Go ahead Hondo, tell us how you get rid of your toxic “whiteness?”
Found a pic of the hondobros
That shitheel of a Dad should get a mud hole stomped in his ass just for fucking up his kids for life.
How many people do this shit? I’ve never seen this once in my entire life and I’ve lived in Seattle Bend Bay Area AND LA
Never seen anything like this
I believe these losers were in Seattle. Of course they got media coverage on their little moral courage moment. Thanks for apologizing for slavery 140 years ago. So noble of them. Nobody else realizes that was bad until you chained yourself up and made a spectacle. Assholes.
Never seen anything like this
here's some dumbfucks in Spokane.
here's some dumbfucks in Portland
Here's a dumbfuck in Seattle
Here's a dumbfuck on the Bay Bridge - so it could be SF or it could be Oakland.
Shall we go on?