Someone recently registered to Hardcore Husky using your name and a RealDawg addresss. However, their first few posts were so strange and unstable that I was convinced someone was screwing around pretending to be you. Out of courtesy to you I deleted the account. But today Grundle posted a tweet from you saying Hardcore Husky was trolled. So I'm assuming that you're referring to that account and maybe that really was you. If it was, go ahead and sign up again and I'll put you through. I have zero qualms about you posting here.
Someone recently registered to Hardcore Husky using your name and a RealDawg addresss. However, their first few posts were so strange and unstable that I was convinced someone was screwing around pretending to be you. Out of courtesy to you I deleted the account. But today Grundle posted a tweet from you saying Hardcore Husky was trolled. So I'm assuming that you're referring to that account and maybe that really was you. If it was, go ahead and sign up again and I'll put you through. I have zero qualms about you posting here.
Someone recently registered to Hardcore Husky using your name and a RealDawg addresss. However, their first few posts were so strange and unstable that I was convinced someone was screwing around pretending to be you. Out of courtesy to you I deleted the account. But today Grundle posted a tweet from you saying Hardcore Husky was trolled. So I'm assuming that you're referring to that account and maybe that really was you. If it was, go ahead and sign up again and I'll put you through. I have zero qualms about you posting here.
Someone recently registered to Hardcore Husky using your name and a RealDawg addresss. However, their first few posts were so strange and unstable that I was convinced someone was screwing around pretending to be you. Out of courtesy to you I deleted the account. But today Grundle posted a tweet from you saying Hardcore Husky was trolled. So I'm assuming that you're referring to that account and maybe that really was you. If it was, go ahead and sign up again and I'll put you through. I have zero qualms about you posting here.
Fuck that doesn't even make sense now that I've typed it out. Oh well.