Didn't he honeymoon there or is my news source lying to me?
The honeymoon with authoritarianism never ended for Bernie.
Trumptards hate autocrats potd.
I'm a fan of Trump in as much as he upset the big government status quo of the right and dropped a giant turd in the NeoLibs Chicago style punchbowl.
I'm not at all a fan of his populous or authoritarian rhetoric but I'm even less a fan of the Left in this country and it's unabashed statism.
I can hate autocrats of all colors.
Trump has done a great job reducing and decentralizing the federal government. Everyone says so.
Imagine caring about this.
He cares so much he votes for people who want to expand and centralize the fed government more
He's a smart one.
Trump is a fiscal conservative republican potd.
Says who?
H Husky thinks Obama was the fiscally conservative of the two when he ran against Romney.
So you should go for Bernie. He wants to shrink the power of the federal government. Or not
That's your problem - all you have is Trump Derangement. You have no alternative other than your need for slave labor to compete
Old times there are not forgotten
So you can’t defend trump’s incompetence and incoherence. At all. Got it. Bernie! Obama! Hillary! Romney! Great deflection as always.
Btw, I haven’t cancelled my home improvement and landscape project. Can you you assemble your keystone kontractors and submit a bid?
Trump has to pay for Obama's interest payments on 10 trillion in debt he added to the deficit as well as all the delayed costs for Obunghole care. Funny how everyone forgets that.
OP Bernie is lying about his support for socialist authoritarians
CDawg: Trump! Trump! Truuuuuuuuuummmmmmmp! Why are you deflecting?
Bernie is still a liar(even if Trump is too). He supports authoritarians as long as they have a "socialist" adjective.
Look at the trumptards abandoning every single self defining “principle”they say they have. Free markets (tariffs) Free people (Putin, KJU & MBS) Free trade (nafta, China, & EU) Sad.
OP Bernie is lying about his support for socialist authoritarians
CDawg: Trump! Trump! Truuuuuuuuuummmmmmmp! Why are you deflecting?
Bernie is still a liar(even if Trump is too). He supports authoritarians as long as they have a "socialist" adjective.
Look at the trumptards abandoning every single self defining “principle”they say they have. Free markets (tariffs) Free people (Putin, KJU & MBS) Free trade (nafta, China, & EU) Sad.
OP Bernie is lying about his support for socialist authoritarians
CDawg: Trump! Trump! Truuuuuuuuuummmmmmmp! Why are you deflecting?
Bernie is still a liar(even if Trump is too). He supports authoritarians as long as they have a "socialist" adjective.
Look at the trumptards abandoning every single self defining “principle”they say they have. Free markets (tariffs) Free people (Putin, KJU & MBS) Free trade (nafta, China, & EU) Sad.
Why are you deflecting from Bernie?
TDS indeed.
Jfc. Can you pay attention at all? Fuck bernie. Damone coined the term that trump and Bernie are the same sides of the same retarded coin.
OP Bernie is lying about his support for socialist authoritarians
CDawg: Trump! Trump! Truuuuuuuuuummmmmmmp! Why are you deflecting?
Bernie is still a liar(even if Trump is too). He supports authoritarians as long as they have a "socialist" adjective.
Look at the trumptards abandoning every single self defining “principle”they say they have. Free markets (tariffs) Free people (Putin, KJU & MBS) Free trade (nafta, China, & EU) Sad.
Why are you deflecting from Bernie?
TDS indeed.
Jfc. Can you pay attention at all? Fuck bernie. Damone coined the term that trump and Bernie are the same sides of the same retarded coin.
I did. And Hardley Clothed got pissed that I put his commie loving racist dirtbag on that coin. You seem upset too that Bernie is exposed as a fucking piece of shit.
OP Bernie is lying about his support for socialist authoritarians
CDawg: Trump! Trump! Truuuuuuuuuummmmmmmp! Why are you deflecting?
Bernie is still a liar(even if Trump is too). He supports authoritarians as long as they have a "socialist" adjective.
Look at the trumptards abandoning every single self defining “principle”they say they have. Free markets (tariffs) Free people (Putin, KJU & MBS) Free trade (nafta, China, & EU) Sad.
Why are you deflecting from Bernie?
TDS indeed.
Jfc. Can you pay attention at all? Fuck bernie. Damone coined the term that trump and Bernie are the same sides of the same retarded coin.
I did. And Hardley Clothed got pissed that I put his commie loving racist dirtbag on that coin. You seem upset too that Bernie is exposed as a fucking piece of shit.
Trumptard “what’ about Bernie” is pathetic. I hate Bernie.
OP Bernie is lying about his support for socialist authoritarians
CDawg: Trump! Trump! Truuuuuuuuuummmmmmmp! Why are you deflecting?
Bernie is still a liar(even if Trump is too). He supports authoritarians as long as they have a "socialist" adjective.
Look at the trumptards abandoning every single self defining “principle”they say they have. Free markets (tariffs) Free people (Putin, KJU & MBS) Free trade (nafta, China, & EU) Sad.
Why are you deflecting from Bernie?
TDS indeed.
Jfc. Can you pay attention at all? Fuck bernie. Damone coined the term that trump and Bernie are the same sides of the same retarded coin.
I did. And Hardley Clothed got pissed that I put his commie loving racist dirtbag on that coin. You seem upset too that Bernie is exposed as a fucking piece of shit.
Trumptard “what’ about Bernie” is pathetic. I hate Bernie.
H Husky thinks Obama was the fiscally conservative of the two when he ran against Romney.
So you should go for Bernie. He wants to shrink the power of the federal government. Or not
That's your problem - all you have is Trump Derangement. You have no alternative other than your need for slave labor to compete
Old times there are not forgotten
It's the politics of greed and envy and the free lunch.
Btw, I haven’t cancelled my home improvement and landscape project. Can you you assemble your keystone kontractors and submit a bid?
I'll take more of this "incompetence."
CDawg: Trump! Trump! Truuuuuuuuuummmmmmmp! Why are you deflecting?
Bernie is still a liar(even if Trump is too). He supports authoritarians as long as they have a "socialist" adjective.
Free markets (tariffs)
Free people (Putin, KJU & MBS)
Free trade (nafta, China, & EU)
TDS indeed.
Fuck bernie.
Damone coined the term that trump and Bernie are the same sides of the same retarded coin.
trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump