The comedy is that no one is in jail for attempting a soft coup.
I don't think that means what you think it does. You do realize that taking down Trump would only put Pence in power right? But nice job parroting the company line.
The comedy is that no one is in jail for attempting a soft coup.
I don't think that means what you think it does. You do realize that taking down Trump would only put Pence in power right? But nice job parroting the company line.
The comedy is that no one is in jail for attempting a soft coup.
I don't think that means what you think it does. You do realize that taking down Trump would only put Pence in power right? But nice job parroting the company line.
The comedy is that no one is in jail for attempting a soft coup.
I don't think that means what you think it does. You do realize that taking down Trump would only put Pence in power right? But nice job parroting the company line.
News media hypocrasy is thick. But it's CNN the Communist News Network.
And sledog really believes what he types.