9, 2018
In a panel appearance with MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace, former FBI Director Comey was asked how FBI agents ended up at the White House on Jan. 24, 2017 to interview Flynn. Comey's response provided new details about the circumstances that fueled criticism of the bureau's conduct:
“I sent them,” Comey said, adding that it was “something I probably wouldn’t have done or maybe gotten away with in a more … organized administration.”
The interview was arranged directly with Flynn, which was not typical protocol.
“If the FBI wanted to send agents into the White House itself to interview a senior official, you would work through the White House counsel, and there would be discussions and approvals of who would be there,” Comey said, describing how things normally would work.
Regarding his decision to bypass those steps, he said: “I thought: 'It’s early enough, let’s just send a couple guys over.'”
Flynn’s attorneys said in a court filing that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe nudged Flynn not to have an attorney present during the questioning that led to his guilty plea.
The document revealed that the FBI took a significantly more aggressive tack in handling the Flynn interview than it did during other similar matters, including the agency’s sit-downs with Hillary Clinton and ex-Trump adviser George Papadopoulos, who was also charged with making false statements to federal investigators.
Flynn’s attorneys alleged that the FBI agents in his case did not instruct Flynn that any false statements he made could constitute a crime, and decided not to “confront” him directly about anything he said that contradicted their knowledge of his wiretapped communications with Kislyak.
If “Flynn said he did not remember something they knew he said, they would use the exact words Flynn used . . . to try to refresh his recollection," FBI agents wrote in the so-called "302" witness interview report cited by the filing. "If Flynn still would not confirm what he said . . . they would not confront him or talk him through it.”
Dec. 14, 2018
Mueller faces an afternoon deadline to produce the sensitive FBI documents related to Flynn’s interviews.
Sullivan’s brief order stated that Mueller can choose to file the materials under seal if necessary.
Sullivan also ordered the Flynn team to turn over the documents backing up their assertions.
Flynn is set to be sentenced next Tuesday – but Sullivan’s review could potentially delay that date.
Sullivan has the authority to toss Flynn’s guilty plea and the charge against him if he concludes that the FBI interfered with Flynn’s constitutional right to counsel, although he has given no indications that he intends to do so.
The report described Flynn as “unguarded,” saying he “clearly saw the FBI agents as allies.” It also states Flynn discussed a number of “various subjects,” including things like hotels stayed in during the campaign, Trump’s “knack for interior design” and other issues un-related to their inquiry.
“Flynn was so talkative, and had so much time for them, that Strzok wondered if the national security adviser did not have more important things to do than have a such a relaxed, non-pertinent discussion with them,” it said.
It comes days after Flynn’s legal team made the bombshell allegation that the FBI pushed him not to bring a lawyer to his fateful Jan. 24, 2017 interview with agents at the White House.
This is the work of the same legion of evildoers that brought us Spygate, the dossier, and FISA abuse. The Deep State abounds and ridicules REAL Americans.
@USMChawk informs us that “facts are being revealed.”
@Dude61 tells us US DA Huber will be bringing indictments against Hillary, Comey, rice, and holder by late summer early spring. Is gitmo ready?!?1!!
@TurdBuffer has legal expertise to explain that every Stormy Daniel NDA violation, now totaling $25mm and counting, will ruin her!
Sledbob won’t be with us forever and with them goes every ignorant, bigoted, backward notion backstopping their futile lives.
Doogie wonders what happens to US 3-star Generals then serving as NSA when he lies to the FBI in an interview.
Witch hunt!! MAGA?
Worse than watergate...
Normally I'd tell a person in your position to man up, but who are we kidding?
You aren’t kidding anyone sweetheart.
Are stormy’s NDA violations adding up at $1 million per? Is she financially ruined? Did you predict it? Is your truck fixed?
Is the house of cards still collapsing? Will Mexico pay for the house of cards because they certainly aren’t paying for a border wall? Nor are us taxpayers. Maybe the trump foundation will (lol!).
Back to spygate, fisa abuse, and Hillary-Russia collusion Trumptards.
Before sentencing, U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan called Flynn and his attorneys to the stand and asked a series of questions to ensure Flynn did in fact want to plead guilty. Flynn said he did not want to withdraw his plea.
The bureau has faced mounting criticism from Trump allies in recent days over its handling of the original Flynn interview that led to the false-statement charge, after it was revealed bureau leaders discouraged Flynn from having a lawyer present and some inside the FBI had doubts about whether he intentionally lied. Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team defended investigators' actions, but also urged a lenient sentence.
Ahead of the hearing, Mueller's team recommended that Flynn be spared jail time, citing his cooperation with the special counsel probe as part of a deal with prosecutors in December 2017.
You have to be pretty stupid to think this is justice in America. Fortunately we have stupid people here
Judge Sullivan says: “you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country serving as nsa to the potus”
Where’s the justice? Is the america?
So serious he got no time
Your candidate that lost acted as an unregistered agent of a foreign country to help launch this phony investigation
Be proud
You don't understand the Kunt logic defense Race. Since Hillary isn't in jail this never really happened although all of them are too big a coward to actually come out and clearly make that statement.
Never, ever go it alone. No matter what they promise, you get what you deserve if you go in naked.
The judge on the case thinks Flynn is s huge piece of shit.
Sounds to me like Flynn served up some real dirt.
Hammer about to drop.