Also, was better before fancy uniforms came into vogue. Lose the smoke and blaring jumbotron, just have the band play. Enough with the fucking 50 year season ticket holder. NOGAF!
I didn't see that he really hit the runner dangerously. There should be like a watered down "inadvertant target" call for like 10 yards which doesn't throw the guy out.
I've been saying that for a while. They need an in between penalty. On that play. The offensive player lowered his head too. Otherwise he would have hit him in the chest.
We've all been saying it for awhile.
It's not rocket surgery.
True. It was a pretty hot topic in chat last night. Another huge benefit of being a VIP.
I don't see a shitty little orange badge next to your avatar. I must have overlooked your donation.
Finance your own hookers and blow. I have illegal... er uh undocumented anchor babies to support.
Also, was better before fancy uniforms came into vogue. Lose the smoke and blaring jumbotron, just have the band play. Enough with the fucking 50 year season ticket holder. NOGAF!