Using your own Kunt standard, Hondo why do you never post about when a Rat takes heat for not staying on message?
Because Democrats never stay on message and they are diversified in the shit they say.
Really? And the Rat leadership never gets piss off about members who don't stay on message? So much for your Pox on both their houses Kunt act.
They do yell at AOC and shit. Your point? What they don't yell at them about is saying it's ok to investigate Trump. Nice strawman effort tho.
Just because you're a stupid hypocrite doesn't mean it's a strawman dumbfuck.
You and the Hondo Bros phony complaint to me is that I'm a partisan hack because I never post about when a Republican does something wrong. I'm just apply your Kunt standard to you and of course you cry like a bitch.
You and the Hondo Bros phony complaint to me is that I'm a partisan hack because I never post about when a Republican does something wrong. I'm just apply your Kunt standard to you and of course you cry like a bitch.