During Throbber wife v1.0, the goddamned cat got into her needlepoint/crochet shit. Ingested HUGE quantities of string and yarn...motherfucking cat was throwing up for days and we couldn't figure out what the fuck was wrong.
One of the many strings got caught on the cat's back tooth and instead of shitting it's way through, the string/yarn mess stayed in the intestines wrapping into a goddamned mess.
If I recall the vet bill was something like $3000 - which in the mid/late 80's was a SHITLOAD of money.
Kats in the Kountry stay outside and choke on other things that I do not need to know about. The woodpile/shop cat came home the other day with only half a tail. and she stank something fierce.
During Throbber wife v1.0, the goddamned cat got into her needlepoint/crochet shit. Ingested HUGE quantities of string and yarn...motherfucking cat was throwing up for days and we couldn't figure out what the fuck was wrong.
One of the many strings got caught on the cat's back tooth and instead of shitting it's way through, the string/yarn mess stayed in the intestines wrapping into a goddamned mess.
If I recall the vet bill was something like $3000 - which in the mid/late 80's was a SHITLOAD of money.
Fucking cats and ex-wives.....
$3000 for a cat! Time to put that sucker down. Big Nope!
Kats in the Kountry stay outside and choke on other things that I do not need to know about. The woodpile/shop cat came home the other day with only half a tail. and she stank something fierce.
Mein kitten is streetwise. She was a stray that I adopted from a shelter. Tac Town TUFF.
During Throbber wife v1.0, the goddamned cat got into her needlepoint/crochet shit. Ingested HUGE quantities of string and yarn...motherfucking cat was throwing up for days and we couldn't figure out what the fuck was wrong.
One of the many strings got caught on the cat's back tooth and instead of shitting it's way through, the string/yarn mess stayed in the intestines wrapping into a goddamned mess.
If I recall the vet bill was something like $3000 - which in the mid/late 80's was a SHITLOAD of money.
Fucking cats and ex-wives.....
$3000 for a cat! Time to put that sucker down. Big Nope!
I think I should warn you all, when a cat bites it, it's never a pretty sight. No two cats go out the same way. Some yell and scream, some go quietly, some explode, some implode. But, all will try and take you with them.
Kats in the Kountry stay outside and choke on other things that I do not need to know about. The woodpile/shop cat came home the other day with only half a tail. and she stank something fierce.
Mein kitten is streetwise. She was a stray that I adopted from a shelter. Tac Town TUFF.
Our* Tac Town TUFF cat finally sold the couch by being really fucking old last year. 17+. Ran the fucking house til the day his fat carcass was splayed across the floor.
The house cat at the G&R Compound (not the throbbers, I fucking hate cats), deposited a rabbit with its jugular ripped out on the back step last fall as a gift.
Mrs Lebam does not like the kitties crunching some chindescribable piece of animal under the outside table when we are eating. I think they make more noise than me so am OK with it.
One of the many strings got caught on the cat's back tooth and instead of shitting it's way through, the string/yarn mess stayed in the intestines wrapping into a goddamned mess.
If I recall the vet bill was something like $3000 - which in the mid/late 80's was a SHITLOAD of money.
Fucking cats and ex-wives.....
Cats suck.
Mighty fucking hunter cat.