barry was worse. PIPS would have been worse. You had your chance to elect a true beta male gentlemen moderate republican with mittens. You didn't. So, you got Trump. Enjoy.
Do you honestly believe Trump is some kind of alpha? He blustery, sure, but he’s easily the softest president in US history. He’s never had a tough day in his life. Do you think he’s ever taken or delivered a punch? Just look at his fat ass. Other than golf has he excelled at any sport? Shit, he won’t throw out the first pitch at a baseball game because he can throw a ball.
barry was worse. PIPS would have been worse. You had your chance to elect a true beta male gentlemen moderate republican with mittens. You didn't. So, you got Trump. Enjoy.
Do you honestly believe Trump is some kind of alpha? He blustery, sure, but he’s easily the softest president in US history. He’s never had a tough day in his life. Do you think he’s ever taken or delivered a punch? Just look at his fat ass. Other than golf has he excelled at any sport? Shit, he won’t throw out the first pitch at a baseball game because he can throw a ball.
barry was worse. PIPS would have been worse. You had your chance to elect a true beta male gentlemen moderate republican with mittens. You didn't. So, you got Trump. Enjoy.
Do you honestly believe Trump is some kind of alpha? He blustery, sure, but he’s easily the softest president in US history. He’s never had a tough day in his life. Do you think he’s ever taken or delivered a punch? Just look at his fat ass. Other than golf has he excelled at any sport? Shit, he won’t throw out the first pitch at a baseball game because he can throw a ball.
barry was worse. PIPS would have been worse. You had your chance to elect a true beta male gentlemen moderate republican with mittens. You didn't. So, you got Trump. Enjoy.
Do you honestly believe Trump is some kind of alpha? He blustery, sure, but he’s easily the softest president in US history. He’s never had a tough day in his life. Do you think he’s ever taken or delivered a punch? Just look at his fat ass. Other than golf has he excelled at any sport? Shit, he won’t throw out the first pitch at a baseball game because he can throw a ball.
barry was worse. PIPS would have been worse. You had your chance to elect a true beta male gentlemen moderate republican with mittens. You didn't. So, you got Trump. Enjoy.
Do you honestly believe Trump is some kind of alpha? He blustery, sure, but he’s easily the softest president in US history. He’s never had a tough day in his life. Do you think he’s ever taken or delivered a punch? Just look at his fat ass. Other than golf has he excelled at any sport? Shit, he won’t throw out the first pitch at a baseball game because he can throw a ball.
I can't believe my friends on the right are defending Trump's physical prowess. Look, I like most of his policies, but that fat slob is about the most unathletic piece of shit ever. Also, bone spurs. Trump is great in that he makes libs lose their mind on a daily basis, which I quite enjoy, but he's a fucking slob of a human. No reason to defend that.
I can't believe my friends on the right are defending Trump's physical prowess. Look, I like most of his policies, but that fat slob is about the most unathletic piece of shit ever. Also, bone spurs. Trump is great in that he makes libs lose their mind on a daily basis, which I quite enjoy, but he's a fucking slob of a human. No reason to defend that.
Physically he’s such a puss I bet Dflea could beat his ass.
I can't believe my friends on the right are defending Trump's physical prowess. Look, I like most of his policies, but that fat slob is about the most unathletic piece of shit ever. Also, bone spurs. Trump is great in that he makes libs lose their mind on a daily basis, which I quite enjoy, but he's a fucking slob of a human. No reason to defend that.
I'm not defending his physical prowess. He is a fat slob. But if you're criticizing someone for never having to work a day in their life and being unable to throw a baseball you could very easily be talking about Obama.
I can't believe my friends on the right are defending Trump's physical prowess. Look, I like most of his policies, but that fat slob is about the most unathletic piece of shit ever. Also, bone spurs. Trump is great in that he makes libs lose their mind on a daily basis, which I quite enjoy, but he's a fucking slob of a human. No reason to defend that.
I can't believe my friends on the right are defending Trump's physical prowess. Look, I like most of his policies, but that fat slob is about the most unathletic piece of shit ever. Also, bone spurs. Trump is great in that he makes libs lose their mind on a daily basis, which I quite enjoy, but he's a fucking slob of a human. No reason to defend that.
Dude consistently bangs 9s and 10's.
He has physical prowess fo' sho'.
David Spade and Pauly Shore also banged 9's and 10's. Money and fame help.
I can't believe my friends on the right are defending Trump's physical prowess. Look, I like most of his policies, but that fat slob is about the most unathletic piece of shit ever. Also, bone spurs. Trump is great in that he makes libs lose their mind on a daily basis, which I quite enjoy, but he's a fucking slob of a human. No reason to defend that.
I can't believe my friends on the right are defending Trump's physical prowess. Look, I like most of his policies, but that fat slob is about the most unathletic piece of shit ever. Also, bone spurs. Trump is great in that he makes libs lose their mind on a daily basis, which I quite enjoy, but he's a fucking slob of a human. No reason to defend that.
What’s age got to do with it?
Dude consistently bangs 9s and 10's.
He has physical prowess fo' sho'.
Sounds like a civil war. Stop pretending he meant something else.
But it’s a quote! That he modified with his own words...
Pathetic. But predictable. I knew I could count on you semantics warriors to defend dear leader. Lemmings.
Real big dick energy stuff...
Money talks.