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Why do ADs Continue to Promote O/D Coordinators to Head Coaches?

It's FS. Most of the time it results in failure, except for rare cases like Chip, who happened to be head coaching material from the outset. It's like promoting an engineer to be a manager of people. Some can do it, but most can't. Totally different skill sets. Technical prowess and ability to strategize against an offense or a defense rarely translates to a CEO level ability to manage your henchmen, your players, your business, and guide your program to success with an eagle eye's view of the larger picture.


  • HanseeHall78
    HanseeHall78 Member Posts: 156
    Tyrone was never a coordinator.
  • haie
    haie Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 20,827 Swaye's Wigwam

    It's FS. Most of the time it results in failure, except for rare cases like Chip, who happened to be head coaching material from the outset. It's like promoting an engineer to be a manager of people. Some can do it, but most can't. Totally different skill sets. Technical prowess and ability to strategize against an offense or a defense rarely translates to a CEO level ability to manage your henchmen, your players, your business, and guide your program to success with an eagle eye's view of the larger picture.

    Let me educate you. Oregon fans thought after Chip they would get someone godly. They promoted Helfirch. He proceeded to shit himself, and then Oregon responded by hiring Taggert. Taggert was mediocre losing 3-38 to UW and doing nothing and still left that loser piece of shit party school for a party school that has at least won a championship.

    Oregon responded by promoting a coordinator.

    Don't you fucking losers get it? Urban, etc doesn't want to come to Eugene because it's a shit hole and Oregon is a piece of shit party school that will never win anything.

    Elite coaches don't even respect you. Your D coordinator sure as hell didn't.
  • oregonblitzkrieg
    oregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288
    haie said:

    It's FS. Most of the time it results in failure, except for rare cases like Chip, who happened to be head coaching material from the outset. It's like promoting an engineer to be a manager of people. Some can do it, but most can't. Totally different skill sets. Technical prowess and ability to strategize against an offense or a defense rarely translates to a CEO level ability to manage your henchmen, your players, your business, and guide your program to success with an eagle eye's view of the larger picture.

    Let me educate you. Oregon fans thought after Chip they would get someone godly. They promoted Helfirch. He proceeded to shit himself, and then Oregon responded by hiring Taggert. Taggert was mediocre losing 3-38 to UW and doing nothing and still left that loser piece of shit party school for a party school that has at least won a championship.

    Oregon responded by promoting a coordinator.

    Don't you fucking losers get it? Urban, etc doesn't want to come to Eugene because it's a shit hole and Oregon is a piece of shit party school that will never win anything.

    Elite coaches don't even respect you. Your D coordinator sure as hell didn't.
    You must be talking about FSU. The defending champs and their Heisman QB that Oregon plungered 59-20 in the CFB playoffs, right? You should try it sometime -- winning a playoff game. It's really cool. It's like winning a Heart of Dallas Bowl, only better.

  • Pitchfork51
    Pitchfork51 Member Posts: 26,721
    haie said:

    It's FS. Most of the time it results in failure, except for rare cases like Chip, who happened to be head coaching material from the outset. It's like promoting an engineer to be a manager of people. Some can do it, but most can't. Totally different skill sets. Technical prowess and ability to strategize against an offense or a defense rarely translates to a CEO level ability to manage your henchmen, your players, your business, and guide your program to success with an eagle eye's view of the larger picture.

    Let me educate you. Oregon fans thought after Chip they would get someone godly. They promoted Helfirch. He proceeded to shit himself, and then Oregon responded by hiring Taggert. Taggert was mediocre losing 3-38 to UW and doing nothing and still left that loser piece of shit party school for a party school that has at least won a championship.

    Oregon responded by promoting a coordinator.

    Don't you fucking losers get it? Urban, etc doesn't want to come to Eugene because it's a shit hole and Oregon is a piece of shit party school that will never win anything.

    Elite coaches don't even respect you. Your D coordinator sure as hell didn't.
    Wtf is your problem with party schools?!!
  • backthepack
    backthepack Member Posts: 19,811
    It has happened OBK has gone full quoock
  • dnc
    dnc Member Posts: 56,614

    It has happened OBK has gone back to full quoock

  • haie
    haie Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 20,827 Swaye's Wigwam

    haie said:

    It's FS. Most of the time it results in failure, except for rare cases like Chip, who happened to be head coaching material from the outset. It's like promoting an engineer to be a manager of people. Some can do it, but most can't. Totally different skill sets. Technical prowess and ability to strategize against an offense or a defense rarely translates to a CEO level ability to manage your henchmen, your players, your business, and guide your program to success with an eagle eye's view of the larger picture.

    Let me educate you. Oregon fans thought after Chip they would get someone godly. They promoted Helfirch. He proceeded to shit himself, and then Oregon responded by hiring Taggert. Taggert was mediocre losing 3-38 to UW and doing nothing and still left that loser piece of shit party school for a party school that has at least won a championship.

    Oregon responded by promoting a coordinator.

    Don't you fucking losers get it? Urban, etc doesn't want to come to Eugene because it's a shit hole and Oregon is a piece of shit party school that will never win anything.

    Elite coaches don't even respect you. Your D coordinator sure as hell didn't.
    Wtf is your problem with party schools?!!
    I don't have a problem with them but ducks don't think they are one.
  • oregonblitzkrieg
    oregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288
    haie said:

    haie said:

    It's FS. Most of the time it results in failure, except for rare cases like Chip, who happened to be head coaching material from the outset. It's like promoting an engineer to be a manager of people. Some can do it, but most can't. Totally different skill sets. Technical prowess and ability to strategize against an offense or a defense rarely translates to a CEO level ability to manage your henchmen, your players, your business, and guide your program to success with an eagle eye's view of the larger picture.

    Let me educate you. Oregon fans thought after Chip they would get someone godly. They promoted Helfirch. He proceeded to shit himself, and then Oregon responded by hiring Taggert. Taggert was mediocre losing 3-38 to UW and doing nothing and still left that loser piece of shit party school for a party school that has at least won a championship.

    Oregon responded by promoting a coordinator.

    Don't you fucking losers get it? Urban, etc doesn't want to come to Eugene because it's a shit hole and Oregon is a piece of shit party school that will never win anything.

    Elite coaches don't even respect you. Your D coordinator sure as hell didn't.
    Wtf is your problem with party schools?!!
    I don't have a problem with them but ducks don't think they are one.
    WSU is a party school. Why hate on your alma mater?
  • NEsnake12
    NEsnake12 Member Posts: 3,791

    Dabo, Kirby Smart, and Lincoln Riley all disagree. So does Petersen from his Boise tenure. And you already mentioned Chip... that’s half of the top 10 coaches from this decade
  • oregonblitzkrieg
    oregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288
    NEsnake12 said:


    Dabo, Kirby Smart, and Lincoln Riley all disagree. So does Petersen from his Boise tenure. And you already mentioned Chip... that’s half of the top 10 coaches from this decade

    That's 5 coaches out of 126 teams, and not all of the coaches you just mentioned are great. Pete and Riley are passable, and don't belong in the same category as Chip. Not all 126 coaches are former coordinators, but I'd guess more than half are. Not a very good success rate. The point stands. Promoting coordinators to the head coaching job is generally FS and results in failure more often than not.
  • NEsnake12
    NEsnake12 Member Posts: 3,791

    NEsnake12 said:


    Dabo, Kirby Smart, and Lincoln Riley all disagree. So does Petersen from his Boise tenure. And you already mentioned Chip... that’s half of the top 10 coaches from this decade

    That's 5 coaches out of 126 teams, and not all of the coaches you just mentioned are great. Pete and Riley are passable, and don't belong in the same category as Chip. Not all 126 coaches are former coordinators, but I'd guess more than half are. Not a very good success rate. The point stands. Promoting coordinators to the head coaching job is generally FS and results in failure more often than not.
    So you wanna pretend like hiring guys with head coaching experience is any more reliable?

    Ty. Kevin Sumlin. Rich Rod. Lane Kiffin. Gary Andersen. Sonny Dykes. Jim Mora. SARK.

    That’s just the Pac12 in the last 10-15 years. All were either dumpster fires from the get go, or ended up as dumpster fires eventually.
  • Mad_Son
    Mad_Son Member Posts: 10,129
    whlinder said:

    Where else do you get head coaches from? They all have to get experience from somewhere.

    At a big time school promoting an OC/DC is not the preferred method but there are only so many potentially great existing HCs at lower tier jobs.

    Arby's night manager >> P5 coordinator

    Most coaches fail. Just because OC/DC doesn't have a high success rate does not imply there is a better pool of candidates out there. Sure, ADs notoriously make stupid decisions all the time, that doesn't mean coordinators are a bad place to look for candidates.
  • haie
    haie Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 20,827 Swaye's Wigwam

    haie said:

    haie said:

    It's FS. Most of the time it results in failure, except for rare cases like Chip, who happened to be head coaching material from the outset. It's like promoting an engineer to be a manager of people. Some can do it, but most can't. Totally different skill sets. Technical prowess and ability to strategize against an offense or a defense rarely translates to a CEO level ability to manage your henchmen, your players, your business, and guide your program to success with an eagle eye's view of the larger picture.

    Let me educate you. Oregon fans thought after Chip they would get someone godly. They promoted Helfirch. He proceeded to shit himself, and then Oregon responded by hiring Taggert. Taggert was mediocre losing 3-38 to UW and doing nothing and still left that loser piece of shit party school for a party school that has at least won a championship.

    Oregon responded by promoting a coordinator.

    Don't you fucking losers get it? Urban, etc doesn't want to come to Eugene because it's a shit hole and Oregon is a piece of shit party school that will never win anything.

    Elite coaches don't even respect you. Your D coordinator sure as hell didn't.
    Wtf is your problem with party schools?!!
    I don't have a problem with them but ducks don't think they are one.
    WSU is a party school. Why hate on your alma mater?
    Keep melting down Lane. You won't even make it to Oct 19th.


  • UWhuskytskeet
    UWhuskytskeet Member Posts: 7,108
    Let's look at the coaches from the current Top-5 in the AP poll.
    • Clemson - Coordinator
    • Alabama - Head Coach
    • Georgia - Coordinator
    • Oklahoma - Coordinator
    • Ohio State - Coordinator
  • RaceBannon
    RaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 102,656 Swaye's Wigwam
    The Pac 12 has three of the top ten winning percentage coaches active today, five years minimum


    Cristobal still sucks
  • oregonblitzkrieg
    oregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288

    Let's look at the coaches from the current Top-5 in the AP poll.

    • Clemson - Coordinator
    • Alabama - Head Coach
    • Georgia - Coordinator
    • Oklahoma - Coordinator
    • Ohio State - Coordinator
    Oklahoma is like UW. They can get to the big games, but they never win them. Remove Ohio State from the list, their coach is unproven, will end up being their Helfrich. What has Georgia done lately?