I'm not sure what to make that shit show. For a long time it was one of the more successful countries in its ability to take care of its people.
I'm not supporting socialism, so don't twist.
But nobody fires on, or sets fire to an AID convoy.
Unless it's suspected of carrying weapons for rebels.
The only thing I know is I don't trust our regime change thirsty government.
Not since WW2 has there been a single instance where the US prompted regime change and the subject country's people were better off.
Alternative Facts:
Reagan - Granada, things are going well there since we invaded. Plus they ain't screwing around any more
Clinton (pres not wannabe) - Bosnia, we beat the shit out of them and they are totally out of the news now
Obama - too many to mention with the US sanctioned Arab Spring - hell the Mideast is almost a place you can visit now
If you can't see why Trump is leaving Syria and going to Venezuela, maybe @GrandpaSankey can help you.
The Democratic Party.
With that said, I am enjoying the tail chasing of conflicting liberal tropes here. Liberal A, who previously claims that Trump is an Agent of Russia! Says it’s all for the Oil and price manipulation. And then when you tell Liberal A that low oil prices hurt Russia the most, you either get blocked or get crickets.
Putin would have been better off brokering a deal whereby the US and Russia split the middle east in half - like Germany after the war. Good old school conquest and kick the Saudi princes and Iranian moolahs the fuck out.
Low oil prices fuck Putin and Russia pretty much more than anything but nuclear holocaust.