If it's a "celebration" (arguable but whatever) it's a celebration of the protection of women's rights as clearly stated by Gov. Cuomo. For too many years, the patriarchy (especially the child molesting Catholic church and now the religious right) has told women what they can and cannot do with their bodies.
Fucking right wing doesn't want to take care of the kids already born, but lose their shit protecting the unborn.
@sarktastic don’t take the bait man. You’ll be getting so much philosopher king up the arse you won’t know what hit you.
sarky proved he hasn't the stomach for it.
Sledog isn't smart enuff to know better.
If I still like my logically impure compromise, can I keep it? At some number of weeks, the rights of an unborn human outweigh women’s reproductive rights. The real world is messy.
"Give me that old time religion . . . "
Fucking right wing doesn't want to take care of the kids already born, but lose their shit protecting the unborn.
If you don't like abortion, don't have on.
Make sense? Bluballs82 sense!
Does murdering 17 1/2 year olds offend you more than murdering 13 year olds?
Sledog isn't smart enuff to know better.