I'm gonna take someone who appears to be a regular guest on Lou Fucking Dobbs show seriously. If there's a media personality who has embarrassed himself more than Dobbs over the last two years I'd love to see it. Come on, if you want to look like a serious person don't have your Twitter banner be the announcement that you're a guest on that show. I also love how the other guest was totally-legitimate-not-completely-full-of-shit author Jerome Corsi.
When you can't attack the content, attack what shows the guy has been a guest on.
I freely admit that I don't know how the inner workings of the intelligence community work...shhh...neither do you. If you're gonna post the Twitter explanation of a guy who is a regular guest of the biggest political hack in the universe, forgive me for having a raised eyebrow. Dobbs' sole purpose is to drive narrative for gullible schmucks. He doesn't have guests that will contradict the narrative he wants to push. I mean seriously, Jerome Corsi?
Great, since Schiff and the rest of the Rats regularly appear on Maddow's show can I dismiss anything they say?
Trying to compare Maddow to Dobbs is fucking hilarious. Nice try though.
Yeah, Maddow is serious journalist. What was I thinking.
She only ran for over two years with phony Russian collusion story accusing Trump of being a Russian agent.
I’m not saying she not partisan hack. She is. She’s just not in the same stratosphere as Dobbs. Watching Dobbs prostrate himself for this president is just embarrassing and sad.
Did you ever watch Maddow during Obama's time in office. I didn't think lesbians loved sucking that much dick.
I know you love to argue and that’s really great but unless you’ve suffered a serious brain injury you know Dobbs is in category all by himself. Grandpa should really just hang it up.
Maddow is every bit the partisan hack that Dobbs is.
You’re essentially arguing that one person’s isn’t as bad as another person’s shit. No one has a problem with the smell of their own shit
Dobbs singed off on his show last week:
“Have a great weekend. The President makes such a thing possible for us all.”
That’s North Korea state TV level shit there.
Bob loves to talk about sucking cock and that’s as close to deep throating a cock as you can get. Sorry bub, Dobbs is at his own level of sycophancy.
Vs crying on air for hours on end when Trump got elected?
When the left politicized every aspect of our society. When late night comics stopped making fun of the President when Obama was in office. To the extent that Obama was ever joked about it was almost always in a way that was really a compliment.
You keep on keeping on in that bubble of yours...
Get’r Done!!!
Ha! That is knee slapping entertainment.
They are good. But not nearly as funny the 1000th trump impression and calling him a Cheeto!!!!
The butt hurt left cancelled Sarah Silverman for a blackface skit done years ago where she was mocking black face. JFC.