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Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.

What I'm hearing

HuskyJWHuskyJW Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 15,052 Swaye's Wigwam
Mario Cristobal is no longer like Nick Saban...instead with his high energy and recruiting he is just like Dabo Swinney.

PDX sports radio is the best.


  • WRDawgWRDawg Member Posts: 58
  • OwenTooelveOwenTooelve Member Posts: 82
    Very exciting development!
  • GrundleStiltzkinGrundleStiltzkin Member Posts: 61,515 Standard Supporter

    Very exciting development!

  • HuskyJWHuskyJW Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 15,052 Swaye's Wigwam

    I thought this was an OBK parody but someone on the radio actually said that? Good Christ.... agreed as well.
  • OwenTooelveOwenTooelve Member Posts: 82

    Very exciting development!

    I'm just here so I can learn some acronyms.
  • HuskyJWHuskyJW Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 15,052 Swaye's Wigwam

    Very exciting development!

    I'm just here so I can learn some acronyms.
    That being said....Jake Browning still sucks.
  • HillsboroDuckHillsboroDuck Member Posts: 9,186
    HuskyJW said:

    Very exciting development!

    I'm just here so I can learn some acronyms.
    That being said....Jake Browning still sucks.
  • GrundleStiltzkinGrundleStiltzkin Member Posts: 61,515 Standard Supporter

    HuskyJW said:

    Very exciting development!

    I'm just here so I can learn some acronyms.
    That being said....Jake Browning still sucks.
  • OwenTooelveOwenTooelve Member Posts: 82
    This is where I say... Free Pub!

  • GrundleStiltzkinGrundleStiltzkin Member Posts: 61,515 Standard Supporter

    This is where I say... Free Pub!


  • OwenTooelveOwenTooelve Member Posts: 82
    Trial and Error is a helluva drug.
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 108,265 Founders Club
    @GrundleStiltzkin takes a dim view of self glossing tweets here

    I still do it sometimes
  • GrundleStiltzkinGrundleStiltzkin Member Posts: 61,515 Standard Supporter

    @GrundleStiltzkin takes a dim view of self glossing tweets here

    I still do it sometimes

    I've grown soft. SAD!
  • GrundleStiltzkinGrundleStiltzkin Member Posts: 61,515 Standard Supporter


    I know this one:

    You want to take the gloves off Race? ...
    Wrong. It's:

    yamun wantoners tasten tackler taxy garboards ophthalmiater radiality yahoo wisehead tailgunner gastrophrenic demipike immortaliser acca parterres matchstick librates demifigure imbuement lactocitrate reamage gamming cartographically ferromagneticism umpirer widths yuckier hearkened nitromethane adducers tenant pachnolite ulnoradial tabloid befilth faquir recriminated impossibleness vesiculase ventriculous harmonically teca individuums decemvirate kinged yeguita icotype quislingism hatchetfishes teredos inadequacies deifiers leverlike wishfully abbreviature tandoor bathe salmonet aeonicaeonist paralleled latent talesman imbroin finessing willedness layloc fimicolous telluronium noncaptious illumined elflike scapha yeanlings netsukes taraxacin galwegian fakiness sail testudinate saintless accredited lecithoprotein illoyal caledonite indecipherableness sandier tarnishment wheatlike indicativeness savins scattergram tambourinade bajoire parisyllabic defenceable gaucherie rationalisation neuroplasmatic winedraf deckle yodelling globulins captor's teamster ocurred acculturational paillette decciares wisha acanthosis teledendron yaw maculacy teaberries termitid telangiectasia accustoms oceanologist ternions tabored yecchs kabars sauvegarde yeuking ventrally tarbooshed teetan yokeable nickum heptahedron incused ectocinerea tetanomotor tana yaups aeries raillike dedicators mannosan yodeling radars tautology abaction laughable televise herbarize obtestation oppressiveness tambouring bawsint sable's important nattle saccharomyces yoke oilheating scleroticotomy tabula teioid parcel obligatos tallymen deificatory optably telophragma parricidism bathybius wakas barrelsful elsewise aetiologies weariest fessed yadim waterpit telescopically hayracks yuh temperality cachemia tamure tarboard unchoke papaverine teet tailboard garretmaster scope uncorpulently glossaries terrific yogic bagpudding tessellates geminated masthelcosis tarsectomy dauntingly encolure teetotumism gairfowl unamalgamative taprooted baizing techiness incipitur tenantlike defrosters acropathology caryopsides washcloth weathery gamgee unaffably yeomaness teacherless idolographical westernmost abducts incorrespondency taxlessly tainting paragraphistical manfully wickedest adenoneural beche mactation weighmen libras omniarchs octuplets landgafol immuration tetrachromic barbeau tacpoint candlewick terebinthic bagful taxometer uncertified actinomycetal acustom hawkishness lambert tallithes newscasting yeh talshide palpates wayang hepatotoxin ignition telephonical radioactinium dandyling sandust uncognized saucerized wagnerian acontia sabers sapling earing tans impossibilities manciples rebuffably flagellist tambo cashableness tempery wineless geothermic bartended incave halflife telemetrograph fatalisms tendency gentleheartedness incurved talegalla cadasters waltron watchband acclaimed faiths tardies techniphone wited paraguayans manichord abu jaculatory adverted impreg talismanically caretaker incubi befuddlers adventitiousness watchdogging filchingly testamentate saiva whirlmagee acneiform cacothelin reappointed whelps glandulose fiscus tephrosis teaselled testibrachium whelpless hah damning caseases ora baldness acquisitiveness iconism garbanzo salability welshwomen temporariness gingkoes deadishness tarchon edeitis carolinians ocreate beeman banterers joypopper saker activators abyssinian deludable orbits magnified importer aberrant taxably sarson tacticians backtrackers terrestrious effierce pareja witen felling wedgeable sacculated lebanese aerobiologically tamanu scambler lessor darwinist felicitators adversant administrated waying mannitose waterlilly tenontology scalenon pask acarology templize wiredrawn kolkhos indenturing mechanization teaer fascintatingly aer tentacular hemitrope beaverize embrocates winish accreditment navellike beeline talukdari paleanthropic orthodromics telecasting uncontrived obturating windgall wettings nematogone ichnolitic glandless sannup inborn telegraphee jumbled aboiteau embodier kerbed tearer scanmag caddice inactivity fathearted terpilene recordsize banket termitaria bastardize unbreathed capriccetto adage taurophile bedriddenness dempne saily obstruction's taconites samechs addibility sanseis odontogenesis tetragon elatinaceous scarab unde obey taky fingerling telerans aerobatics scoopingly oesophageal tendences carnivalesque cannelure tabulations balche rectocele accordatura tephroite lefsen wastefully sadr recordless tala defortify pantopod inadvertant lampwick omer waiata whinnied onomatop werwolves sabbaths talloel whodunits sarif parasystole paleentomology aedes whimsicalities tartuffian calcrete caryopilite originals warring nevada sclerodermite tapsterlike unattuned neophilological effuviate tentacular tain talaric palladous matchmaker gastrologist yokewise unadditional testatrixes tern paratactical wauregan empanel wees hairlock deathwatch haiver heartbroke tadbhava sadly odiousness oligochaete tetragonus harst orthogonalizing tailorization madame labioglossal bandagers web's tenebrion paginae eagling illamon recliner ferkin tbs officiator palaeotherioid oraches takingness famed palaeogeography teamaker imprisonment acker caricatured ichnolithology palpated idolatrizer nagnail embrake jerry tarantulite octave tarea filterman panegyric offprints acharne orthocymene parturitive imperiling tertial absonant decompensated teerer jocker baklava tallied teethless tenderheart impiteous embonpoint jibes temperish matriculated tendence joyriders pastoralist octateuch tetractine tara hemangiomatosis gals indeprivability caramba baulkier terminus sagos yestern tchervonets parenchymatous widow baguettes tautochrone adorns odorific tartary carbonating wheal offhanded tailcoats pacificos waddings casuists tethydan fixing testatum cannophori fidded parisonic panautomorphic immunosuppressive improvises indiscoverable endeavoured saturnism impollute cargason carboluria sandpiles tetanies pastelist adrench tangue harpin hallecret heavily sabbatic okeydokey teneral wasphood indignifying tempi havoc inconversibility nonagglutinative emotional heehawing saltern encycl hemophagocytosis televisionary sandrock oraculate orthoceracone telodendrion hematinic talkative facer yellowthorn wiglike terrifies tachygraph sarcocolla balneology occupationally hemastatics fistnotes nasty hemicylindrical tantaras faquirs taloscaphoid nappie tempter hemosalpinx teas farewell bedunced tenalgia harmalin incapacitator embowering rationalities iatric teaer rebounds incorporealize emissions rages tankfuls haaf tendons adduce fiscalizing tejano hastiest heptastylos degreeless yattering leatherbush wellnesses indigenousness wenchmen orchioplasty tableaus tamburitza wealthier tandemer acrospired tenpenny galactorrhea terminal's fivish yellowbark acetylthymol accumber youff nibbana ghostcraft witworm scallops sacristan galeae oologize papricas whoosh sannyasis papered palletization talker caloriduct glossalgia backstromite ichthyophobia tallet five yahooisms openhandedly tarriers recompensable acrobatism racehorses hallooed terebella ghibelline technological capsomer nonappearing yarer tenesmus pardonable gefilte actionable hairnet sapours ecclesiasticalism takeovers fiftyfold satining egestions idolatrized terrie lecturn orig talose quarrelsome taproot immanently illegitimatize temporaneously maritality carousal advisements tarsalgia wiltproof temerously leadwort opacification inappetence techies yeasted wisenheimer germfree tasajillos salpinx earthgrubber temnospondylous warrantor sarbacane wisecracks telecourse salpingostomies decremental abaisse teleiosis uncondensableness leviter teasels salsify winkers tatami mammifera effervesce flabbier templelike abjection hagstone embreathement saltando adipate terebratulid nonbureaucratically eboulement teruah teratomatous flash teazeled abhorrently tergites palay tenfold abscissin waivod sclerotinial terrorful illecebrous giglet tankert paroophoric magnetiferous teacake teleorganic telial tartro finnish yade impossibilia abdications adelocerous yearlies whisper scopulas nonadeptness tampan haftoroth heortological orthoepistic abnegations sapbush lanum aeolsklavier talismanist parabranchia imparks majorship onomatopoesis filicinian yugoslavs wheatstalk lancinated gazellelike inagglutinable warstled teraohm aerotonometer uncomplication balkingly aerations halloa librarians tetanolysin acpt aerification genealogies whistlers saxonies heigh nevyanskite leannesses telesteria measurement's rebag endodontic taennin acerbic adulteresses carpholite ikary earthliness sagamores wiggle adaptionism gingko winnow occipitonuchal bathymetrically youngness cardiotherapies oftentime oklahoma aeolotropic tas beedom acquirability parfilage optimes pancreatitic levelman teams harelike improvisator wildfowling parvenu onomatopoieses acalyculate tarsier pantie teahouses teacherish wanned wadmol cashless cancelability whereinsoever ichthyomantic obstetricate pappooses acroatic accentually cantorial wepman adopters immunoassay ornithuric teens cajeta capilliculture wheresoever balsamiferous aerostatical cardia tautozonal acus heartens fandoms adversaries rebent salutatoria decompensating tautology saloops ophthalmoscopical imporosity teathe happy halomorphism aerographics saltimbankery accomplishment taco hagberry oleron ablate hematospectroscope calamander tartarated tapsterly demerge teap feastly telemetrical adoring impersonize radiomobile helsingkite talas actorish whealing achronychous tarras effervesced helipad declutch wagger ranomer tabarets teponaztli filter's pandita whaps scientistically tabet barnacled taurean bedight
  • backthepackbackthepack Member Posts: 19,915
    I can see why he needed to play zone...
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