Hey you little fucks. Sorry you got the Big C. Kick it's ass. But....man up for fuck's sake. Wishing ain't gonna do shit.
When I was 5, I saw Martin Luther King Jr and Bobby Kennedy buried and figured out right then and there, it's not cool to be against people of a different race or religion. Be your future.
Hey you little fucks. Sorry you got the Big C. Kick it's ass. But....man up for fuck's sake. Wishing ain't gonna do shit.
When I was 5, I saw Martin Luther King Jr and Bobby Kennedy buried and figured out right then and there, it's not cool to be against people of a different race or religion. Be your future.
It’s so surreal. When I was a kid we were buying cokes and singing in harmony. We were giving a hoot as to not pollute. We were integrating. Archie Bunker was satire. Racism was dying and fast. Elected a black president. Of course there were a very very small number of racists. Always will be. And still are. Very small number. Then holy fuck, suddenly we are worse than the 1830’s slavery and 1930s nazi Germany combined. Bullshit. This is the least racist nation on earth in the least racist time in history. Yeah, there are some racists. But fuck off if you don’t think it’s a tiny minority and also fuck off if you don’t think it’s being fueled by people who get power and money from fanning the flames of racism and have a vesting interest in keeping it alive. Leftists and SJW’s (mostly whites) are swallowing the load like a cheap whore. Useful idiots.
Also fuck off. No one in my life has ever called me a racist to my FACE! Because I’ve never done a racist action in my life. Unless it’s to be extra polite to a black person in the past 5 years because I’m overcompensating for all the horseshit. Guilty as charged.
Hey you little fucks. Sorry you got the Big C. Kick it's ass. But....man up for fuck's sake. Wishing ain't gonna do shit.
When I was 5, I saw Martin Luther King Jr and Bobby Kennedy buried and figured out right then and there, it's not cool to be against people of a different race or religion. Be your future.
It’s so surreal. When I was a kid we were buying cokes and singing in harmony. We were giving a hoot as to not pollute. We were integrating. Archie Bunker was satire. Racism was dying and fast. Elected a black president. Of course there were a very very small number of racists. Always will be. And still are. Very small number. Then holy fuck, suddenly we are worse than the 1830’s slavery and 1930s nazi Germany combined. Bullshit. This is the least racist nation on earth in the least racist time in history. Yeah, there are some racists. But fuck off if you don’t think it’s a tiny minority and also fuck off if you don’t think it’s being fueled by people who get power and money from fanning the flames of racism and have a vesting interest in keeping it alive. Leftists and SJW’s (mostly whites) are swallowing the load like a cheap whore. Useful idiots.
Also fuck off. No one in my life has ever called me a racist to my FACE! Because I’ve never done a racist action in my life. Unless it’s to be extra polite to a black person in the past 5 years because I’m overcompensating for all the horseshit. Guilty as charged.
Also fuck off.
People who get power and money fanning the flames of racism suck.
Hey you little fucks. Sorry you got the Big C. Kick it's ass. But....man up for fuck's sake. Wishing ain't gonna do shit.
When I was 5, I saw Martin Luther King Jr and Bobby Kennedy buried and figured out right then and there, it's not cool to be against people of a different race or religion. Be your future.
It’s so surreal. When I was a kid we were buying cokes and singing in harmony. We were giving a hoot as to not pollute. We were integrating. Archie Bunker was satire. Racism was dying and fast. Elected a black president. Of course there were a very very small number of racists. Always will be. And still are. Very small number. Then holy fuck, suddenly we are worse than the 1830’s slavery and 1930s nazi Germany combined. Bullshit. This is the least racist nation on earth in the least racist time in history. Yeah, there are some racists. But fuck off if you don’t think it’s a tiny minority and also fuck off if you don’t think it’s being fueled by people who get power and money from fanning the flames of racism and have a vesting interest in keeping it alive. Leftists and SJW’s (mostly whites) are swallowing the load like a cheap whore. Useful idiots.
Also fuck off. No one in my life has ever called me a racist to my FACE! Because I’ve never done a racist action in my life. Unless it’s to be extra polite to a black person in the past 5 years because I’m overcompensating for all the horseshit. Guilty as charged.
Also fuck off.
I will fucking KILL anyone who calls me a racist to MY FACE! Fucking kill them. No warning, just gone.
Back in my younger days, that was about the worst possible slur you could use against someone short of the N word...which, by the way, The Throbber has never used or any other derivative thereof. I can say my bruthas used to toss around 'boy' pretty regularly in skirmishes but we was homeys so it was all good. The Throbber did not 'boy' them back. He's smart like dat.
Hey you little fucks. Sorry you got the Big C. Kick it's ass. But....man up for fuck's sake. Wishing ain't gonna do shit.
When I was 5, I saw Martin Luther King Jr and Bobby Kennedy buried and figured out right then and there, it's not cool to be against people of a different race or religion. Be your future.
It’s so surreal. When I was a kid we were buying cokes and singing in harmony. We were giving a hoot as to not pollute. We were integrating. Archie Bunker was satire. Racism was dying and fast. Elected a black president. Of course there were a very very small number of racists. Always will be. And still are. Very small number. Then holy fuck, suddenly we are worse than the 1830’s slavery and 1930s nazi Germany combined. Bullshit. This is the least racist nation on earth in the least racist time in history. Yeah, there are some racists. But fuck off if you don’t think it’s a tiny minority and also fuck off if you don’t think it’s being fueled by people who get power and money from fanning the flames of racism and have a vesting interest in keeping it alive. Leftists and SJW’s (mostly whites) are swallowing the load like a cheap whore. Useful idiots.
Also fuck off. No one in my life has ever called me a racist to my FACE! Because I’ve never done a racist action in my life. Unless it’s to be extra polite to a black person in the past 5 years because I’m overcompensating for all the horseshit. Guilty as charged.
When I was 5, I saw Martin Luther King Jr and Bobby Kennedy buried and figured out right then and there, it's not cool to be against people of a different race or religion. Be your future.
Also fuck off. No one in my life has ever called me a racist to my FACE! Because I’ve never done a racist action in my life. Unless it’s to be extra polite to a black person in the past 5 years because I’m overcompensating for all the horseshit. Guilty as charged.
Also fuck off.
Back in my younger days, that was about the worst possible slur you could use against someone short of the N word...which, by the way, The Throbber has never used or any other derivative thereof. I can say my bruthas used to toss around 'boy' pretty regularly in skirmishes but we was homeys so it was all good. The Throbber did not 'boy' them back. He's smart like dat.