Time to link your burger stand. So far it doesn't exist.
I love do gooders that have no skin in the game. Why not pay more taxes and start your reparations campaign? You can match people's donations with your billions.
Bernie is a virtue signaler. What did he do with his book money? Likely invested it to grow it further.
He could have started a soup kitchen! Or fund free college!
Bernie released his taxes and I'm sure he paid his fair share.
That being said, your post reads like a Fox news segment. Virtue signaling!!!!! Reparations!!! With zero understand of what either means.
From his own rhetoric he's obviously not paying his fair share.
Hit'em long, hit'em straight! With all your time play 36!
Your obsession is noted. No golf today, I fly to Portland for work. And I'm kinda working right now. If you must know.
And fuck tiger. I hope his back hurts and he starts to pull hook every drive.
Only a loser like Hondo would hate someone who worked hard to overcome adversity to achieve the highest level in his career.
Hondo hates the Black golfer? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo
He can’t stand seeing a black man dominate a traditionally white mans game. It makes him as mad as she black women who aren’t leftists speak their mind to Congress. Get back on the leftist plantation!
I can’t stand his bullshit.