other people while on the field... The citation was from dawgman.
Hope you enjoyed that nutsacks! Here's the article-
https://247sports.com/college/washington/Article/Washington-Huskies-Football-Adams-Wants-Husky-Receivers-To-Be-In-Attack-Mode-At-All-Times-130864112/ Not the worst article that's come from them. I slightly enjoyed because other than thinking he was constantly high and the short video of him yesterday with the sled, we haven't seen much nor do we know much about him. Enjoy your copypasta:
"I always like to hang my hat on just the mindset of playing the position and just to be in attack mode at all times," Adams told the media following the Huskies' first spring practice on Wednesday. "That's one of the things that we want to preach to this group and harp on to this group of guys is just that edge and compete each snap. One of the first things I said to these guys was that I'm a wide receiver. I go to bed as one, I wake up as one, I walk around as one, I talk like one, I'm just like you guys, so I get it. I think I could bring that mindset and understand why they're thinking the way they're thinking and just that competitive juice, that fire. These guys have made plays, let's not kid ourselves, they've made a lot of plays, so I'm very fortunate to be able to walk into a room with a lot of veterans."
Speaking of those very veterans, Adams returns four seniors -- Aaron Fuller, Andre Baccellia, Chico McClatcher and Quinten Pounds -- but one is out while recovering from third knee injury (Pounds), one is limited this spring (Fuller) and another is coming off of a leave of absence from the team (McClatcher). With that in mind, he's also taken a look at the youngsters in the room and he's excited by what he's seen so far.
"You've got some good young talent in the room. I really do believe that," Adams noted. "They've been good. They've been all ears. They've been sponges. I think we're doing a really good job of just connecting right now. That's the most important thing."
Those youngsters include a pair of four star recruits in Marquis Spiker and Austin Osborne as well as a converted running back who could be deadly out of the slot. Add to that the two talented wideouts -- Puka Nacua and Taj Davis -- and he'll have some bodies to work with, but they'd better figure out how to block down the field.
"We like to say 'no block, no rock'," Adams said with a chuckle. "Long runs come from wide receivers blocking down field and I truly believe that. I think we're going to celebrate touchdown blocks as much as we're going to celebrate touchdown passes. If you watched our practice today, one of the first things we did was get on the sled and started blocking. I think that's the mindset we've got to have at the receiver position, always in attack mode, just playing like our hair's on fire -- 'all gas no breaks', that's what we say in there -- but I think blocking is one of the most important pieces and one of our basic fundamentals.
Adams and the rest of the Huskies get back to work on the field on Friday and he'll be making mental notes of those who figure things out quickly and those are likely to be the players that find their way onto the field for more reps as they continue getting ready for the start of the season on August 31st.
IF home dude ain't fast twitch, I don't know what is. Too early to tell (LIPO) but he needs to prove his ability with player development to lure in WIlson/McMillan IMO. Overall, I feel good about the projectory of the WR room. With skinny, Jake the 3rd, wakoff, and Huard the 5th, we need to be able to close on the potential of the WR's playing with studs. We need to be able to close on the fact that "when you come to deathrow, you learn to block as well" so your NFL value is maxed out. We also need to sell the fact that our WR coach won't be all up in the videos (if you missed that reference, I can't help you). WE = bushes and Jr.
Cautiously optimistic with a half chubby.
Faux Lawyers?
Ich hoffe, du hast diesen Nutsacks genossen! Hier ist der Artikel- https://247sports.com/college/washington/Artikel/Washington-Huskies-Football-Adams-Wants-Husky-Receivers-To-Be-In-Attack-Mode-At-All-Times-130864112/
Nicht der schlechteste Artikel, der von ihnen kommt. Ich habe es ein bisschen genossen, denn außer dass er konstant hoch war und das kurze Video von ihm gestern mit dem Schlitten, haben wir nicht viel gesehen oder wissen nicht viel über ihn. Genießen Sie Ihre Copypasta:
"Ich mag es immer, meinen Hut nur an die Denkweise des Positionierens der Position zu hängen und immer im Angriffsmodus zu sein", sagte Adams nach dem ersten Frühjahrstraining der Huskies am Mittwoch den Medien. "Das ist eines der Dinge, die wir dieser Gruppe predigen wollen, und Harfe für diese Gruppe von Jungs ist einfach der Vorteil und konkurrieren jeden Schnappschuss. Eines der ersten Dinge, die ich diesen Jungs sagte, war, dass ich ein breiter Empfänger bin. Ich gehe als eins ins Bett, ich wache als eins auf, gehe als eins herum, ich spreche wie eins, ich bin genau wie Sie, also verstehe ich das. Ich denke, ich könnte diese Denkweise einbringen und verstehen, warum sie es sind Ich denke so, wie sie denken, und diesen Wettkampfsaft, dieses Feuer. Diese Jungs haben Spiele gemacht, lass uns nichts vormachen, sie haben viele Spiele gemacht, also bin ich sehr glücklich, in einen Raum gehen zu können mit vielen Veteranen. "
Apropos Veteranen, Adams gibt vier Senioren zurück - Aaron Fuller, Andre Baccellia, Chico McClatcher und Quinten Pounds -, aber einer ist nicht dabei, sich von der dritten Knieverletzung (Pounds) zu erholen, einer ist in diesem Frühjahr begrenzt (Fuller) und der andere ist eingeschränkt Kündigung eines Abwesenheitsurlaubs aus dem Team (McClatcher). Vor diesem Hintergrund hat er sich auch die Jugendlichen im Raum angesehen und ist begeistert von dem, was er bisher gesehen hat.
"Sie haben einige gute junge Talente im Raum. Das glaube ich wirklich", bemerkte Adams. "Sie waren gut. Sie waren alle Ohren. Sie waren Schwämme. Ich denke, wir machen es wirklich gut, gerade jetzt eine Verbindung herzustellen. Das ist das Wichtigste."
Zu diesen Jugendlichen gehören zwei Rekruten von vier Sternen in Marquis Spiker und Austin Osborne sowie ein konvertierter Läufer, der tödlich sein könnte. Dazu kommen noch die beiden talentierten Wideouts - Puka Nacua und Taj Davis -, und er wird einige Körper haben, mit denen er arbeiten kann, aber sie sollten besser herausfinden, wie man das Feld blockiert.
"Wir sagen gerne" kein Block, kein Rock ", sagte Adams mit einem Kichern. "Lange Runs kommen von breiten Empfängern, die das Feld blockieren, und ich glaube wirklich, dass das so ist. Ich denke, wir werden Touchdown-Blöcke genauso feiern, wie wir Touchdown-Pässe feiern. Wenn Sie heute unsere Praxis beobachten, ist eines der ersten Dinge Wir haben uns auf den Schlitten gesetzt und angefangen zu blockieren. Ich denke, das ist die Denkweise, die wir an der Empfängerposition haben müssen, immer im Angriffsmodus, nur wie unser Haar in Brand - "All Gas No Breaks" Wir sagen da drinnen - aber ich denke, dass das Blockieren eines der wichtigsten Elemente und eine unserer grundlegenden Grundlagen ist.
Adams und der Rest der Huskies machen sich am Freitag wieder auf den Feldern und machen sich Gedanken über diejenigen, die die Dinge schnell herausfinden, und wahrscheinlich sind es die Spieler, die ihren Weg für mehr Wiederholungen finden Sie bereiten sich weiterhin auf den Saisonstart am 31. August vor.
WENN der Kumpel zu Hause nicht schnell zuckt, weiß ich nicht, was ist. Zu früh, um es zu sagen (LIPO), aber er muss seine Fähigkeit bei der Spielerentwicklung unter Beweis stellen, um WIlson / McMillan IMO anzulocken. Insgesamt fühle ich mich gut mit der Projektion des WR-Raums. Mit Skinny, Jake dem 3., Wakoff und Huard dem 5. müssen wir in der Lage sein, das Potenzial des WRs, mit Studs zu spielen, näher zu bringen. Wir müssen in der Lage sein, die Tatsache zu schließen, dass "wenn Sie zu einem Todesfall kommen, Sie lernen, auch zu blockieren", so dass Ihr NFL-Wert maximal ist. Wir müssen auch die Tatsache verkaufen, dass unser WR-Trainer nicht alle in den Videos enthalten ist (wenn Sie diese Referenz verpasst haben, kann ich Ihnen nicht helfen). WIR = Büsche und Jr.
Vorsichtig optimistisch mit einem halben Pummel.
Spero che ti siano piaciuti questi Nutsack! Ecco l'articolo https://247sports.com/college/washington/Artikel/Washington-Huskies-Football-Adams-Wants-Husky-Receivers-To-Be-In-Attack-Mode-At-All-Times-130864112 /
Non l'articolo peggiore che viene da loro. Mi è piaciuto un po ', perché tranne che era costantemente alto e il breve video di lui ieri con la slitta, non abbiamo visto molto o non sappiamo molto di lui. Buon divertimento con Copypasta:
"Mi piace sempre appendere il mio cappello sulla mentalità di posizionare la posizione e stare sempre in modalità attacco", ha detto Adams dopo la prima sessione di allenamento primaverile degli husky mercoledì. "Questa è una delle cose che vogliamo predicare questo gruppo, e arpa per questo gruppo di ragazzi è semplicemente il vantaggio e competere ogni istantanea. Una delle prime cose che ho detto a questi ragazzi è che io sono un wide receiver. vado come uno a letto, mi sveglio
"Hanno alcuni bravi giovani talenti nella stanza, penso di sì", ha detto Adams. "Erano bravi, erano tutti orecchi, erano spugne, e penso che stiamo facendo un ottimo lavoro collegandoci in questo momento, questa è la cosa più importante."
Questi adolescenti includono due reclute da quattro stelle in Marquis Spiker e Austin Osborne, oltre a un corridore convertito che potrebbe essere mortale. Poi ci sono i due talentuosi ampi out - Puka Nacua e Taj Davis - e lui avrà qualche corpo con cui si può lavorare, ma farebbero meglio a capire come bloccare il campo.
"Ci piace dire" no block, no rock ", ha detto Adams ridacchiando," i long run provengono da grandi ricevitori che bloccano il campo, e credo davvero che sia vero. Penso che festeggeremo i blocchi touchdown nello stesso modo in cui celebriamo i passaggi touchdown. Guardare la nostra pratica oggi è una delle prime cose: ci siamo seduti sulla slitta e abbiamo iniziato a bloccare. Penso che sia la mentalità che dobbiamo avere sul lato ricevente, sempre in modalità attacco, proprio come i nostri capelli in fiamme - "All Gas No Breaks". Diciamo lì dentro - ma penso che blocchi uno degli elementi più importanti e una delle nostre nozioni di base è.
Adams e il resto degli Huskies torneranno sui campi venerdì, chiedendosi chi riesce a capire le cose in fretta, ed è probabilmente i giocatori che trovano la loro strada per altri rappresentanti. Continuano a prepararsi per l'inizio della stagione il 31 Agosto prima.
Se il compagno non salta veloce a casa, non so cosa sia. Troppo presto per dirlo (LIPO), ma deve dimostrare la sua abilità nello sviluppo del giocatore per attirare Wilson / McMillan IMO. Nel complesso, mi sento bene con la proiezione della sala WR. Con Skinny, Jake il 3, Wakoff e Huard il 5, dobbiamo essere in grado di portare alla ribalta il potenziale del WR di Studs. Dobbiamo essere in grado di chiudere il fatto che "se arrivi alla morte, impari anche a bloccare", quindi il tuo valore NFL è massimo. Dobbiamo anche vendere il fatto che il nostro coach WR non è tutto incluso nei video (se hai perso questo riferimento, non posso aiutarti). WE = cespugli e Jr.
Cautamente ottimista con un mezzo pugnale.