I will say this: Doog Bot has a solid sports guy, podcast voice. Reminds me a bit of Bruce Feldman when I listen the Audible podcast. But great first attempt at this.
@Swaye definitely sounds like someone who grew up in the land of steers and queers. Kinda like a modern day Slim Pickens. It's weird hearing all these southern accents as Husky fans.
Also great to hear @RaceBannon 's voice back on the airwaves. For years his was the only Husky pod I knew of. Kind of make me feel like I was back in 2010 celebrating the Holiday Bowl win and thinking we were back.
Yeah, I tried to get rid of the Texas Oklahomo accent but many parts of it are still there, all these years later. I can't say the word iron to save my life. Sounds like IRN...no O. When I first started flying for the Navy, and keep in mind you are wearing a mask and speaking into that, which doubled my fucked up shit accent having voice, I had many aircraft controllers say "CALLSIGN XX, you are coming in broken and unreadable..." and I'm like MOTHERFUCKER it's my goddamn voice you racist pieces of SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!11!!!!!!11111!!!!
I will say this: Doog Bot has a solid sports guy, podcast voice. Reminds me a bit of Bruce Feldman when I listen the Audible podcast. But great first attempt at this.
@Swaye definitely sounds like someone who grew up in the land of steers and queers. Kinda like a modern day Slim Pickens. It's weird hearing all these southern accents as Husky fans.
Also great to hear @RaceBannon 's voice back on the airwaves. For years his was the only Husky pod I knew of. Kind of make me feel like I was back in 2010 celebrating the Holiday Bowl win and thinking we were back.
Yeah, I tried to get rid of the Texas Oklahomo accent but many parts of it are still there, all these years later. I can't say the word iron to save my life. Sounds like IRN...no O. When I first started flying for the Navy, and keep in mind you are wearing a mask and speaking into that, which doubled my fucked up shit accent having voice, I had many aircraft controllers say "CALLSIGN XX, you are coming in broken and unreadable..." and I'm like MOTHERFUCKER it's my goddamn voice you racist pieces of SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!11!!!!!!11111!!!!
I will say this: Doog Bot has a solid sports guy, podcast voice. Reminds me a bit of Bruce Feldman when I listen the Audible podcast. But great first attempt at this.
@Swaye definitely sounds like someone who grew up in the land of steers and queers. Kinda like a modern day Slim Pickens. It's weird hearing all these southern accents as Husky fans.
Also great to hear @RaceBannon 's voice back on the airwaves. For years his was the only Husky pod I knew of. Kind of make me feel like I was back in 2010 celebrating the Holiday Bowl win and thinking we were back.
Yeah, I tried to get rid of the Texas Oklahomo accent but many parts of it are still there, all these years later. I can't say the word iron to save my life. Sounds like IRN...no O. When I first started flying for the Navy, and keep in mind you are wearing a mask and speaking into that, which doubled my fucked up shit accent having voice, I had many aircraft controllers say "CALLSIGN XX, you are coming in broken and unreadable..." and I'm like MOTHERFUCKER it's my goddamn voice you racist pieces of SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!11!!!!!!11111!!!!
TYFYS. But, you sound short.
5' 11" so not tall. But not short. Just right.
Is that what dnc tells you to keep your self esteem up?
I will say this: Doog Bot has a solid sports guy, podcast voice. Reminds me a bit of Bruce Feldman when I listen the Audible podcast. But great first attempt at this.
@Swaye definitely sounds like someone who grew up in the land of steers and queers. Kinda like a modern day Slim Pickens. It's weird hearing all these southern accents as Husky fans.
Also great to hear @RaceBannon 's voice back on the airwaves. For years his was the only Husky pod I knew of. Kind of make me feel like I was back in 2010 celebrating the Holiday Bowl win and thinking we were back.
Yeah, I tried to get rid of the Texas Oklahomo accent but many parts of it are still there, all these years later. I can't say the word iron to save my life. Sounds like IRN...no O. When I first started flying for the Navy, and keep in mind you are wearing a mask and speaking into that, which doubled my fucked up shit accent having voice, I had many aircraft controllers say "CALLSIGN XX, you are coming in broken and unreadable..." and I'm like MOTHERFUCKER it's my goddamn voice you racist pieces of SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!11!!!!!!11111!!!!
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I want my 10.95 back.
Holy shit! We must have exceeded ten listeners!
Welp, there goes three years of hard work for me down the drain. FML
Watching DDY jerk off over strapping young lads is hard work? Okay. I'll take your word for it.
I will say this: Doog Bot has a solid sports guy, podcast voice. Reminds me a bit of Bruce Feldman when I listen the Audible podcast. But great first attempt at this.
@Swaye definitely sounds like someone who grew up in the land of steers and queers. Kinda like a modern day Slim Pickens. It's weird hearing all these southern accents as Husky fans.
Also great to hear @RaceBannon 's voice back on the airwaves. For years his was the only Husky pod I knew of. Kind of make me feel like I was back in 2010 celebrating the Holiday Bowl win and thinking we were back.
Yeah, I tried to get rid of the Texas Oklahomo accent but many parts of it are still there, all these years later. I can't say the word iron to save my life. Sounds like IRN...no O. When I first started flying for the Navy, and keep in mind you are wearing a mask and speaking into that, which doubled my fucked up shit accent having voice, I had many aircraft controllers say "CALLSIGN XX, you are coming in broken and unreadable..." and I'm like MOTHERFUCKER it's my goddamn voice you racist pieces of SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!11!!!!!!11111!!!!
Maybe next time don't record the pod in the middle of the ocean
So far I have been told I have a shitty twangy Slim Pickens voice and am a short loser. Also maligned for being in an alien rape chamber. So there won't be a next time you faggots. This is why you can't have nice things. I'm quite sensitive you know. So FUCK OFF I'm DONE being your punching bag!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!
I will say this: Doog Bot has a solid sports guy, podcast voice. Reminds me a bit of Bruce Feldman when I listen the Audible podcast. But great first attempt at this.
@Swaye definitely sounds like someone who grew up in the land of steers and queers. Kinda like a modern day Slim Pickens. It's weird hearing all these southern accents as Husky fans.
Also great to hear @RaceBannon 's voice back on the airwaves. For years his was the only Husky pod I knew of. Kind of make me feel like I was back in 2010 celebrating the Holiday Bowl win and thinking we were back.
Yeah, I tried to get rid of the Texas Oklahomo accent but many parts of it are still there, all these years later. I can't say the word iron to save my life. Sounds like IRN...no O. When I first started flying for the Navy, and keep in mind you are wearing a mask and speaking into that, which doubled my fucked up shit accent having voice, I had many aircraft controllers say "CALLSIGN XX, you are coming in broken and unreadable..." and I'm like MOTHERFUCKER it's my goddamn voice you racist pieces of SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!11!!!!!!11111!!!!
I will say this: Doog Bot has a solid sports guy, podcast voice. Reminds me a bit of Bruce Feldman when I listen the Audible podcast. But great first attempt at this.
@Swaye definitely sounds like someone who grew up in the land of steers and queers. Kinda like a modern day Slim Pickens. It's weird hearing all these southern accents as Husky fans.
Also great to hear @RaceBannon 's voice back on the airwaves. For years his was the only Husky pod I knew of. Kind of make me feel like I was back in 2010 celebrating the Holiday Bowl win and thinking we were back.
Yeah, I tried to get rid of the Texas Oklahomo accent but many parts of it are still there, all these years later. I can't say the word iron to save my life. Sounds like IRN...no O. When I first started flying for the Navy, and keep in mind you are wearing a mask and speaking into that, which doubled my fucked up shit accent having voice, I had many aircraft controllers say "CALLSIGN XX, you are coming in broken and unreadable..." and I'm like MOTHERFUCKER it's my goddamn voice you racist pieces of SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!11!!!!!!11111!!!!
Maybe next time don't record the pod in the middle of the ocean
So far I have been told I have a shitty twangy Slim Pickens voice and am a short loser. Also maligned for being in an alien rape chamber. So there won't be a next time you faggots. This is why you can't have nice things. I'm quite sensitive you know. So FUCK OFF I'm DONE being your punching bag!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!
I thought you were terrific, especially putting the caveat on what a successful season looks like- i.e., win a big bowl game and no matter what, don't loose to Flex Friday and his gay ass mustache.
Wow, the power of HCH is awesome!
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