They polled 548 "experts" on womens issues. I had more respondents for my neighborhood Christmas party that this rag had for a poll about world wide "perceptions" for fucks sake.
Absolute tripe. Complete crap information. So much so that I can't believe any self respecting research organization would post such meaningless drivel.
Worthless document. And WTF is a "perception poll"? FFS these liberal organizations are so dishonest.
In fact, there is an India Today report, where they approached Belinda Goldsmith, Editor-in-Chief, Thomson Reuters Foundation and asked her if the varying population of different countries was taken into account for calculating the number of crimes and if the data published by the governments were used to arrive at a conclusion. To this, she replied “No, this was a perception poll based on the views of experts and not on data.”
Hey O'Keefed would you say the people who put the US on this list love this country? What would you guess the politics are of the "experts" who thought that the US should be on this list?
Take that Mullahs
They polled 548 "experts" on womens issues. I had more respondents for my neighborhood Christmas party that this rag had for a poll about world wide "perceptions" for fucks sake.
Absolute tripe. Complete crap information. So much so that I can't believe any self respecting research organization would post such meaningless drivel.
Worthless document. And WTF is a "perception poll"? FFS these liberal organizations are so dishonest.
In fact, there is an India Today report, where they approached Belinda Goldsmith, Editor-in-Chief, Thomson Reuters Foundation and asked her if the varying population of different countries was taken into account for calculating the number of crimes and if the data published by the governments were used to arrive at a conclusion. To this, she replied “No, this was a perception poll based on the views of experts and not on data.”