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Trump does it again



  • greenbloodgreenblood Member Posts: 14,309

    Great “free market” trumpanzee economics as always. State subsidies and a phone call from trump? Sounds like a great business plan.

    Foxconn backs away from their commitment and you gloat. Trump makes a phone call and gets them to recommit...he's dictator. You're officially the Strongarmcobra of The Tug
    Do you believe in free markets or not?

    Simple question.

    And we don't have a free market which is why we got into a trade war
    So more protectionism and tariffs to protect the uncompetitive?

    We have to destroy free markets to save them?
    So you think China has had a free market all these years...good to know
    My industry and profession dominates Chinese competitors through skill, service and innovation. Sorry you can’t. Good to know.
    Until the Chinese steal your company's skills, services, and innovations. So there's that...

    Great “free market” trumpanzee economics as always. State subsidies and a phone call from trump? Sounds like a great business plan.

    Foxconn backs away from their commitment and you gloat. Trump makes a phone call and gets them to recommit...he's dictator. You're officially the Strongarmcobra of The Tug
    Do you believe in free markets or not?

    Simple question.

    And we don't have a free market which is why we got into a trade war
    So more protectionism and tariffs to protect the uncompetitive?

    We have to destroy free markets to save them?
    So you think China has had a free market all these years...good to know
    My industry and profession dominates Chinese competitors through skill, service and innovation. Sorry you can’t. Good to know.
    Until the Chinese steal your company's skills, services, and innovations. So there's that...
    Mexicans. Chinese. Central Americans. Did I miss any of the scapegoats out there stealing your jobs?
    Explain how they are scapegoats? So was it failed economic policies of Clinton and Bush that created the mess we have now?
    The mess? What’s left a free market is a mess? So let’s punish ourselves by restricting the exchange of goods, services and capital with China, mexico, Canada, the EU and Central America because Americans who should have known better couldn’t adapt, innovate and compete.its the fault of Chinese, Mexicans, Guatemalans that unskillfiled Americans are failures.
    Unskilled Chinese, Mexican, and Guatemalan workers are cheaper than unskilled American workers. HTH

    These countries didn't innovate. They used our innovations and created identical processes without having to invest in research and development. They then could pay their low skilled workers in day what our? low skilled workers make in 10 minutes, because they know they only have to copy what we do, or bribe our? companies to come there with cheap labor. They don't have to adapt, innovate, or compete. We do it all for them.
    They don’t innovate. US companies (domiciled in WA and CA) do. The innovators win. Losers cry, bitch, moan and ask trump for a subsidy and “stern” phone call.
    They do, but it's copied about as fast as they implement it.
  • greenbloodgreenblood Member Posts: 14,309
    edited February 2019

    Look at what Apple has to deal with in the Chinese market. Within a year of them getting access to the Chinese market, the Chinese created 3 different knock off versions of the IPhone and called it their own. They priced them about 1/4th of the cost and thus preventing Apple from growing market share.
  • CirrhosisDawgCirrhosisDawg Member Posts: 6,390

    Great “free market” trumpanzee economics as always. State subsidies and a phone call from trump? Sounds like a great business plan.

    Foxconn backs away from their commitment and you gloat. Trump makes a phone call and gets them to recommit...he's a dictator. You're officially the Strongarmcobra of The Tug
    Like I said when they were cheering the loss of jobs, good news for America is bad news for democrats

    This is so sad.
    Racist said what?
    Lot of racially oppressed victims in this thread. You’ve got tariffs and trade wars. Border walls coming too? How many other reparations do you need?
  • sarktasticsarktastic Member Posts: 9,208
    World Class, Face to Face
  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,876 Standard Supporter

    Great “free market” trumpanzee economics as always. State subsidies and a phone call from trump? Sounds like a great business plan.

    Foxconn backs away from their commitment and you gloat. Trump makes a phone call and gets them to recommit...he's dictator. You're officially the Strongarmcobra of The Tug
    Do you believe in free markets or not?

    Simple question.

    And we don't have a free market which is why we got into a trade war
    So more protectionism and tariffs to protect the uncompetitive?

    We have to destroy free markets to save them?
    There is also a difference in forcing a company to move here vs. strong arming a company to honor a state what was promised.
    Yes. I get it. You need help. Government. Tariffs. Walls. Regulations. Barriers. Anything but your own skill and ingenuity. You’ve made it abundantly clear.
    You are so afraid and fearful it's laughable.

    Keep trying to project it onto others, but it's not going away. You're stuck with yourself and that sucks.
  • CirrhosisDawgCirrhosisDawg Member Posts: 6,390

    Great “free market” trumpanzee economics as always. State subsidies and a phone call from trump? Sounds like a great business plan.

    Foxconn backs away from their commitment and you gloat. Trump makes a phone call and gets them to recommit...he's dictator. You're officially the Strongarmcobra of The Tug
    Do you believe in free markets or not?

    Simple question.

    And we don't have a free market which is why we got into a trade war
    So more protectionism and tariffs to protect the uncompetitive?

    We have to destroy free markets to save them?
    There is also a difference in forcing a company to move here vs. strong arming a company to honor a state what was promised.
    Yes. I get it. You need help. Government. Tariffs. Walls. Regulations. Barriers. Anything but your own skill and ingenuity. You’ve made it abundantly clear.
    You are so afraid and fearful it's laughable.

    Keep trying to project it onto others, but it's not going away. You're stuck with yourself and that sucks.
    China! Mexicans! Are they going to steal my job?
    — do they have a BA?
    — do they have a master’s degree?
    — did they pass the cfa?
    —do they have a FINRA series 7? 63? 24? 79?
    — can they change a tire on a Ford F-150? (Trick question TurdbufferFS!)

    What about you TurdbufferFS?
  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,097 Standard Supporter
    2001400ex said:

    Why is it Dems always get angry when something good happens?

    Who hear is getting angry. You guys ran a victory lap at governmental intervention in private market. We are laughing at you.
    He didn't seize the company and install his own CEO. HTH
  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,097 Standard Supporter

    Great “free market” trumpanzee economics as always. State subsidies and a phone call from trump? Sounds like a great business plan.

    Foxconn backs away from their commitment and you gloat. Trump makes a phone call and gets them to recommit...he's dictator. You're officially the Strongarmcobra of The Tug
    Do you believe in free markets or not?

    Simple question.

    And we don't have a free market which is why we got into a trade war
    So more protectionism and tariffs to protect the uncompetitive?

    We have to destroy free markets to save them?
    So you think China has had a free market all these years...good to know
    My industry and profession dominates Chinese competitors through skill, service and innovation. Sorry you can’t. Good to know.
    Which Starbucks do you work at?
    The one close to mom's basement he doesn't drive.
  • Blu82Blu82 Member Posts: 1,562

    Great “free market” trumpanzee economics as always. State subsidies and a phone call from trump? Sounds like a great business plan.

    Foxconn backs away from their commitment and you gloat. Trump makes a phone call and gets them to recommit...he's dictator. You're officially the Strongarmcobra of The Tug
    Do you believe in free markets or not?

    Simple question.

    And we don't have a free market which is why we got into a trade war
    So more protectionism and tariffs to protect the uncompetitive?

    We have to destroy free markets to save them?
    So you think China has had a free market all these years...good to know
    My industry and profession dominates Chinese competitors through skill, service and innovation. Sorry you can’t. Good to know.
    Your profession of cleaning toilets isn't relevant to domination in this case.
    I will concede that you are leading in innovation in your industry.
  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,876 Standard Supporter

    Great “free market” trumpanzee economics as always. State subsidies and a phone call from trump? Sounds like a great business plan.

    Foxconn backs away from their commitment and you gloat. Trump makes a phone call and gets them to recommit...he's dictator. You're officially the Strongarmcobra of The Tug
    Do you believe in free markets or not?

    Simple question.

    And we don't have a free market which is why we got into a trade war
    So more protectionism and tariffs to protect the uncompetitive?

    We have to destroy free markets to save them?
    There is also a difference in forcing a company to move here vs. strong arming a company to honor a state what was promised.
    Yes. I get it. You need help. Government. Tariffs. Walls. Regulations. Barriers. Anything but your own skill and ingenuity. You’ve made it abundantly clear.
    You are so afraid and fearful it's laughable.

    Keep trying to project it onto others, but it's not going away. You're stuck with yourself and that sucks.
    China! Mexicans! Are they going to steal my job?
    — do they have a BA?
    — do they have a master’s degree?
    — did they pass the cfa?
    —do they have a FINRA series 7? 63? 24? 79?
    — can they change a tire on a Ford F-150? (Trick question TurdbufferFS!)

    What about you TurdbufferFS?
    Cool Brah! How long before you're replaced by an iPhone App?

    Pro Tip: When you have to tell people how great you are, you aren't great.
  • CirrhosisDawgCirrhosisDawg Member Posts: 6,390

    Great “free market” trumpanzee economics as always. State subsidies and a phone call from trump? Sounds like a great business plan.

    Foxconn backs away from their commitment and you gloat. Trump makes a phone call and gets them to recommit...he's dictator. You're officially the Strongarmcobra of The Tug
    Do you believe in free markets or not?

    Simple question.

    And we don't have a free market which is why we got into a trade war
    So more protectionism and tariffs to protect the uncompetitive?

    We have to destroy free markets to save them?
    There is also a difference in forcing a company to move here vs. strong arming a company to honor a state what was promised.
    Yes. I get it. You need help. Government. Tariffs. Walls. Regulations. Barriers. Anything but your own skill and ingenuity. You’ve made it abundantly clear.
    You are so afraid and fearful it's laughable.

    Keep trying to project it onto others, but it's not going away. You're stuck with yourself and that sucks.
    China! Mexicans! Are they going to steal my job?
    — do they have a BA?
    — do they have a master’s degree?
    — did they pass the cfa?
    —do they have a FINRA series 7? 63? 24? 79?
    — can they change a tire on a Ford F-150? (Trick question TurdbufferFS!)

    What about you TurdbufferFS?
    Cool Brah! How long before you're replaced by an iPhone App?

    Pro Tip: When you have to tell people how great you are, you aren't great.
    Thanks for the advice TurdbufferFS. Coming from you, it means a lot.
  • CirrhosisDawgCirrhosisDawg Member Posts: 6,390
    White trash coming out at night.
    Today has been awesome.
    Tomorrow will be insane.
  • Blu82Blu82 Member Posts: 1,562

    White trash coming out at night.
    Today has been awesome.
    Tomorrow will be insane.

    Right after you post your financial statement.
    Congrats on becoming Sled's bitch.
  • PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 43,534 Standard Supporter

    Great “free market” trumpanzee economics as always. State subsidies and a phone call from trump? Sounds like a great business plan.

    Foxconn backs away from their commitment and you gloat. Trump makes a phone call and gets them to recommit...he's dictator. You're officially the Strongarmcobra of The Tug
    Do you believe in free markets or not?

    Simple question.

    And we don't have a free market which is why we got into a trade war
    So more protectionism and tariffs to protect the uncompetitive?

    We have to destroy free markets to save them?
    So you think China has had a free market all these years...good to know
    My industry and profession dominates Chinese competitors through skill, service and innovation. Sorry you can’t. Good to know.
    Until the Chinese steal your company's skills, services, and innovations. So there's that...

    Great “free market” trumpanzee economics as always. State subsidies and a phone call from trump? Sounds like a great business plan.

    Foxconn backs away from their commitment and you gloat. Trump makes a phone call and gets them to recommit...he's dictator. You're officially the Strongarmcobra of The Tug
    Do you believe in free markets or not?

    Simple question.

    And we don't have a free market which is why we got into a trade war
    So more protectionism and tariffs to protect the uncompetitive?

    We have to destroy free markets to save them?
    So you think China has had a free market all these years...good to know
    My industry and profession dominates Chinese competitors through skill, service and innovation. Sorry you can’t. Good to know.
    Until the Chinese steal your company's skills, services, and innovations. So there's that...
    Mexicans. Chinese. Central Americans. Did I miss any of the scapegoats out there stealing your jobs?

    Fucking Canadians.
  • sarktasticsarktastic Member Posts: 9,208
    Yo Sugar Baby, lets chat.
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