It's a classic rhetorical device you see in politics all the fucking time, you acknowledge what others around you are saying about you and say that you "feel their pain" or "believe me, no one is hurting more than I am". While this often works on people that are on the fence or on his side, it usually does not work on people that have already lost confidence in the person.
Exactly. Clinton perfected that strategy and the soccer moms still love the prick. Sark has his finger on the pulse of liberal Seattle and the fire Sark crowd is just sound and fury, signifying nothing. Or so I fear, Bill Shakespeare and me.
Dude, Clinton oversaw the greatest peacetime economic expansion in U.S. history. He is incredibly popular because he can point to tangible results.
Sark has no results.
Next time pick an example that makes your point.
Bush the First left more in the cupboard for Clinton than Willingham did for Sark.
Bullshit. Don't ask me to list the reasons, because I will...starting with the recession of '92.