Trump is clearly a lib in disguise. First He signs a Farm bill that makes the production of Hemp legal. Then He signs a crime bill that reduces drug user sentences and MJ dealer offenses as well. And now He takes the boldest steps yet on a world wide level to protect the LGBTQDJFK rights.
The next thing you know He’s gonna propose steps that protect people and more importantly, children from Mexico, Central and South America from death, rape and exploitation from traffickers.
I know. I know. Too far. Too far.
Dude is masterful at some of this shit. Staring big dick style straight at the gay persecuting world and essentially saying "Bring it".
Not sure whether it's him or his puppet masters but long time coming. Wonder why his predecessor didn't go down that path?
It’s because He had ID politics on lock and didn’t have to do anything to support the marginalized, real or imagined and still came out as their hero.
Isn’t Trump the same asshole who pushed through and signed criminal justice reform that Bernie and most democrats where demanding and that Sanders ran on?
LOL Now they won't want to be protected because Trump is protecting them. Liberalism is indeed a mental disease and we need those really big mental hospitals back.....
Now this prick is helping the gays? Sheesh.
@sarktastic called it.