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Missed it by that much

WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,008 Standard Supporter
So, we get a “Professor” at a major university specializing in global warming testifying just over two weeks ago that Minnesota was done with below zero temperatures. The fact that she gets paid by taxpayers and the theft of student tuition to teach the green gaia religion to the children who then get to vote for leftards who think the solution is for us to freeze to death in the dark is a national disgrace. Geezus.
He also wonders how the climate-change alarmists plan to explain this phenomenon, especially after the Star Tribune after this gem from two weeks ago:
Sure, it’s going to be cold: the current forecast calls for a high temperature tomorrow of 17 below zero, and a low of 33 below. We are in the midst of a three-day stretch in which the temperature never gets to zero. Fahrenheit. And that is in the Minneapolis suburbs.
So it is remarkable that just 13 days ago, the Minneapolis Star Tribune assured us that cold temperatures are a thing of the past, even in northern Minnesota:
“We just don’t expect temperatures to be below 10 degrees Fahrenheit in Duluth anymore,” [Tracy] Twine said.
Heh. Great prediction. Ms Twine is an “expert” on climate who testified before the Minnesota House Energy and Climate Committee on January 15. I ripped her testimony, which as usual was based entirely on models that are known to be wrong, here. Ms. Twine assured lawmakers that declining snowfalls in northern Minnesota are due to man-made global warming. Only she forgot to check the weather records: snowfall in northern Minnesota is increasing, not decreasing.
And of course, those who said we would no longer be seeing cold weather in Duluth–150 miles north of the Twin Cities!–failed to foresee the current epic cold snap, which was just days away. Nevertheless, their models, which are programmed to produce politically-desired results, tell us with great confidence what the weather will be like in 100 years. Right. Fortunately, not many people are still buying the global warming scam.

The state’s famous winters are warming 13 times faster than its summers, said Tracy Twine, an associate professor in the University of Minnesota’s Department of Soil, Water and Climate.

“We just don’t expect temperatures to be below 10 degrees Fahrenheit in Duluth anymore,” Twine said.


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