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Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.

"I don't know much about history don't know much about biology ..."



  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942
    edited December 2018

    Coug loves himself some communism. You think the coug thinks we should have some professors promoting theoretical Nazism? The hypocrisy runs deep in leftards.

    Hitler rebuilt Germany. Just don't kill Jews

    That's the comp.

    Maybe creep can show us where communism and Socialism didn't murder and enslave millions and we can teach that

    Maybe his homeland of Cuba

    In theory you know

    Ain't a dimes worth of difference

    Capitalism works the best for the most. Teach that
    Coug reminds me of City. In fact I recall City making damn near this same argument.

    The Commies were “naive utopians” so when they slaughtered millions that wasnt quite as bad as when the Nazis killed people, so you shouldn’t compare the two
  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,003 Standard Supporter

    The problem with coug is that he is poorly educated and lacking in both integrity and the ability to utilize facts to support an argument. He gets frustrated like a spoiled child who can’t win an argument with a temper tantrum. Just stuffed with a wad of feelings. Theoretical Marxism always runs into the fact that productive people want to keep the fruits of their labor. This runs into the fact that the state wants all of the fruits of their labor to be distributed by the state as it seems fit. This tension is always settled by state violence or the threat of state violence. That’s why the commies fear an armed citizenry. Any theoretical Marxist will always ignore the facts on the ground and have strong feelings that a Marxist economic nirvana will eventually be created where the makers are overjoyed to share everything with the takers. As a Soviet quipster remarked, “They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work”. Hell, Bill Ayers, barry’s mentor and ghost writer, encouraged by “theoretical Marxists” felt that resolving the tension between makers and takers in the US would take 25 million dead Americans as a start. Theoretically speaking.

  • 2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    SFGbob said:

    Chop-chop Kunt. I'm sure somewhere today I misspelled a word. Btw, care to provide an example of where Conservatives are demanding that colleges and universities stop teaching the works of dead white males?

    Always about race with Bob.
  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,942

    The problem with coug is that he is poorly educated and lacking in both integrity and the ability to utilize facts to support an argument. He gets frustrated like a spoiled child who can’t win an argument with a temper tantrum. Just stuffed with a wad of feelings. Theoretical Marxism always runs into the fact that productive people want to keep the fruits of their labor. This runs into the fact that the state wants all of the fruits of their labor to be distributed by the state as it seems fit. This tension is always settled by state violence or the threat of state violence. That’s why the commies fear an armed citizenry. Any theoretical Marxist will always ignore the facts on the ground and have strong feelings that a Marxist economic nirvana will eventually be created where the makers are overjoyed to share everything with the takers. As a Soviet quipster remarked, “They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work”. Hell, Bill Ayers, barry’s mentor and ghost writer, encouraged by “theoretical Marxists” felt that resolving the tension between makers and takers in the US would take 25 million dead Americans as a start. Theoretically speaking.

    So, asshole, nowhere in my posts did I suggest any support for communism. I'm sorry I can't take back the 1/2 you spent using google to come up with that paragraph. I'm also sorry that you've lost track of your original post.

    As I said, I was pretty clear on this point. Sad that you can't read well.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942

    The problem with coug is that he is poorly educated and lacking in both integrity and the ability to utilize facts to support an argument. He gets frustrated like a spoiled child who can’t win an argument with a temper tantrum. Just stuffed with a wad of feelings. Theoretical Marxism always runs into the fact that productive people want to keep the fruits of their labor. This runs into the fact that the state wants all of the fruits of their labor to be distributed by the state as it seems fit. This tension is always settled by state violence or the threat of state violence. That’s why the commies fear an armed citizenry. Any theoretical Marxist will always ignore the facts on the ground and have strong feelings that a Marxist economic nirvana will eventually be created where the makers are overjoyed to share everything with the takers. As a Soviet quipster remarked, “They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work”. Hell, Bill Ayers, barry’s mentor and ghost writer, encouraged by “theoretical Marxists” felt that resolving the tension between makers and takers in the US would take 25 million dead Americans as a start. Theoretically speaking.

    So, asshole, nowhere in my posts did I suggest any support for communism. I'm sorry I can't take back the 1/2 you spent using google to come up with that paragraph. I'm also sorry that you've lost track of your original post.

    As I said, I was pretty clear on this point. Sad that you can't read well.
    You certainly supported teaching it as a legitimate political and economic theory.

    Now where are those conservatives protesting the teaching of Western Civ?
  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,069 Standard Supporter
    How can anyone support a system of government responsible for 125 million deaths last century. Cuog, Cdoog, Hondo and others are all in. That it finds any support in the greatest country in history is damn concerning.
  • YellowSnowYellowSnow Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 34,940 Founders Club

    Coug, how do you square being a commie with being smart? I have no doubt your mentor could have a great IQ. But as a functioning citizen, he is a failure. He argues that the society that gives him a idyllic life should be destroyed along with how many innocent people? If you are a shill for Mao, then you are a POS as a human being. Commies aren't playing civilized chess. It's like a physics professor that denies gravity. You are in finance and you claim that someone who denies Econ 101 is smart? There is a lot more to being smart than being able to manipulate language to promote barbarity and the crushing of the human spirit.

    The guy that built us? Fat Man and Little Boy was a dirty, rotten, fellow traveling commie. Have a little respeck man.

    I am become death, destroyer of worlds.
  • YellowSnowYellowSnow Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 34,940 Founders Club
    SFGbob said:

    Would that also include dumbfucks who believe that Social Security and Medicare don't add to our deficit spending?

    Behold the dumbfuckery that is Hondo.

    The debt isn't growing because of SS or Medicare.

    I’ve been told my all the “real” conservatives here that deficits don’t matter so who fucking cares?
  • YellowSnowYellowSnow Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 34,940 Founders Club
    I used to love Victor Davis Hansen. Still like him some of the tim. However, he swollows too much Trump load these days for my taste. @creepycoug is right in that we need to chill a bit on the Red Scare. Ain’t happening in this Cuntry; It’s not in our DNA. The 100 million ded shit only happens in shit hole countries. Who fucking cars about a a few commies in academia.
  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,003 Standard Supporter
    Well, you haven't. So keep phucking that strawman ass. We actually care about the deficit. Once again, you leftards seem to have a reading comprehensive problem.
  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,069 Standard Supporter

    SFGbob said:

    Would that also include dumbfucks who believe that Social Security and Medicare don't add to our deficit spending?

    Behold the dumbfuckery that is Hondo.

    The debt isn't growing because of SS or Medicare.

    I’ve been told my all the “real” conservatives here that deficits don’t matter so who fucking cares?
    A socialist openly ran in the Democrat party for president. Hillary had to cheatto beat him. That's worrisome.
  • YellowSnowYellowSnow Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 34,940 Founders Club
    Sledog said:

    SFGbob said:

    Would that also include dumbfucks who believe that Social Security and Medicare don't add to our deficit spending?

    Behold the dumbfuckery that is Hondo.

    The debt isn't growing because of SS or Medicare.

    I’ve been told my all the “real” conservatives here that deficits don’t matter so who fucking cares?
    A socialist openly ran in the Democrat party for president. Hillary had to cheatto beat him. That's worrisome.
    Bernie sucks. He’s not Lennin. And 500,000 people in WY getting as many senators as 40,000,000 in California should negate your concern about the Red Menace. Have a little faith in the brilliance of the Founders.
  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,942

    Well, you haven't. So keep phucking that strawman ass. We actually care about the deficit. Once again, you leftards seem to have a reading comprehensive problem.

    How many handles do you need for credibility?
  • YellowSnowYellowSnow Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 34,940 Founders Club

    Well, you haven't. So keep phucking that strawman ass. We actually care about the deficit. Once again, you leftards seem to have a reading comprehensive problem.

    I’ve got mor OG Republican blood in me than any poaster here. Axe around. Just saying that every time I’ve tried to be a deficit hawk in the Tug, I get told that we can tax cut and grow our way out of deficits and debt as a percentage of GDP.

  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,003 Standard Supporter
    Exactly. But the coug thinks that a theoretical examination of marxism is a nice intellectual exercise as long as no one is available to promote the real world result, which is the real world state at a post-modern university.
  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,069 Standard Supporter

    Sledog said:

    SFGbob said:

    Would that also include dumbfucks who believe that Social Security and Medicare don't add to our deficit spending?

    Behold the dumbfuckery that is Hondo.

    The debt isn't growing because of SS or Medicare.

    I’ve been told my all the “real” conservatives here that deficits don’t matter so who fucking cares?
    A socialist openly ran in the Democrat party for president. Hillary had to cheatto beat him. That's worrisome.
    Bernie sucks. He’s not Lennin. And 500,000 people in WY getting as many senators as 40,000,000 in California should negate your concern about the Red Menace. Have a little faith in the brilliance of the Founders.
    True but many states can be seriously damaged and with so many wanting free shit you just never know...
  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,942

    Exactly. But the coug thinks that a theoretical examination of marxism is a nice intellectual exercise as long as no one is available to promote the real world result, which is the real world state at a post-modern university.

    Let me get this straight, and we can part ways: your assertion is that studying marxism in college ... poli sci, history, philosophy, econ ... shouldn't be? That we should pressure schools to drop any reading or discussion or mention of Marx/Engels? I mean, have you even kept track of what the fuck you're talking about?

    I've got balls, so I'll make my position abundantly clear to you directly instead of referring to you in the third person to entertain everyone: yes, a theoretical examination, discussion, lecture, reading and understanding of Marxist theory is a nice intellectual exercise, and should be a part of any decent undergraduate study. What, again, is your issue with this?
  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,069 Standard Supporter
    edited December 2018

    Exactly. But the coug thinks that a theoretical examination of marxism is a nice intellectual exercise as long as no one is available to promote the real world result, which is the real world state at a post-modern university.

    Let me get this straight, and we can part ways: your assertion is that studying marxism in college ... poli sci, history, philosophy, econ ... shouldn't be? That we should pressure schools to drop any reading or discussion or mention of Marx/Engels? I mean, have you even kept track of what the fuck you're talking about?

    I've got balls, so I'll make my position abundantly clear to you directly instead of referring to you in the third person to entertain everyone: yes, a theoretical examination, discussion, lecture, reading and understanding of Marxist theory is a nice intellectual exercise, and should be a part of any decent undergraduate study. What, again, is your issue with this?
    It's not the educational study of communism/socialism That's the problem. It's it being touted by educational institutions as an answer to America's problems. It's touted by the previous president who was an admitted Marxist who had communists in his administration. Members of said administration quoted Mao and had Che posters etc. Obama loved the portrait that copied the famous Che poster. We have candidates running as socialists and getting votes. Ocazio Cortez just got elected and she makes a bag of hammers sound like Einstein!

    Have you not noticed any of this?
  • Blu82Blu82 Member Posts: 1,562
    Liberalism.....find a cure.
  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,003 Standard Supporter

    Coug, you claim to have balls but once again you lack reading comprehension and are studiously ignorant of the actual post-modern education process. I have no problem with an honest education process. I have a problem with an indoctrination process that is doesn’t involve a complete and honest evaluation of the actual history and facts surrounding Marxism. I’m guessing that in 2018 that there isn’t one avowed conservative teaching history at either Oregon or Washington. If there is, they are outnumbered 10 to 1 by leftard professors. Look at this board, I haven’t seen one leftard attempt to have an actual honest discussion about anything of substance. In this thread alone you have just been making sh*t up, ignoring sh*t and phucking strawmen. The last thing a leftard wants is an honest discussion.

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