Both sides bitch and moan. You see it more from liberals because the media in general leans left of center. On top of that, most influential people you’ll find on tv like actors, atheletes, etc. lean left.
Everyone bitches and moans, that's not what I'm talking about. Why do you not see Conservatives do this when they lose an election:
Nobody gives a shit what you're talking about, you little bitch. You're a Hondo level fucktard who's done nothing except fag out the Tug more than Hondo already had it fagged out.
Both sides bitch and moan. You see it more from liberals because the media in general leans left of center. On top of that, most influential people you’ll find on tv like actors, atheletes, etc. lean left.
Everyone bitches and moans, that's not what I'm talking about. Why do you not see Conservatives do this when they lose an election:
Nobody gives a shit what you're talking about, you little bitch. You're a Hondo level fucktard who's done nothing except fag out the Tug more than Hondo already had it fagged out.
Go kill yourself you cunt.
Gosh, Hondo still gets the back of your hand even after he gave you that sweet, sweet ass tonguing. Sad.
Rove's "meltdown" consists of him incorrectly predicting that Romney still might have enough votes to win it. Apples to dogshit, your specialty Hondo.
So what you are saying is. Liberals on video crying gets your pussy wet. Conservatives on video crying is really celebrating. Liberals on video having a meltdown gives you a violent orgasm. Conservatives on video crying is dogshit.
Rove's "meltdown" consists of him incorrectly predicting that Romney still might have enough votes to win it. Apples to dogshit, your specialty Hondo.
So what you are saying is. Liberals on video crying gets your pussy wet. Conservatives on video crying is really celebrating. Liberals on video having a meltdown gives you a violent orgasm. Conservatives on video crying is dogshit.
Got it!!
And there's the strawman ass fuck. Hondo, unlike you there's no dick in my mouth. What I'm saying is perfectly clear. I saw one woman in the video you posted crying. Nobody else was crying. You're having a far bigger "meltdown" right now than anything Rove did in that video. If simply being wrong = a "meltdown" you're in a constant state of meltdown dumbfuck.
It's because Liberals rely on and depend on Government for their well-being and satisfaction with life. Conservatives see Government as a detriment to their well-being and satisfaction with life.
Instead of setting the bar at ‘crying’ you should raise it to ‘hysterics’. The hysterics, violence, tantrum behavior comes ALMOST exclusively from the leftist progressives.
Instead of setting the bar at ‘crying’ you should raise it to ‘hysterics’. The hysterics, violence, tantrum behavior comes ALMOST exclusively from the leftist progressives.
Instead of setting the bar at ‘crying’ you should raise it to ‘hysterics’. The hysterics, violence, tantrum behavior comes ALMOST exclusively from the leftist progressives.
Is Karl Rove a leftist progressive?
You have video of Rove burning a limo, or breaking storefront windows, or sitting in the middle of a street obstructing traffic? Or do you just have a video of him giving an impassioned speech?
Instead of setting the bar at ‘crying’ you should raise it to ‘hysterics’. The hysterics, violence, tantrum behavior comes ALMOST exclusively from the leftist progressives.
Is Karl Rove a leftist progressive?
You have video of Rove burning a limo, or breaking storefront windows, or sitting in the middle of a street obstructing traffic? Or do you just have a video of him giving an impassioned speech?
Cause conservatives haven't done any of that? Seriously. The Fringe of both parties are fucked up.
Instead of setting the bar at ‘crying’ you should raise it to ‘hysterics’. The hysterics, violence, tantrum behavior comes ALMOST exclusively from the leftist progressives.
Is Karl Rove a leftist progressive?
You have video of Rove burning a limo, or breaking storefront windows, or sitting in the middle of a street obstructing traffic? Or do you just have a video of him giving an impassioned speech?
Cause conservatives haven't done any of that? Seriously. The Fringe of both parties are fucked up.
The politicians on the right don’t pander to their fringe the way the ones on the left do.
Instead of setting the bar at ‘crying’ you should raise it to ‘hysterics’. The hysterics, violence, tantrum behavior comes ALMOST exclusively from the leftist progressives.
Is Karl Rove a leftist progressive?
You have video of Rove burning a limo, or breaking storefront windows, or sitting in the middle of a street obstructing traffic? Or do you just have a video of him giving an impassioned speech?
Cause conservatives haven't done any of that? Seriously. The Fringe of both parties are fucked up.
No they haven't, thus your inability to find any real apples to apples comparison.
As always when you get hondo to the everybody does it stage its because he can't deny how fucked up his masters are
Hondo loves his "pox on both their houses" responses because he thinks it makes him look thoughtful and reasonable. When the reality is that it just makes him look like a dumbfuck who denies reality.
I'll bet if you asked Hondo he'd say that both sides engage in the same number of fake hate crimes as well.
Go kill yourself you cunt.
Got it!!
I'll bet if you asked Hondo he'd say that both sides engage in the same number of fake hate crimes as well.