Meh, what do you expect Gaskin to say publicly? Good for him for being a better team mate than his QB is.
If he was a true man of character he'd come out and publicly say that Brownsox sucks ass at football and that if he doesn't get his shit together, he and Salvon are gonna kidnap Jake and drop him off by himself in Rainier Beach at 1:30am....but no.
Someday people will realize it doesn't take a phd in a coaching to understand if a coach is doing things right. Your CEO isn't an expert on every topic in the company and they don't have to be. Does chris Petersen need to be the best position coach at every position to be qualified to hire his staff?
Couldn't have said it better, People don't appreciate how good Browning is. He is perfect college QB. Do they not realize what a waste of time it is for him to go to practice? Yet everyday he is their despite having nothing to improve. Probably never made a mistake in his life.
I bet that little bitch really thinks he's put a shot across the bow with tweeting this comment from a beloved-by-all player, when all he's doing is giving credibility to the growing movement that Browning is going to ruin another potentially great season by posing the question in the first place. Fuck I almost suffocated getting all that in one sentence. I need to stick with the gifs
So how many of you have coached a D 1 game? That's what I thought