Your outpouring of info must have been before my time here.
Most answers are pretty simple. Life isn't that hard but some people like to make it more difficult. HTH
There is nothing coherent in that response, so, OK! You're ashamed of what you did for a living before retiring. My hunch is that it involved the public sector. Sad.
Not ashamed at all.
then be a man. if you're going to poke fun at what others do for a living, and question how hard they work, then the only decent thing to do is offer up how you spent your career.
remember, you can always make something up.
I don't make shit up and I answered you the same way you answered me. Pretend.
He said he's a fucking lawyer. You said a bunch of cryptic mealy-mouthed bullshit.
If I were going to make something up, I'd do a lot better than a pencil-pushing lawyer. Jimminy.
Maybe I owned businesses and maybe I was involved in law enforcement. Maybe.
And even that is questionable.