Ignoring the problems of our inner cities? Sitting back and watching while generation after generation is raised in poverty and dilapidated hell holes? Watching the never ending generational dependency on government welfare? The never ending cycle of violence?
The black vote has been a block for the dem party for 54 years. Democrats refuse to address it for one reason and one reason only: They would rather have the voting block and really don't care about the plight of inner city families. To me this is inhumane and racist. The very definition of it.
Addressing the problems is not inhumane or racist. We have to do it despite the democrats because the violence in places like Baltimore is growing. Many minorities in those communities are not getting out and getting the available jobs like the rest of the country (government dependence) so they are not experiencing this excellent economy. The dems have only one defense when the plight of inner city minorities is discussed, they call you a racist.
Elijah Cummings is powerful and done nothing to help his area. This is inhumane. Yet the POS has for 22 years accused countless other innocent people of being racist. He has run cover for Hillary when she was guilty and is a generally dishonest politician. He is a sure thing for re-election yet the violence and poverty in Baltimore's toughest areas continues to go up.
People are starting to question their dem leaders and that is a good thing. I am glad Trump brought it up because it needs to be discussed. There have been countless articles written about the problems in Baltimore. The only time someone was accused of racism for writing about or stating the obvious when when Trump said it.
https://nypost.com/2019/07/28/trump-is-right-about-baltimore-and-the-democrats-know-it/In May, the New York Times Magazine ran a cover story called, “The Tragedy of Baltimore.” The story details how, in the wake of the 2015 riots—or “uprising” in the view of those who imagine the torching of a neighborhood CVS and the intentional sabotage of the firefighters’ equipment to be revolutionary actions—Baltimore went from bad to horrible: “nothing less than a failure of order and governance the likes of which few American cities have seen in years.”
By any measure of systemic urban collapse, Baltimore is, as Trump said “very dangerous & filthy.” Among the largest 30 American cities, Baltimore has the highest crime rate, and is a close second to Detroit for the highest rate of violent crime. But for murders, Baltimore is second to no other city, with more than 50 homicides per 100,000 people. That puts Charm City in the ranks of Jamaica, Venezuela, and El Salvador in terms of lethality.
Your complete lack of concern for our fellow Americans who have a great deal of their population that has struggled for two and three generations under dem party rule is noted.
At least GayBob had the animal instinct to recognize the days of his bullshit are over.
But you keep on keeping our fellow black skinned Americans down HH. Its what you dems do, it's who you are, where you come from, in your blood. You libs have learned well from your Confederate dem forefathers. The torture you have put on them through your liberal plantation has been every bit as harmful and destructive.
Blah blah blah, racist, racist, racist, blah blah blah. Can't you at least try to be original? You are the racist democrats. Weak assed attempts to cleanse your soul by blaming others for your racist policies and beliefs is way past its prime. Come up with something new you dumbass. No one believes you.
I have asked 10 times for liberals to give examples of Trumps racism. None of you dishonest nitwits has bothered to answer because there is nothing. Zero. Just more baseless claims of racism which many American minorities are starting to see as just flat out lies.
Can you describe in your own words why cal pers is a Ponzi scheme?
My guess is you are a hooded antifa one punch wimp who will lie to his dying day rather than admit the truth.