit is ridiculous. We don't even have a clock control offense to excuse the low point totals. We just have a shitty offense PERIOD. Willie Tags FS Gulf Coast Offense puts up more points than this shit. Take a moment to appreciate that.
Come join the dark side
I can't go to the Dark Side yet. But it's ASU 2015 right now and my expectations are not being met. It's PROVE IT BITCH or GTFO mode now. My old man who is as big of a doog as Papa @UW_Doog_Bot thinks Pete is smart and will figure it out. I expressed skepticism and said he's as stubborn as a mule. We shall see.
When I was a senior at UW, the Huskies went 8-4 and 5-3 in conference. Granted, the conference was more respectable then than it is now, but people were still grumbling and saying Don James was too stuck in his ways and yadda yadda. Don James was way fucking smarter than those assholes, though, and figured out how to tweak that team into the 1990 team that rolled into Husky stadium on November 10th ranked #2 in the country................and then proceeded to completely shit the bed and lose to that pathetic UCLA team - on a blustery November day, in Husky Stadium. I remember walking out of there gutted because I knew we just watched the window slam closed on a national championship. Nobody said shit on the drive home.
I felt a similar feeling when we lost Saturday night. It made no sense. The team came out flat, played like shit, didn't seem interested - all things that are the responsibility of the coaching staff to NOT let happen. Then to watch the players drop passes, miss assignments, whiff on tackles and walk.............motherfucker, you'd better start running..............was making me crazy.
I've left the river early to catch the games twice this year. I don't see that happening again until I see a team take the field ready to kick ass and believing they will, instead of being a bunch of shrivel dicks that get pushed around by inferior talent. Fuck that. Get the talent on the field and tell them to either push people around or sit the fuck down. There's no room on a football field for anyone happy after a loss, either. I used to want to take our team bus and run over fuckers who were laughing and clowning around after a loss. Shit made me insane - I fucking hate losing and frankly can't understand how anyone can lose and take it lightly. How do you get motivated to win when losing doesn't bother you?
I've already been out over my skis once this season, so I'm not going to pretend to know the best way to fix this shit. I just want it fixed.
That's Confucius-level shit.
Two of my three kids were/are athletes, and they are both miserable losers. The society in which they've been raised really wants to beat that out of them. The younger one had a club coach who was a giant bitch. Kind of person who sprinkles broken glass into her cereal in the morning. Knew her shit and absolutely hated to lose, and was impossible to be around when it happened. I'll never forget her pulling me aside once and telling me: "Don't ever let anyone try and change ____________. She hates to lose, which is more important to me than having her be in love with winning." That team won more than any team any of my kids have ever been associated with.
Losing should make you miserable up until the next chance you get to write it off the books.
I lost a Steelheading contest to @dflea 1-0 once. He got to the glory hole 30 seconds before me with his 6" plastic worm and pulled out TUFF 13 lb hen. I was pretty fucking pissed and should have snapped rod in half.
I'm off of Pete's wagon until I see some type of change in the offense. This shit is ridiculous. We don't even have a clock control offense to excuse the low point totals. We just have a shitty offense PERIOD. Willie Tags FS Gulf Coast Offense puts up more points than this shit. Take a moment to appreciate that.
Come join the dark side
I can't go to the Dark Side yet. But it's ASU 2015 right now and my expectations are not being met. It's PROVE IT BITCH or GTFO mode now. My old man who is as big of a doog as Papa @UW_Doog_Bot thinks Pete is smart and will figure it out. I expressed skepticism and said he's as stubborn as a mule. We shall see.
When I was a senior at UW, the Huskies went 8-4 and 5-3 in conference. Granted, the conference was more respectable then than it is now, but people were still grumbling and saying Don James was too stuck in his ways and yadda yadda. Don James was way fucking smarter than those assholes, though, and figured out how to tweak that team into the 1990 team that rolled into Husky stadium on November 10th ranked #2 in the country................and then proceeded to completely shit the bed and lose to that pathetic UCLA team - on a blustery November day, in Husky Stadium. I remember walking out of there gutted because I knew we just watched the window slam closed on a national championship. Nobody said shit on the drive home.
I felt a similar feeling when we lost Saturday night. It made no sense. The team came out flat, played like shit, didn't seem interested - all things that are the responsibility of the coaching staff to NOT let happen. Then to watch the players drop passes, miss assignments, whiff on tackles and walk.............motherfucker, you'd better start running..............was making me crazy.
I've left the river early to catch the games twice this year. I don't see that happening again until I see a team take the field ready to kick ass and believing they will, instead of being a bunch of shrivel dicks that get pushed around by inferior talent. Fuck that. Get the talent on the field and tell them to either push people around or sit the fuck down. There's no room on a football field for anyone happy after a loss, either. I used to want to take our team bus and run over fuckers who were laughing and clowning around after a loss. Shit made me insane - I fucking hate losing and frankly can't understand how anyone can lose and take it lightly. How do you get motivated to win when losing doesn't bother you?
I've already been out over my skis once this season, so I'm not going to pretend to know the best way to fix this shit. I just want it fixed.
That's Confucius-level shit.
Two of my three kids were/are athletes, and they are both miserable losers. The society in which they've been raised really wants to beat that out of them. The younger one had a club coach who was a giant bitch. Kind of person who sprinkles broken glass into her cereal in the morning. Knew her shit and absolutely hated to lose, and was impossible to be around when it happened. I'll never forget her pulling me aside once and telling me: "Don't ever let anyone try and change ____________. She hates to lose, which is more important to me than having her be in love with winning." That team won more than any team any of my kids have ever been associated with.
Losing should make you miserable up until the next chance you get to write it off the books.
I lost a Steelheading contest to @dflea 1-0 once. He got to the glory hole 30 seconds before me with his 6" plastic worm and pulled out TUFF 13 lb hen. I was pretty fucking pissed and should have snapped rod in half.
I'm off of Pete's wagon until I see some type of change in the offense. This shit is ridiculous. We don't even have a clock control offense to excuse the low point totals. We just have a shitty offense PERIOD. Willie Tags FS Gulf Coast Offense puts up more points than this shit. Take a moment to appreciate that.
Come join the dark side
I can't go to the Dark Side yet. But it's ASU 2015 right now and my expectations are not being met. It's PROVE IT BITCH or GTFO mode now. My old man who is as big of a doog as Papa @UW_Doog_Bot thinks Pete is smart and will figure it out. I expressed skepticism and said he's as stubborn as a mule. We shall see.
When I was a senior at UW, the Huskies went 8-4 and 5-3 in conference. Granted, the conference was more respectable then than it is now, but people were still grumbling and saying Don James was too stuck in his ways and yadda yadda. Don James was way fucking smarter than those assholes, though, and figured out how to tweak that team into the 1990 team that rolled into Husky stadium on November 10th ranked #2 in the country................and then proceeded to completely shit the bed and lose to that pathetic UCLA team - on a blustery November day, in Husky Stadium. I remember walking out of there gutted because I knew we just watched the window slam closed on a national championship. Nobody said shit on the drive home.
I felt a similar feeling when we lost Saturday night. It made no sense. The team came out flat, played like shit, didn't seem interested - all things that are the responsibility of the coaching staff to NOT let happen. Then to watch the players drop passes, miss assignments, whiff on tackles and walk.............motherfucker, you'd better start running..............was making me crazy.
I've left the river early to catch the games twice this year. I don't see that happening again until I see a team take the field ready to kick ass and believing they will, instead of being a bunch of shrivel dicks that get pushed around by inferior talent. Fuck that. Get the talent on the field and tell them to either push people around or sit the fuck down. There's no room on a football field for anyone happy after a loss, either. I used to want to take our team bus and run over fuckers who were laughing and clowning around after a loss. Shit made me insane - I fucking hate losing and frankly can't understand how anyone can lose and take it lightly. How do you get motivated to win when losing doesn't bother you?
I've already been out over my skis once this season, so I'm not going to pretend to know the best way to fix this shit. I just want it fixed.
That's Confucius-level shit.
Two of my three kids were/are athletes, and they are both miserable losers. The society in which they've been raised really wants to beat that out of them. The younger one had a club coach who was a giant bitch. Kind of person who sprinkles broken glass into her cereal in the morning. Knew her shit and absolutely hated to lose, and was impossible to be around when it happened. I'll never forget her pulling me aside once and telling me: "Don't ever let anyone try and change ____________. She hates to lose, which is more important to me than having her be in love with winning." That team won more than any team any of my kids have ever been associated with.
Losing should make you miserable up until the next chance you get to write it off the books.
I lost a Steelheading contest to @dflea 1-0 once. He got to the glory hole 30 seconds before me with his 6" plastic worm and pulled out TUFF 13 lb hen. I was pretty fucking pissed and should have snapped rod in half.
I'm off of Pete's wagon until I see some type of change in the offense. This shit is ridiculous. We don't even have a clock control offense to excuse the low point totals. We just have a shitty offense PERIOD. Willie Tags FS Gulf Coast Offense puts up more points than this shit. Take a moment to appreciate that.
Come join the dark side
As I've stated, Pete would have to not only have the wheels come off but burn the fucking wagon to get fired at UW at this point. Calling for his firing is just going to have people tune you out.
@FireBush has a really good chin to downvote ratio at this point though and is picking up steam. Even the doogs are beginning to realize the offense is doogshit.
And candidly it would be the dumbest thing Jen has ever done.
It is very hard to hire the right coach. It's an odds game and the numbers are stacked against you getting it even remotely right. As we're seeing now, even coaches who've summited Olympus often fail miserably or are mediocre at the next gig.
Just based on the maff, if UW were to fire Pete I'd bet half my retirement that the next guy would be a complete bust and everyone would be crying to get him back.
Nope. Roll the dice again.
That example shows me a decade of shit after Switzer, and lucky af with Stoops (retiring right?) to Blake.
And that's Oklahoma. There is a broader band of top level talent that will coach there than the cohort who would take the Washington job.
I'm off of Pete's wagon until I see some type of change in the offense. This shit is ridiculous. We don't even have a clock control offense to excuse the low point totals. We just have a shitty offense PERIOD. Willie Tags FS Gulf Coast Offense puts up more points than this shit. Take a moment to appreciate that.
Come join the dark side
I can't go to the Dark Side yet. But it's ASU 2015 right now and my expectations are not being met. It's PROVE IT BITCH or GTFO mode now. My old man who is as big of a doog as Papa @UW_Doog_Bot thinks Pete is smart and will figure it out. I expressed skepticism and said he's as stubborn as a mule. We shall see.
When I was a senior at UW, the Huskies went 8-4 and 5-3 in conference. Granted, the conference was more respectable then than it is now, but people were still grumbling and saying Don James was too stuck in his ways and yadda yadda. Don James was way fucking smarter than those assholes, though, and figured out how to tweak that team into the 1990 team that rolled into Husky stadium on November 10th ranked #2 in the country................and then proceeded to completely shit the bed and lose to that pathetic UCLA team - on a blustery November day, in Husky Stadium. I remember walking out of there gutted because I knew we just watched the window slam closed on a national championship. Nobody said shit on the drive home.
I felt a similar feeling when we lost Saturday night. It made no sense. The team came out flat, played like shit, didn't seem interested - all things that are the responsibility of the coaching staff to NOT let happen. Then to watch the players drop passes, miss assignments, whiff on tackles and walk.............motherfucker, you'd better start running..............was making me crazy.
I've left the river early to catch the games twice this year. I don't see that happening again until I see a team take the field ready to kick ass and believing they will, instead of being a bunch of shrivel dicks that get pushed around by inferior talent. Fuck that. Get the talent on the field and tell them to either push people around or sit the fuck down. There's no room on a football field for anyone happy after a loss, either. I used to want to take our team bus and run over fuckers who were laughing and clowning around after a loss. Shit made me insane - I fucking hate losing and frankly can't understand how anyone can lose and take it lightly. How do you get motivated to win when losing doesn't bother you?
I've already been out over my skis once this season, so I'm not going to pretend to know the best way to fix this shit. I just want it fixed.
That's Confucius-level shit.
Two of my three kids were/are athletes, and they are both miserable losers. The society in which they've been raised really wants to beat that out of them. The younger one had a club coach who was a giant bitch. Kind of person who sprinkles broken glass into her cereal in the morning. Knew her shit and absolutely hated to lose, and was impossible to be around when it happened. I'll never forget her pulling me aside once and telling me: "Don't ever let anyone try and change ____________. She hates to lose, which is more important to me than having her be in love with winning." That team won more than any team any of my kids have ever been associated with.
Losing should make you miserable up until the next chance you get to write it off the books.
I lost a Steelheading contest to @dflea 1-0 once. He got to the glory hole 30 seconds before me with his 6" plastic worm and pulled out TUFF 13 lb hen. I was pretty fucking pissed and should have snapped rod in half.
Well? Did you?
Nope. Too much OKG comportment and not enough emotion.
I'm off of Pete's wagon until I see some type of change in the offense. This shit is ridiculous. We don't even have a clock control offense to excuse the low point totals. We just have a shitty offense PERIOD. Willie Tags FS Gulf Coast Offense puts up more points than this shit. Take a moment to appreciate that.
Come join the dark side
As I've stated, Pete would have to not only have the wheels come off but burn the fucking wagon to get fired at UW at this point. Calling for his firing is just going to have people tune you out.
@FireBush has a really good chin to downvote ratio at this point though and is picking up steam. Even the doogs are beginning to realize the offense is doogshit.
And candidly it would be the dumbest thing Jen has ever done.
It is very hard to hire the right coach. It's an odds game and the numbers are stacked against you getting it even remotely right. As we're seeing now, even coaches who've summited Olympus often fail miserably or are mediocre at the next gig.
Just based on the maff, if UW were to fire Pete I'd bet half my retirement that the next guy would be a complete bust and everyone would be crying to get him back.
Nope. Roll the dice again.
That example shows me a decade of shit after Switzer, and lucky af with Stoops (retiring right?) to Blake.
And that's Oklahoma. There is a broader band of top level talent that will coach there than the cohort who would take the Washington job.
It's hard.
It shows top programs don't always get their hires right, but they don't settle for mediocrity and keep moving on until it happens. Picking coaches isn't sure fire but if your fans demand success you keep trying. If we ever get rid of Petersen, I'm not going to let the next guy's success or lack there of make me regret making the right choice.
As far as what coaches would take the Washington job, we can hire pretty much anyone who isn't already successfully entrenched in a major program. We can hire anyone we need to.
I'm off of Pete's wagon until I see some type of change in the offense. This shit is ridiculous. We don't even have a clock control offense to excuse the low point totals. We just have a shitty offense PERIOD. Willie Tags FS Gulf Coast Offense puts up more points than this shit. Take a moment to appreciate that.
Come join the dark side
As I've stated, Pete would have to not only have the wheels come off but burn the fucking wagon to get fired at UW at this point. Calling for his firing is just going to have people tune you out.
@FireBush has a really good chin to downvote ratio at this point though and is picking up steam. Even the doogs are beginning to realize the offense is doogshit.
And candidly it would be the dumbest thing Jen has ever done.
It is very hard to hire the right coach. It's an odds game and the numbers are stacked against you getting it even remotely right. As we're seeing now, even coaches who've summited Olympus often fail miserably or are mediocre at the next gig.
Just based on the maff, if UW were to fire Pete I'd bet half my retirement that the next guy would be a complete bust and everyone would be crying to get him back.
Nope. Roll the dice again.
That example shows me a decade of shit after Switzer, and lucky af with Stoops (retiring right?) to Blake.
And that's Oklahoma. There is a broader band of top level talent that will coach there than the cohort who would take the Washington job.
It's hard.
It shows top programs don't always get their hires right, but they don't settle for mediocrity and keep moving on until it happens. Picking coaches isn't sure fire but if your fans demand success you keep trying. If we ever get rid of Petersen, I'm not going to let the next guy's success or lack there of make me regret making the right choice.
As far as what coaches would take the Washington job, we can hire pretty much anyone who isn't already successfully entrenched in a major program. We can hire anyone we need to.
Plenty of coaches would love to come take over a roster stacked with over 50% blue chip kids.
But realistically this isn't a conversation we having until the end of the 2020 campaign by rationale HH poster standards. And Pete would have to have gone 3 years in a row of 7-5 by 81% of our fan bases standards.
@FireBush has a really good chin to downvote ratio at this point though and is picking up steam. Even the doogs are beginning to realize the offense is doogshit.
I'm going to take a walk for perspective until next year. At least next season my hopes won't be high so there will be nothing to crush.
It is very hard to hire the right coach. It's an odds game and the numbers are stacked against you getting it even remotely right. As we're seeing now, even coaches who've summited Olympus often fail miserably or are mediocre at the next gig.
Just based on the maff, if UW were to fire Pete I'd bet half my retirement that the next guy would be a complete bust and everyone would be crying to get him back.
I felt a similar feeling when we lost Saturday night. It made no sense. The team came out flat, played like shit, didn't seem interested - all things that are the responsibility of the coaching staff to NOT let happen. Then to watch the players drop passes, miss assignments, whiff on tackles and walk.............motherfucker, you'd better start running..............was making me crazy.
I've left the river early to catch the games twice this year. I don't see that happening again until I see a team take the field ready to kick ass and believing they will, instead of being a bunch of shrivel dicks that get pushed around by inferior talent. Fuck that. Get the talent on the field and tell them to either push people around or sit the fuck down. There's no room on a football field for anyone happy after a loss, either. I used to want to take our team bus and run over fuckers who were laughing and clowning around after a loss. Shit made me insane - I fucking hate losing and frankly can't understand how anyone can lose and take it lightly. How do you get motivated to win when losing doesn't bother you?
I've already been out over my skis once this season, so I'm not going to pretend to know the best way to fix this shit. I just want it fixed.
Two of my three kids were/are athletes, and they are both miserable losers. The society in which they've been raised really wants to beat that out of them. The younger one had a club coach who was a giant bitch. Kind of person who sprinkles broken glass into her cereal in the morning. Knew her shit and absolutely hated to lose, and was impossible to be around when it happened. I'll never forget her pulling me aside once and telling me: "Don't ever let anyone try and change ____________. She hates to lose, which is more important to me than having her be in love with winning." That team won more than any team any of my kids have ever been associated with.
Losing should make you miserable up until the next chance you get to write it off the books.
And that's Oklahoma. There is a broader band of top level talent that will coach there than the cohort who would take the Washington job.
It's hard.
As far as what coaches would take the Washington job, we can hire pretty much anyone who isn't already successfully entrenched in a major program. We can hire anyone we need to.
But realistically this isn't a conversation we having until the end of the 2020 campaign by rationale HH poster standards. And Pete would have to have gone 3 years in a row of 7-5 by 81% of our fan bases standards.