people like sledog, bob, mikedamone, they are all irredeemable pieces of shit and i suspect they have always been that way. the tragic thing about race is that he claims to have supported mcgovern, so maybe he was at least a decent person at one time. but he's been reduced to this.
Yeah, because if people don't vote the way you think they should they can't be decent people. Maybe you need to look in the mirror in order to see an irredeemable piece of shit.
the steve king defender is throwing stones about decency
now i've seen everything
But but but...
you've gotten even lazier as a poster in the last couple of weeks, which is saying something because I didn't think it could get much more low-effort than you
Responding to your dumbass doesn’t take much effort.
There he goes again
Anger brings out the racism
Imagine using the term “quote chain” and caring about it on a dead message board.