Its like Shciff and his band of morons haven't been accusing Trump of treason for years
Now its a problem
Got it
Actually that was Bill Weld.
Oh no, that was numerous Rat congressmen and women and just about every sick liberal talking head on the lib networks.
Hell O'Keefed routinely accused Race and I of being traitors because we dared to say that we needed to see some evidence before we'd agree that Trump colluded with the Russians. Trump was being accused treason before he even took the oath of office.
Its like Shciff and his band of morons haven't been accusing Trump of treason for years
Now its a problem
Got it
Actually that was Bill Weld.
Oh no, that was numerous Rat congressmen and women and just about every sick liberal talking head on the lib networks.
Hell O'Keefed routinely accused Race and I of being traitors because we dared to say that we needed to see some evidence before we'd agree that Trump colluded with the Russians. Trump was being accused treason before he even took the oath of office.
Its like Shciff and his band of morons haven't been accusing Trump of treason for years
Now its a problem
Got it
Actually that was Bill Weld.
Oh no, that was numerous Rat congressmen and women and just about every sick liberal talking head on the lib networks.
Hell O'Keefed routinely accused Race and I of being traitors because we dared to say that we needed to see some evidence before we'd agree that Trump colluded with the Russians. Trump was being accused treason before he even took the oath of office.
Now its a problem
Got it
Shut up.
Got any more apples to dog shit comparisons?
There is a difference.
Now you have a problem
Hence full of shit and trying to deflect
Team hondo