Ohhh...the other 900 claims of Trump's eminent demise WP, NYTs, and their lapdogs were pushing were wrong but this one with a coordinated attempt from a bug-eyed buffoon with the IQ of the HondoFSBros is going to succeed. Promise. 'Cause GodDamnStupid thinks so.
It is amazing how this all came up just as the Ukrainian Prez started going after Shitt's Arms Dealer friend...its more Trump's cycle that is driving it.
Again- why is this a problem? You pussies who think the US should just write checks to foreign nations are out of your mind. There are always concessions made by the recipients.
And the fact that the concessions may root out corruption in the US...that’s impeachable?!?
Which is a bigger number?
It is amazing how this all came up just as the Ukrainian Prez started going after Shitt's Arms Dealer friend...its more Trump's cycle that is driving it.
And the fact that the concessions may root out corruption in the US...that’s impeachable?!?
Fucking bizarre world.