Putin is waiting for you to vote for the fake Indian. What a tool. The fake Indian wants to increase Russian energy revenues and cut the US and NATO military. And Trump is Putin's bitch? Keep rooting for the away team.
Putin is waiting for you to vote for the fake Indian. What a tool. The fake Indian wants to increase Russian energy revenues and cut the US and NATO military. And Trump is Putin's bitch? Keep rooting for the away team. ™
Put your trademark protection on there. Your welcome.
I liked having Bolton around because he did have some good points that at times, Trump needed to hear. But, Bolton’s fatal flaw was wanting to intervene with half measures (all that the dems and squishy republicans would allow) and he originally bought in to trying to convert Islamic goat phu*ckers into town hall Yankees. It took two massive kill offs of a huge segment of the German male population and German citizenry to fix them. It took one massive kill off of the Japanese male population and the Japanese citizenry to fix them. Oh and a couple of nukes. Only then was Japan westernized. We had/have incredibly restrictive rules of engagement in the ME. I wouldn’t cut a deal with the Taliban. Just like I wouldn’t have cut a deal with the North Vietnamese or the Iranians. You’re a moron if you think pieces of paper means anything to nutcases. Just target the Taliban leadership for a month and screw the collateral damage. Then just leave with a note not to make us come back. If ISIS or Al qaeda start building terrorist camps, just send in some cruise missiles. Bolton’s argument would be essentially humanitarian. That the women and men who aren’t Taliban deserve our protection. They don’t. We spent trillions on that and we have an Afghan military force that won’t fight for themselves and the non-Taliban citizenry that won’t fight. I’m happy to help those who wish to help themselves. They don’t. So, bye bye. Not worth an American kid’s life. Bolton and his ilk can’t articulate an end game. His argument is that we still have lots of troops in South Korea and Germany and there is no end game. However, they aren’t being blown up by Iranian proxies or by German or South Korean troops. Why we are still there is an open question.
As opposed to the counselor's coherent view that barry was the more fiscally responsible alternative to Mittens. Or that whole hands up don't shoot thingy that he promotes.
Now he needs to fire Pompeo. Purge the remaining warmongers from the W Bush era. Try former presidents W Bush (and his father, posthumously), Bill Clinton and his wife, Hussein Obama for their criminal activities.
My major criticism of Trump is that he hires these establishment types that don't share his view and just ends up having to fire them
If you're going to be a maverick be a maverick. Don't fall for group think like @dnc
I wouldn’t cut a deal with the Taliban. Just like I wouldn’t have cut a deal with the North Vietnamese or the Iranians. You’re a moron if you think pieces of paper means anything to nutcases. Just target the Taliban leadership for a month and screw the collateral damage. Then just leave with a note not to make us come back. If ISIS or Al qaeda start building terrorist camps, just send in some cruise missiles.
Bolton’s argument would be essentially humanitarian. That the women and men who aren’t Taliban deserve our protection. They don’t. We spent trillions on that and we have an Afghan military force that won’t fight for themselves and the non-Taliban citizenry that won’t fight. I’m happy to help those who wish to help themselves. They don’t. So, bye bye. Not worth an American kid’s life.
Bolton and his ilk can’t articulate an end game. His argument is that we still have lots of troops in South Korea and Germany and there is no end game. However, they aren’t being blown up by Iranian proxies or by German or South Korean troops. Why we are still there is an open question.
Bolton is an extremely intelligent, experienced and knowledgeable asset.
Some didn’t prefer his kind of pugnacious personality especially in foreign affairs.
However IMO whether Trump followed his advice or not his voice was needed in the conversation.
I am very leery that the feckless voices of the GOPe Republicans may make inroads into this administration.
He knew where seditious characters were in the State Department, DOJ and elsewhere. They are breathing easier today.