His stop of Huntley was pretty dope. Him getting burned by Huntley for that long run not so much...
Go watch the play again. It's man coverage and Tevis is running around with no clue what to do presnap. Sometimes you guys are simpletons looking for a whipping boy. The play was fucked from the start.
BBK overpursues inside to the right of the center and then loses Huntley on contain while he should be spying him. That's how I remember it anyways.
We? talking about the same play here? I don't think Tevis is on the field. Benning is somewhere at the bottom of the picture. BBK takes 2 too many steps to his left, gets caught up in the slop and can't recover. Not sure what Gaines is doing either. He clearly has a read of some kind, but not sure what his responsibility turned into.
Yes. Tevis runs towards the Utah sideline after getting yelled at by a safety. I'm guessing a RB or TE was split out wide.
I dont know what the correct defensive alignment was supposed to be but given the down and distance and position on the field (3rd and 5) I find it odd that Tevis should have been 40 yards down the field in man to man coverage on anyone with safety help over the top and Potatoe in zone coverage so far outside he is nearly standing on the numbers.
Other angle: I have no fucking clue what the fuck Potatoe is even fucking looking at, is he looking to the sideline in the middle of the play to see what he is supposed to be doing? https://gifs.com/gif/confusion-other-angle-G54V85
Upon further review UW should have called an immediate TO when Tevis and Potato were running around with the secondary guys yelling at them.
BBK gets dragged way too often. He's an instinctual player though. You can make it a black/white thing but he's around the ball more than any LB in recent years, including Azeem and Bierria. Why do you guys think that is?
He's not even close to 2016 Azeem and he gets run over and dragged for extra yards. It doesn't fucking matter if he's "around the ball" and consistently giving up 7-8 yard gains that should be stopped for 4 yard gains. GTFO. Baffles me why you're the biggest BBK defender. Is he your boyfriend?
His stop of Huntley was pretty dope. Him getting burned by Huntley for that long run not so much...
Go watch the play again. It's man coverage and Tevis is running around with no clue what to do presnap. Sometimes you guys are simpletons looking for a whipping boy. The play was fucked from the start.
BBK overpursues inside to the right of the center and then loses Huntley on contain while he should be spying him. That's how I remember it anyways.
We? talking about the same play here? I don't think Tevis is on the field. Benning is somewhere at the bottom of the picture. BBK takes 2 too many steps to his left, gets caught up in the slop and can't recover. Not sure what Gaines is doing either. He clearly has a read of some kind, but not sure what his responsibility turned into.
Yes. Tevis runs towards the Utah sideline after getting yelled at by a safety. I'm guessing a RB or TE was split out wide.
I dont know what the correct defensive alignment was supposed to be but given the down and distance and position on the field (3rd and 5) I find it odd that Tevis should have been 40 yards down the field in man to man coverage on anyone with safety help over the top and Potatoe in zone coverage so far outside he is nearly standing on the numbers.
Other angle: I have no fucking clue what the fuck Potatoe is even fucking looking at, is he looking to the sideline in the middle of the play to see what he is supposed to be doing? https://gifs.com/gif/confusion-other-angle-G54V85
Upon further review UW should have called an immediate TO when Tevis and Potato were running around with the secondary guys yelling at them.
Yeah, but BBK should have had them lined up right. He's a productive, undersized white guy so we all have to hate him.
His stop of Huntley was pretty dope. Him getting burned by Huntley for that long run not so much...
Go watch the play again. It's man coverage and Tevis is running around with no clue what to do presnap. Sometimes you guys are simpletons looking for a whipping boy. The play was fucked from the start.
BBK overpursues inside to the right of the center and then loses Huntley on contain while he should be spying him. That's how I remember it anyways.
We? talking about the same play here? I don't think Tevis is on the field. Benning is somewhere at the bottom of the picture. BBK takes 2 too many steps to his left, gets caught up in the slop and can't recover. Not sure what Gaines is doing either. He clearly has a read of some kind, but not sure what his responsibility turned into.
Yes. Tevis runs towards the Utah sideline after getting yelled at by a safety. I'm guessing a RB or TE was split out wide.
I dont know what the correct defensive alignment was supposed to be but given the down and distance and position on the field (3rd and 5) I find it odd that Tevis should have been 40 yards down the field in man to man coverage on anyone with safety help over the top and Potatoe in zone coverage so far outside he is nearly standing on the numbers.
Other angle: I have no fucking clue what the fuck Potatoe is even fucking looking at, is he looking to the sideline in the middle of the play to see what he is supposed to be doing? https://gifs.com/gif/confusion-other-angle-G54V85
Upon further review UW should have called an immediate TO when Tevis and Potato were running around with the secondary guys yelling at them.
Yeah, but BBK should have had them lined up right. He's a productive, undersized white guy so we all have to hate him.
BBK gets dragged way too often. He's an instinctual player though. You can make it a black/white thing but he's around the ball more than any LB in recent years, including Azeem and Bierria. Why do you guys think that is?
Cause he's fast and can get his hands on guys pretty quick, often in the backfield. But because he's not strong enough and doesn't tackle well, RBs either slip through his arms as he overruns the play, or he jumps on their back and gets carried 5 to 6 yards downfield.
He's almost always in the right place, but he just wraps guys up too high and can't tackle very well. Azeem, as you may recall, tackled the fuck out of opposing RBs, sometimes picking them up off the ground and slamming them onto the turf. BBK simply cannot do that.
His stop of Huntley was pretty dope. Him getting burned by Huntley for that long run not so much...
Go watch the play again. It's man coverage and Tevis is running around with no clue what to do presnap. Sometimes you guys are simpletons looking for a whipping boy. The play was fucked from the start.
BBK overpursues inside to the right of the center and then loses Huntley on contain while he should be spying him. That's how I remember it anyways.
We? talking about the same play here? I don't think Tevis is on the field. Benning is somewhere at the bottom of the picture. BBK takes 2 too many steps to his left, gets caught up in the slop and can't recover. Not sure what Gaines is doing either. He clearly has a read of some kind, but not sure what his responsibility turned into.
Yes. Tevis runs towards the Utah sideline after getting yelled at by a safety. I'm guessing a RB or TE was split out wide.
I dont know what the correct defensive alignment was supposed to be but given the down and distance and position on the field (3rd and 5) I find it odd that Tevis should have been 40 yards down the field in man to man coverage on anyone with safety help over the top and Potatoe in zone coverage so far outside he is nearly standing on the numbers.
Other angle: I have no fucking clue what the fuck Potatoe is even fucking looking at, is he looking to the sideline in the middle of the play to see what he is supposed to be doing? https://gifs.com/gif/confusion-other-angle-G54V85
Upon further review UW should have called an immediate TO when Tevis and Potato were running around with the secondary guys yelling at them.
BBK has really only 1 problem. He does not drive through on his tackles. He generally reads correctly, makes it to contact, and then He locks well, but after contact plays his weight as a drag to bring a runner down.
It doesn’t work that way. My jr high coach called that being a “Daddy Draper”. Extra 3 yards to the running back.
Plant, hit and drive your luscious, meaty things through the tackle until it looks like you’re riding a bicycle up someone’s taint. Gotta tackle a running back like you’re fucking a cheerleader. It’s all about the thighs.
BBK has really only 1 problem. He does not drive through on his tackles. He generally reads correctly, makes it to contact, and then He locks well, but after contact plays his weight as a drag to bring a runner down.
It doesn’t work that way. My jr high coach called that being a “Daddy Draper”. Extra 3 yards to the running back.
Plant, hit and drive your luscious, meaty things through the tackle until it looks like you’re riding a bicycle up someone’s taint. Gotta tackle a running back like you’re fucking a cheerleader. It’s all about the thighs.
@StlouisDawg , check this thread out which @CokeGreaterThanPepsi retweeted. This guy does a really good job breaking down reads for the LBs and DL gap coverage. There’s a lot of clear instances where BBK is putting himself into bad positioning due to either not recognizing fast enough or not at all, and his lack of athleticism doesn’t allow him to cover up for mistakes.
Being white is a memory eraser. No matter how many dumb, lazy things you do or plays you can’t make - immediately after the game you are tuff, hard working, smart and have a high football IQ.
Not just white, but a white guy who has cut his long hair before the start of his SR season. That stat right there makes the panties wet. It shows that he is taking his last season serious and has come into his role as a senior leader on and off the field.
BBK gets dragged way too often. He's an instinctual player though. You can make it a black/white thing but he's around the ball more than any LB in recent years, including Azeem and Bierria. Why do you guys think that is?
He's not even close to 2016 Azeem and he gets run over and dragged for extra yards. It doesn't fucking matter if he's "around the ball" and consistently giving up 7-8 yard gains that should be stopped for 4 yard gains. GTFO. Baffles me why you're the biggest BBK defender. Is he your boyfriend?
I'm BBK's father.
Remember guys, parents of recruits and players - even retarded ones - read these boreds.
Being white is a memory eraser. No matter how many dumb, lazy things you do or plays you can’t make - immediately after the game you are tuff, hard working, smart and have a high football IQ.
Being white is a memory eraser. No matter how many dumb, lazy things you do or plays you can’t make - immediately after the game you are tuff, hard working, smart and have a high football IQ.
High revving engine
Lunch pale kind of kid. The kind of kid you want for your daughter. High character kid.
BBK has really only 1 problem. He does not drive through on his tackles. He generally reads correctly, makes it to contact, and then He locks well, but after contact plays his weight as a drag to bring a runner down.
It doesn’t work that way. My jr high coach called that being a “Daddy Draper”. Extra 3 yards to the running back.
Plant, hit and drive your luscious, meaty things through the tackle until it looks like you’re riding a bicycle up someone’s taint. Gotta tackle a running back like you’re fucking a cheerleader. It’s all about the thighs.
THis is fake news. Did you watch that perfect form tackle for the stop? He hit the man, wrapped him up, and threw him down. Absolutely what they teach in junior fb.
BBK has really only 1 problem. He does not drive through on his tackles. He generally reads correctly, makes it to contact, and then He locks well, but after contact plays his weight as a drag to bring a runner down.
It doesn’t work that way. My jr high coach called that being a “Daddy Draper”. Extra 3 yards to the running back.
Plant, hit and drive your luscious, meaty things through the tackle until it looks like you’re riding a bicycle up someone’s taint. Gotta tackle a running back like you’re fucking a cheerleader. It’s all about the thighs.
THis is fake news. Did you watch that perfect form tackle for the stop? He hit the man, wrapped him up, and threw him down. Absolutely what they teach in junior fb.
Hopefully he can do that more once in his UW career
BBK has really only 1 problem. He does not drive through on his tackles. He generally reads correctly, makes it to contact, and then He locks well, but after contact plays his weight as a drag to bring a runner down.
It doesn’t work that way. My jr high coach called that being a “Daddy Draper”. Extra 3 yards to the running back.
Plant, hit and drive your luscious, meaty things through the tackle until it looks like you’re riding a bicycle up someone’s taint. Gotta tackle a running back like you’re fucking a cheerleader. It’s all about the thighs.
THis is fake news. Did you watch that perfect form tackle for the stop? He hit the man, wrapped him up, and threw him down. Absolutely what they teach in junior fb.
Hopefully he can do that more once in his UW career
Hills I thought you'd be glad to see a white guy on defense making sloppy tackles? Or, are you opposed on some kind of faith-belief grounds?
irregardless the gifs with presnap confusion:
Other angle: I have no fucking clue what the fuck Potatoe is even fucking looking at, is he looking to the sideline in the middle of the play to see what he is supposed to be doing?
Upon further review UW should have called an immediate TO when Tevis and Potato were running around with the secondary guys yelling at them.
He's almost always in the right place, but he just wraps guys up too high and can't tackle very well. Azeem, as you may recall, tackled the fuck out of opposing RBs, sometimes picking them up off the ground and slamming them onto the turf. BBK simply cannot do that.
It doesn’t work that way. My jr high coach called that being a “Daddy Draper”. Extra 3 yards to the running back.
Plant, hit and drive your luscious, meaty things through the tackle until it looks like you’re riding a bicycle up someone’s taint. Gotta tackle a running back like you’re fucking a cheerleader. It’s all about the thighs.
Get used to it, this is BBK's year
Fu k off